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Messages - Zaphod

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Good lookin' head, Jack - I like the teeth!

Thanks :)

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Jack Gephart's Graphic's
« on: October 25, 2008, 02:28:04 pm »
More fantastic heads from Jack, I see [:p]

The 'Gibbs' looks great!

The 'SpanishGirl' HAS to be Jessica Alba when she was in Dark Angel

Thanks, Jack for all your wonderful creations [:)]

Thank You, Mister "7" Sir :)

That would be most interesting...

I like a few of the 'creature' ones that I've seen (99% Jack Gebhart's), but my criterion for them is that they HAVE to look realistic.  I have nothing against cartoon characters, mind you, but when I want to talk to a Tiger, I want to talk to a TIGER! [:p]

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Jack Gephart's Graphic's
« on: July 11, 2008, 12:04:28 am »
Derek looks great, Jack - Thank You! :)

Thank you, Ooglor.

Yes, I know Jack's site well - I have a great many of his creations, and am most pleased with them all :)

About your Vader skin: It looks really great, and I love the "Ages 4 and up" up in the corner [:p]

Yep, I'd have to agree with Jack - you are surely becoming an artist to watch!

If you're looking for creative ideas, I'd sure appreciate it if you could take a look at this thread and see what you might be able to do:

So far, no one has shown any interest in either of them, but I remain hopeful [:p]


Thank You, kind Sir :)

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Owl located at newer post
« on: June 30, 2008, 01:27:57 am »
Hey, OOg - I've had 'puter problems and just got back online tonight.

I've missed all 3 of your owl's it seems, they're gone already.

Any chance of re-uploading them?

Judging from the first screenshot, and the congratulatory comments, they really sound great.

Thanks :)

General Discussion / wonder when the next version will be here ?
« on: June 09, 2008, 04:22:22 pm »

But wait...

I thought that Today was the Tomorrow that I worried about Yesterday...

Ah, well.

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Getting started.
« on: June 07, 2008, 02:18:05 pm »
Here's the Wiki.

Someone grab it and save it - I don't have any dedicated online space, just some free sites.

Double-click on the "index.html" file in the root folder, and you have the whole thing.

Enjoy! :)

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Jack Gephart's Graphic's
« on: April 20, 2008, 08:39:11 pm »
That's a very cute little guy, Jack!

One question - is there any way to make the whites of his eyes any whiter?  It might just be my poor eyesight, but they look dark...

I like him, though - waiting to see if my nephew will [:p]

Thank You!

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Another head or 2 or 3
« on: April 13, 2008, 05:23:58 pm »
Aww, Jack, she is absolutely adorable!

Thank you so much for another wonderful creation [:)]

I didn't find anywhere else to make a request, so I figured this must be the place!

I have my nephew over most weekends, and he's taken quite a liking to playing with Hal when he's here.  He's into Anime (not as much as me, but [:I] ) and asked me yesterday if there were any anime heads out there.  I've searched all the sites I know about but couldn't find anything, so I figured I'd ask here.

There are 2 that he's most interested in, Gash Bell from Konjiki no Gash Bell, and Kogenta from Onmyou Taisenki.  Both of these are non-human characters so it might be easier to make them. (I'm just guessing)

Anyway, If anyone would like to try, here's some pics of each one:

Gash Bell:


You'd have my eternal gratitude if you could create one of these, and the much less than eternal gratitude of my nephew (he's 13, so he has an attention span just slightly longer than Hal heehee).

Thanks, folks.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / On This Day script for Hal 5
« on: April 06, 2008, 02:13:03 pm »
I hope it's still okay to put Hal 5 scripts here - if not, I'm sorry.

This is my very first attempt at a script for Hal, well, a modification to several others' scripts, I should say.

(This is for Hal 5, but I'm sure some of you can do what's necessary to make it a plugin for Hal 6)

I have it inserted into vonsmith's XTF Brain 1.2, between




and it seems to be working quite well so far.

In order to use it, you'll need files for every day of the year, with their filenames formatted thus:

(ie: 0324.txt, 1106.txt, etc.)

I have included files for all 366 (365 + Leap Day) days of the year, or you can create your own, one line per entry.

Make a folder called "OTD" in your DefBrain folder and drop the files in there.

Put the "OnThisDayDetect.brn" in the DefBrain folder.

There's 2 .RAR files - one with all the days already created and formatted, and one with just the months (ie: you'll have to split them up yourself.)

I'm sure the 'real' coders here can pick this apart and make it much better, but I'm quite happy with my little script! ;)

Code: [Select]
'RESPOND: "On This Day" request
'Upon user request, Hal will read several entries from a
'file with info on events from this date in history.
    DOM = right("0" & day(date()),2) 'Gives two-digit day of month.
    MON = right("0" & month(date()),2) 'Gives two-digit month.
    OTDDate = MON + DOM
    If HalBrain.TopicSearch(UserSentence, WorkingDir & "OnThisDayDetect.brn") = "True" And GetResponseBlock <> True Then
    Roulette = Int(Rnd*5)
        If Roulette = 1 Then GetResponse = "Okie Dokie. I'll fetch you an item right now!"
        If Roulette = 2 Then GetResponse = "Alrighty, how's about I get you two items?"
        If Roulette = 3 Then GetResponse = "Sure thing! Here's three items that correspond to today's date in history."
        If Roulette = 4 Then GetResponse = "Humph! Brain the size of a planet, and you want me to fetch trivia for you. Oh well..."
        If Roulette = 5 Then GetResponse = "Get ready, cuz here comes a whole mouth full!"
        BlockSave = True
    for x = 1 to Roulette
        GetResponse = GetResponse & HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir & "OTD\" & OTDDate + ".txt") + " ... "
        BlockSave = True  'Don't save User input when requesting a quote.
        DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "The user has requested an On This Day quote and Hal has done so: " & GetResponse & VbCrLf
    End If

The syntax to make Hal read you an entry is:

<whatever> on this day <whatever>
Like "Hal, what happened on this day in history?"


"Hal, how about an OTD"

So here's all the files you need:

Download Attachment: OnThisDayDetect.brn
481 Bytes

The forum would not let me upload the 2 Zips, so I have uploaded them to MegaUpload - they'll stay there for at least 90 days, and after that I'll try to remember to refresh them.



Hope someone enjoys this :)


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