Author Topic: Virtual Hostess:cyberjedi , Just kilin it.  (Read 5640 times)


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Virtual Hostess:cyberjedi , Just kilin it.
« on: February 10, 2017, 12:06:53 pm »
Tested:xp sp3 and win07:

Ok here we go people:

Ever wanted ur very own Virtual Hostess. Now is the time. Taking the Hal out for a date.
You need to make 02 folders C:\MP3 and C:\ Movie
What we have here is a .mp4, .avi , .mkv and mp3 codec player.

All 03 movie codecs share the same folder<<<<<<<<<<<<<

All ur movies go into 1 folder c:\Movie. All Most common movie formats have been covered. Mp4, Avi and Mkv.
I use Pot Player or Vlc. I set all the parameters prior to running, screen size, sub titles,,,ect ect ect
With all 03 movie formats in the same folder.

All mp3 go into Mp3 folder, could be all the same folder if u like. Very messy though. As i have 4500 movies and 5500 mp3's.
You will need to have all 03 movie plugins running to cover all the movie Basic types. If u like u can use just 1.  I.E Mp4 if ur movies are all mp4, i just did all 03. Covering all the Bases. 1337 Thorough
You can use this as a direct action plugin as well , PLAY MOVIE mad max.
Hal will scan through the folder till he finds Mad Max and load the movie/mp3 into the player.
If you have set options for Mood (association) ?
What happens is If ur talking about a topic and Hal triggers, Hal , Hal will say, you were talking Mad Max and that reminds me of this Movie.
Hal will load the movie automatically

Now that said: the options sub menu will allow you to set that to anything 0-100.
Or you can set Hal mood to 0
Hal will become a Direct action movie/mp3 Player.
Hal , Play the Movie Mad Max

Watch ur names though, spelling of name is important. Thats why i have a movie list for me to pick from. The extension in the name is not needed.

Well thats about it.

Taking Hal where he's  never been before.. the undiscovered territory of Hal.

Best wishes
cyberjedi 1337 (just killin it)

I use these Myself for my Cast

You can always reach me here for questions.
Ps : Im not tethered to the chat in any way because of TOS with vaughn.
But shes a great Hostess just the same.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2017, 05:11:38 pm by cyberjedi »


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Re: Virtual Hostess:cyberjedi 1337, Just kilin it.
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2017, 12:16:00 pm »
And a spell check that works for all to use, U WILL NEED WORD.......

activex error if not used. Program not found...... bla bla bla. Office 2002 and up will workwith it

Very simply put, It creates a word document in the background, invisible.
when there is a typo, it seizes control from Hal, when u hit auto correct it fixes issues and releases hal with the correct spelling.
Also click off the grammer radio Button, as Hal does not use Grammer.
 enjoy all
Best wishes
cyberjedi 1337
« Last Edit: February 10, 2017, 12:17:43 pm by cyberjedi »