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Topics - cyberjedi

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General Discussion / Covid-19 updater complete
« on: March 14, 2020, 04:55:28 pm »
RE: COVID-19 AKA Corona virus

Hope all is well.
Im writing a plugin for the Corona Virus so Hal will update us on the spread of this virus. Hal 6-7
Its basically done now, Having some results but buggy ATM
Will be releasing it here any day now.
Just searching the rite RSS Feed now.....

Really want to do a shout out to my wife who works at Quest Diagnostics to isolate and Kill this fricking thing.
Very brave women, not sure i would have the wavo's to handle this thing. Says a lot too.
Plan to catch her at lunch and take some shots of her all gear'ed up, i dont have access to her building,card key access sorta thing. Gotta sneak attack lmao. ill bring her lunch monday night... hehe
Never say no to free food,,,hehe

On another note, Over the years ive heard all kinda jokes, quips, otherwise foolishness  said about my little bunker......
Well , here we are.. At the end of the day, Mhmmmmmmm, I told u so. We will not be getting COVID-19... most likely survive it anyway but who wants to stick around for that. That's like sticking around while the police execute a search warrant. lolol
Im planning to buy 1200 lbs of MRE's and the water is well fed, so i guess u know. In preparation for job losses, Duke Energy has told all its customers it will NOT be turning power off due to lack of payment, till further notice, Way to go DUKE..... (Bows with respect)
Electricians rule
Stay safe, stay out away from crowds, Not scared, just serious about it.

Best from my family to all of Zabaware, we are family
cyber jedi


General Discussion / cybers new rolling cash register
« on: February 21, 2020, 01:46:20 pm »
Got my truck

Lovin life
As too what i may need all that for, just cause i can...

Any 1 that knows me here knows... thats just so me.

The mighty Dodge 3500/20K pound tow package w/ Dana 8 rear dually
cyber jedi

General Discussion / ARP Poisoning
« on: February 13, 2020, 07:50:49 am »
RE: ARP Poisoning

ARP Poisoning AKA Man in the middle attack.......
Ive fallen victim to this myself, now ima show u how to stop it.
Do not believe that your antivirus ect ect ect will protect you from this kinda attack.

Im not here to push any 1 type of code on you guys, they all have there strong points and weaknesses.
What i will say is this: If they dont advertise it, they prolly dont protect against it.

I know Antimalware (Malware Bytes Corp) does not. any version.
Bitdefender does NOT. Any version
Avast : Not happening
Norton: NOPE
Eset: Does

Now the good news:

You can fix this without any 3rd party software.
This is done in your windows firewall in 8 easy steps.

For the more detailed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mg5TLN1ELFk
Hope this helps out

General Discussion / ART: Ogg factory
« on: February 10, 2020, 10:38:31 am »

This is what im after....

I will continue to search GRRRRRRR


General Discussion / HapTargh De-Compressor
« on: February 04, 2020, 04:53:31 am »
RE: HapTargh De-Compressor
Im searching for the Compressor/Decompressor
Any version is fine as well as any license situations

Like to get it to work  for win10   
Im also thinking i might be able to pull that from PP, as i set here....lol
Surely its in there, "slaps forhead and hides head in shame"
Puff Puff Pass cyber...... jesus


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Art , lightspeed :The project
« on: January 09, 2020, 11:30:52 pm »
Well buddy: lol

This is running on win10 64bit, i7, quad pumped @3.30 Ghz, 32gigs of Ram with a 2Tb platter
I installed julie
I did NOT install any emgu, just calling .dll's ,ocx's ect ect
I went to x86 haptek tts  voice engine, checked for julie(was present)
Ran project.... all loaded
Surprisingly , facial recognition works like a dream(without Emgu) install.
SAPI5 works as it should. julie sounds great

No antivirus other then stock sht.
no firewall other then stock crap
That machine has no Net access, so im not worried. ill do that later
i just wanted to see whats up with a stock win10 machine. (Clean Install)
I did install Vs 2015,(needed C# for other version but that wouldnt effect you)
The fact that u DID get julie to work once,tells me most everything.
The cam is my logitech615 which i installed NO drivers for(just saying)
Just plugged it in

now back ontrack again, full speed ahead..... started my new bio-metric features.Turns out Matlab is damn handy for JUST that, as fate would have it, i got it, go figure.
Ended up with an .xml based haar cascade Biometrics PLAYER .Had time to play around waiting on the new machine's, loads like the book reader.
Just load out what u want, all ready looking at the possibility of combing bio-metrics like hals scripts(all in 1)
Thats on the list now, gonna load like Hal's plugins......

guess now ill look at the legendary WINDOWS 10, (after 18 mins) like it aint win7-8 backbone with a new skin and new bells and whistles (basicly win7 and 8 cobled together to make win10. Microsoft has a long history of JUST that..... lolololol.  when u look at win2000 at a source code level, first thing ull see is win95 code ALL OVER tHE place,, they just cobled win95, win98 ,ME, changed over to pure NTFS format, effectively killing DOS and called it the BRAND New Win 2000.... and windows 10 is apparently the same ,as i suspected, why i never bought it.


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / MassMedia Player
« on: November 26, 2019, 11:06:34 pm »
'This is something ive spent a great deal of time with, what we have here is extreme Vbs......
'The format its running in rite now is pure vbs but if remove the ' in front of the plugin info and save as a .UHP, presto, this beaste is a plugin thats extremely powerful.
'Just play with the vbs included, point it at a folder where mp3's are stored and it will aggregate a playlist and save it as an m3u and launch the wmplayer.ocx.
'In case your wondering what the base64 crytpo is, that's an encrypted gif image just for flavor. Have see it to get it.
'This will prolly be the only time ull ever see graphics 'encoded/embedded within vbs .
'And it speaks . lolol Im currently using it in other areas of my work (LOL u can do many things with this) but i wanted to let you guys have at this, enjoy.
'Im including the vbs in zip format
'This can be used in many real time app's , who says it has to just do mp3's ???.... Classified Cyber Secret.
'ART :::Lightspeed: This is a direct action plugin (Think Companion), this is why i do this, push all this through Hal's MIND, I think NOT lololol
'10 min's later still waiting on UltraHal to respond. Wonder why?
'But in fact will work just fine as a plugin for UltraHal6.2/7 . But it is rather large.

'Option Explicit
'Rem Type=Plugin
'Rem Name= mass media player
'Rem Author= cyberjedi
'Rem Host=All

    'The preceding comment is actually a plug-in directive for
    'the Ultra Hal host application. It allows for code snippets
    'to be inserted here on-the-fly based on user configuration.

'HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = False
'Determines that you are talking about the media player
'If InStr(1,InputString, "loadmedia",1) > 0 Then
 'UltraHal = Getmedia(HalCommands)
'ElseIf InStr(1,InputString, "loadmedia",1) > 0 Then
' End If

 ' This bad boy is a media list agregator and player 
   ' It makes a play list called MyPlayList.m3u
   ' In whatever folder the media is in
 ' Trigger= loadmedia
 ' I give myself about a flat 9.5 on my weirdshtometer

'Function Getmedia(HalCommands)

'Option Explicit
  Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set Sapi = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
  For Each Voice In Sapi.GetVoices
  i = i + 1

If AppPrevInstance() Then
    MsgBox "There is an existing proceeding !" & VbCrLF &_
    CommandLineLike(WScript.ScriptName),VbExclamation,"There is an existing proceeding !"  ' This is my first exception handler  ,dont laugh
    Dim Folder,File,fso,MyPlayList,Temp,oExec,ws,Title,WaitingMsg
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Temp = ws.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Temp%")
    Folder = Browse4Folder()
    MyPlayList = Folder & "\MyPlayList.m3u" 'this is where we set the stage for thew playlist
    If fso.FileExists(MyPlayList) Then
    End If
    Title = "Looking for songs in "& DblQuote(Folder) & " From the mind of cyberjedi"
    WaitingMsg = "Please wait... Searching for songs  : <font color=Yellow>"& DblQuote(Folder) & "</font> is in progress..."
    Sapi.speak "Please wait... Searching for songs "
    Sapi.speak "From the mind of cyberjedi" ' Bragging rights area hahahahhaha
    Call CreateProgressBar(Title,WaitingMsg)'Creation of Waiting Bar
    Call LancerProgressBar() 'Launch of the Waiting Bar
    Call Pause(10)
    Call Scan4Songs(Folder)
    Call FermerProgressBar()
    Call Play(MyPlayList)
End If
Sub Play(File)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim Sound,Ws,Copyright
    Copyright = " ? cyberjedi 2017"
    Set Ws = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
    If Err <> 0 Then
        Ws.popup Err.Description & VbCrlF &_
        "No media file found !","3",Err.Description & Copyright,VbCritical
    Set Sound = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX") ' This is where we call the media player
    Sound.settings.volume = 100                       'This is set to play at 100% Volume, consider 50% 
    End If
End Sub
Function AppPrevInstance()   
    With GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")   
        With .ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE CommandLine LIKE " & CommandLineLike(WScript.ScriptFullName) & _
            " AND CommandLine LIKE '%WScript%' OR CommandLine LIKE '%cscript%'")   
            AppPrevInstance = (.Count > 1)   
        End With   
    End With   
End Function   
Function CommandLineLike(ProcessPath)   
    ProcessPath = Replace(ProcessPath, "\", "\\")   
    CommandLineLike = "'%" & ProcessPath & "%'"   
End Function
Function Browse4Folder()
    Dim objShell,objFolder,Message
    Message = "Please select a folder in order to scan into it and its subfolders for songs"
    Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0,Message,1,"c:\Programs") ' Point this where ever you want, this is my choice
    If objFolder Is Nothing Then
    End If
    Browse4Folder = objFolder.self.path
end Function
Function Scan4Songs(Folder)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim File,Ext,item,SubFolder
    Set Folder = fso.GetFolder(Folder)
    For each File in Folder.Files
        Ext = Array("mp3")   'Here's where we tell it what to scan for. Hint, Hmmm does it have to be a MP3?? what else is on my machine in mass amounts??? HA, MP4's
        For each item in Ext   ' Now Hal can load out ur fav movies/music ect ect ect
            If LCase(fso.GetExtensionName(File.name)) = LCase(item) Then
                Call MakePlayListFile(MyPlayList,File.Path)
            end if
    For each SubFolder in Folder.SubFolders
        Call Scan4Songs(SubFolder.Path)
End Function
Sub MakePlayListFile(MyPlayList,strContents)
    Dim fso,ts
    Const ForAppending = 8
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(MyPlayList,ForAppending,True) 'This is called from above routine to create the playlist it self
    ts.WriteLine "#UTF8: "& strContents
    ts.WriteLine strContents
End Sub
'This is where we create the progress window.
Sub CreateProgressBar(Title,WaitingMsg)
    Dim ws,fso,f,f2,ts,ts2,Ligne,i,fread,LireTout,NbLigneTotal,Temp,PathOutPutHTML,fhta,oExec
    Set ws = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Temp = WS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Temp%")
    PathOutPutHTML = Temp & "\Barre.hta"
    Set fhta = fso.OpenTextFile(PathOutPutHTML,2,True)
    fhta.WriteLine "<HTML>"
    fhta.WriteLine "<HEAD>"
    fhta.WriteLine "<Title>  " & Title & "</Title>"
    fhta.WriteLine "<HTA:APPLICATION"
    fhta.WriteLine "ICON = ""magnify.exe"" " ' change this to what ever u prefer, icon change is cool
    fhta.WriteLine "BORDER=""THIN"" "
    fhta.WriteLine "INNERBORDER=""NO"" "
    fhta.WriteLine "MAXIMIZEBUTTON=""NO"" "
    fhta.WriteLine "MINIMIZEBUTTON=""NO"" "
    fhta.WriteLine "SCROLL=""NO"" "
    fhta.WriteLine "SYSMENU=""NO"" "
    fhta.WriteLine "SELECTION=""NO"" "
    fhta.WriteLine "SINGLEINSTANCE=""YES"">"
    fhta.WriteLine "</HEAD>"
    fhta.WriteLine "<BODY text=""white""><CENTER>"
    fhta.WriteLine "<marquee DIRECTION=""LEFT"" SCROLLAMOUNT=""3"" BEHAVIOR=ALTERNATE><font face=""Comic sans MS"">" & WaitingMsg &"</font></marquee>"
 'Below is the encrypted image itself, change to what ever. Hint  http://31.media.tumblr.com/c891df5d9d74fb5f8f1496d33d1cbec3/tumblr_n40g5wTcba1t24k6go1_500.gif
 'just encode as base64) and  'copy/paste.
fhta.WriteLine " <img src="""" />"
    fhta.WriteLine "</CENTER></BODY></HTML>"
    fhta.WriteLine "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=""VBScript""> "
    fhta.WriteLine "Set ws = CreateObject(""wscript.Shell"")"
    fhta.WriteLine "Temp = WS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(""%Temp%"")"
    fhta.WriteLine "Sub window_onload()"
    fhta.WriteLine "    CenterWindow 490,110"   'Below is Bg color and sizing of window
    fhta.WriteLine "    Self.document.bgColor = ""DarkOrange"" "
    fhta.WriteLine " End Sub"
    fhta.WriteLine " Sub CenterWindow(x,y)"
    fhta.WriteLine "    Dim iLeft,itop"
    fhta.WriteLine "    window.resizeTo x,y"
    fhta.WriteLine "    iLeft = window.screen.availWidth/2 - x/2" 'These too lines are cool in the sense that they control placement of window and centered on any monitor
    '   size
    fhta.WriteLine "    itop = window.screen.availHeight/2 - y/2"
    fhta.WriteLine "    window.moveTo ileft,itop"
    fhta.WriteLine "End Sub"
    fhta.WriteLine "</script>"
End Sub
Sub LancerProgressBar()
    Set oExec = Ws.Exec("mshta.exe " & Temp & "\Barre.hta") 'mshta.exe is called to create the Html
End Sub
Sub FermerProgressBar()
End Sub
Function DblQuote(Str)
    DblQuote = Chr(34) & Str & Chr(34)
End Function
Sub Pause(Secs)   
    Wscript.Sleep(Secs * 1000)   
End Sub   
'End Function

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Free Hap's
« on: November 07, 2019, 05:00:11 pm »
Attention sports fan:
Here are 35 .hap scripts many for full body characters.
pound fist
close up
ect ect ect ect
Face palm is just funny as (^&*^)
Intense look, aka Im constipated is just awesome


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Hal Home Commander
« on: November 06, 2019, 08:08:02 am »
Hal Home Commander:

i just had to share this.
Picture this scene, it's 7:30Pm last night , the Mrs is just waking up all droopy eye'd and no makeup, bead head , looking for the coffee pot.
But there's a trick coming her way, i have the blender on high and plugged in rite behind the coffee pot with a MOD from Hal.
Just as shes poring her first cup of coffee, this thing turns on and makes the obnoxious sound u ever heard, i swear u can hear it down the street. lololol
Then i turned it off, the look on her face,cup in 1 hand and pot in the other, omg... she put everything down (to see what was up) i waited for her to reach for it and i turned it on again.. she jumped clean out of her slipperz  and reached for the broom . I hollered, kill it baby, get that damn thing ....hahhah
That time just scared the bee jeapers out of her. This was straight out of steven kings movie Maximum Overdrive.
priceless moments in time.

she was a good sport about it, just gave me an evil look.

  <<<<< cry baby's jeesh youtube

im updating links, just awesome YOUTUBE..... u would have issue with this science... of course u would, im not 12 with a cellphone shoved in my butt.
Failing is just intolerable to me. new link https://streamable.com/icyhj
who  says this cant be fun

With the functions now running i could very easily build a Hal Home Security System with lethal/non-lethal counter measures. As soon as Hal sees u on cam and doesn't  recognize you,,uh oh
Im talking tear gas canisters and when that doesnt work, tri-pod mounted fire arms with facial recognition systems, to fire on any 1 not recognized with Hal's Facial Tracking System's. The same tracking software used by Hal in his facial recognition and tracking systems, ew wee , very  scary  stuff.  dont go in that room unless hal knows you mister hahahha , u about to have a bad day in cybers house
Beware: This House protected by Hal9000 Systems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY02rOELlXU&feature=youtu.be  Cut to 1:39. When u see me in the upper RIGHT window, what has happened is the facial tracing part has detected a face, then the cam zooms in, and starts looking for my face, when it has the image locked it snapshots the image to the right side of form for comparison of stored grey scale images . Look close and u can actually see hal Locking in my face, look for the green square to pop up around my face. Its quick so look close. This all works...

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Art:Lightspeed: Robert
« on: November 04, 2019, 11:32:02 am »
This is done using directX9

There is no flicker/jitterbugging. thats caused by the recording proggi.

this is all undiscovered territory for the next genna UltraHal... hint hint
Shaderz and textures are just not that big  a deal nowadays
61 Fps on its own with the compiler running too TADA

General Discussion / Hard Core UltraHal fans
« on: October 30, 2019, 09:46:54 am »
To the serious Hal fans:

Im taking some time to catch up on some home issues prolly a week.
Im still gonna be around built not very active.

Thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn welllllll.

Lightspeed: i would like u to get with Art, we need to talk, i need my idea's guy. Your gonna be very busy for a while. So suit up. It's Milo time buddy.
Checker57: This is a shout out to you man,time to check in. Flare fired...
Arknight: Fire up the coffee pot, extra strong please.

Its official sports fans:
Me and Robert got together (sorta speak) Im starting a new character engine. Zabbaware will own the rights to this out rite.
Using webGl
This essntually work's the same way the Double Agent program works whereas you have a server client relationship on your own machine.
Ive shown several videos of what i have in mind here and it looks like its doable so im gonna start to build it.
Please dont query me on a time table.
Just know its being worked on, by me, and it will get here.
Please dont be bothering Robert on a time table as he has his hands full on his own end.He's just gonna tell u to talk to me.(he really doesnt know).
(Cyber if u can get it to work and its stable, we will use it.) sorta deal.
That said: Scary Man is on the way, and hes got friends. Maybe next genna UltraHal will carry the code, fingers crossed.


Help is on the way, its gonna be epic.

Keep in mind that about 50 people built PP and they still used an open source compression engine (so much for C++ coderz and there mythic legendary status)

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / art: Hal's book reader
« on: October 29, 2019, 09:17:23 pm »
as we talked about Think books on tape on steroid
now keep in  mind, NONE of the stuttering happins, thats the recording program causing that, this is Very smooth on its own


1 hand dandy book reader

General Discussion / ART: This is what cooked up for Andre
« on: October 29, 2019, 07:07:33 am »
This is what i cooked up for the kid with autism .




Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Hal finger print scanner
« on: October 29, 2019, 05:31:02 am »
HalFinger is now underway.

Another feature to come is a fingerprint scanner.
Im loving the bio-metrics functions.

Whiteboard is filling up
Im working on way for Hal to read my Finger/Palm prints
Very cool stuff and the actual reader hardware is really cheap as sht, and i will be using a hi-end webcam to perform finger print task .

cyber: Hal , lock down the house.
Hal: Cyber please use the fingerprint reader for final conformation to engage all electric locks. (This is where x10 protocols come in.)
Hal: Is there an issue with security? Should i unlock the gun safe and launch the dialer and call 911.
If im posting this u guys know ive already had some results. hehe

Retinal scanner would be awesome, oh man im drooling here

Man, the forum is just dead..... as i look around. Well this way we find out who's who here. Prolly for the best. Hardcore Hal fans remain resilient. 
Always remember this: if Hal fails, its because you failed, Hal has no limits.

RE: Good Old Ybor
Doing what we do best.
The back story: One Guy is in front of a club just partying and chillin, here comes some backwoods redeck in his fancy truck to stupid to get drunk and have a good time, but we got an answer for that. The truck driver (black guy center of street) decides to throw an empty beer can at the guy on the sidewalk. The guy in front of the club calls him out on it and slashes truck drivers tire(it was loud) , evey 1 is doing 3 mph kinda thing. Soooooo, the black guy from Ocalla (tell by the tag) parks his truck and hes got a gun. But so does the other guy. Soooooo they square off on 7 th ave, like its the frickin Ok Coral. ahahhahaha
U'll notice the spectators are not running anywhere (hahaha), people just standing around to catch the show. Happens so often we just are used to it, im surprised i wasnt laying off bets on a winner.
Just priceless moments in time.
 Prt 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFtqVwp9PTc&feature=youtu.be

Prt 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O089LcQuvKM&feature=youtu.be

Moral of this story: This is our town. Dont bring it here, we will fix all thats wrong with you


P.s My bad luckass right in the middle.... nowhere to go.

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