Author Topic: New User Errors  (Read 2229 times)


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New User Errors
« on: March 26, 2006, 05:39:14 am »
I just choose your free text to speech software over others because you have a forum well here i am.  I am using w98se, windows media player 7.1 , 40g hd and ie 6.0, hope that helps. When i cut and paste text into the reader it reads it fine, there seems to be no limit, 20 pages or 300 p seem ok.  But when i try to convert the text into a Wav file a convert text window comes up that shows the status bar, the total time, time past and time left, i let the clock hit 30minutes and no text to wav got saved everything just froze up whats that all about and of course whats the fix.?   I was using MSMP 6.4 but kept getting error 80040218, so following ms instructions i upgraded expecting a fix and oops nothing, so what now, is there a better free player that works with your reader that i should have or what ? -  thanks for the help i need it . . .