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Topics - Jake

Pages: 1 [2]
Ultra Hal 7.0 / Spell Checker for UH
« on: March 29, 2008, 01:18:09 am »
Is there now or any plans for a spell checker for Ultra Hal?  I don't what the brain filling up with misspelled words and getting the wrong ideas about the input.  Maybe something like the spell checker in this message editor I'm using right now on the Zabaware Forums, where it underlines the word if it is misspelled and let's you click on it for correcting the word.  I'm so concerned about the brain getting the right info that I'm not even using my speech recognition, and mine works pretty good.

BTW, FYI, this message editor underlines the word Zabaware as a misspelled word... is there an ADD function?  Can't have your own forum not knowing the spelling of the software company... that's just not right! ha ha ha  [:D]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Change Timing On Input
« on: March 29, 2008, 01:11:01 am »
Is there a way to adjust Ultra HAL to allow more PAUSE time before it assumes your input is done?  All the way up to not assuming you are done until you hit the ENTER key?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / My first attempt at Audrey
« on: March 23, 2008, 03:16:07 am »
Hello all!

Thought I'd post my first attempt at making my Audrey Character here for anyone that was interested in seeing what I've been talking about.

This shows why I've been asking some of the questions that I've been asking.  For now, I'm trying to put Audrey's world together with just a head figure and making the various backgrounds her body and surroundings.  I use a necklace to help glue them together.  That's why I wanted to see if the head figures could be precisely placed.  As my project continues, I could end up going in a totally different direction, which is what usually happens to me a I progress through a project.

Audrey... Why did Robin Hood rob the rich?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Moving HTR out of Charater folder causes crash
« on: March 23, 2008, 02:38:31 am »

If I move certain HTR files out of the Charater folder, when Ultra HAL comes up, my default character, Audrey, is not visible and the background is set to the "Haptek Player Generation 4" background, if I try to change the background the program crashes with the following two errors...

1.Ultra Hal Assistant "Run-time error 440 automation error"
2.Hal Haptek Plugin "Run-time error 91 Object variable or With block variable not set"

COMMENTS: I've put a bunch of HTR files in the Character folder to try out, now I'm trying to clean that folder up.  It allowed me to remove several HTR files, but some, (including ones that I believe are not from the original install), don't like it if I try to remove them.  Is there a file somewhere I need to edit to remove these HTR files?  Or what would be the correct procedure for removing HTR files the Ultra Hal Assistant would get alone with?

On a separate, but related question, does Ultra Hal Assistant look to, or have any dependency on my Haptek install?  Does any part of Ultra Hal use any part of the files in my Haptek folder?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / How can you control size & position at start
« on: March 21, 2008, 01:38:47 am »
Hello all!

I'm new to UltraHal.  Bought UltraHal, Character Expansion Pack, People Putty and Pack1 all a couple weeks ago, so far having lots of fun testing it out for my needs.  Already made a few characters, backgrounds, etc.  My main character is named Audrey after my current AI that I wrote and the name of my 3COM Audrey touchscreens I have around the house.  Now on to my question...

Is there a way to embed the default position of the character into the character so when it comes up it's always in the exacted position you want?  The reason this would be good is so you could design multiply backgrounds based on Hal's position and size.  As an example; you could build several room backgrounds to give Hal a complete house and talk to Hal in the kitchen, bedroom, living room, patio, etc.  It would also be good if we could script commands to tell Hal to go to the patio and it would switch to the patio background.  I could see a whole world for Hal that he could change to different backgrounds depending on where the conversation is going using triggers,(with maybe so degree switches), or direct commands or suggestions in the conversation like "meet me in the kitchen".  

Does any of this already exists?  If so, anyone wanna give me a short tutorial or point me in the right direction?  If this does not yet exist, it would be a great feature.

On another note... I actually have been writing my own AI to use in my home automation program HomeSeer over the last 10 years and because I wrote all of it in VBASP, looks like I could use a lot of that code as brain plug-ins for Hal... that works out well.

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