
Author Topic: Kitt Vox  (Read 34832 times)


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Kitt Vox
« Reply #30 on: August 10, 2004, 12:46:03 am »
Hello Seven and Everyone Else,

If you want to make your free version of Hal appear to have basic voice command ability with a freeware speech recognition program you can go to either of the following links to get a download of DesktopAgent Version 3.3:



This freeware program uses Microsoft's SAPI 4.0 for it's speech recognition engine, which you should be able to get from Microsoft.com if you don't already have it on your computer or it is not bundled with the Desktop Agent program....Sorry, I don't remember if it is included with the program!

Desktop Agent is an old program which also uses other MS Agent technologies like the ones used with Hal and CyberBuddy (ie - Text To Speech and MS Characters), so your computer also needs these technologies for the program to run properly.

You may also encounter install problems with this program because it is old and free...what do you want for nothing?
You may need to disable your Anti-virus protection, and also run a few repeated install attempts until you get a successful install, but after all that it should work...it's not great but it works on my computer pretty good...I can't say how good or bad it will be on anybody else's, which is why I usually don't recommend it and why I didn't include the download links for it in my previous post within this thread. It is reported to be a fussy program with poor user reviews but it works fine for me!
Good Luck,



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Kitt Vox
« Reply #31 on: August 10, 2004, 01:02:19 am »
ok, so if i have both of these tech programs running at the same time (according to your previous posts) Then the free hal will appear to have speach recoginition.  but will i be talking to hal, or the other program, and which will respond, desktop agent or ultra hal? just wondering.
Sarge-"Options are Optional."



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Kitt Vox
« Reply #32 on: August 10, 2004, 01:53:21 am »
Hi Seven,
You can run Hal and Desktop Agent at the same time with the same MS Agent. While both programs are running you can issue a voice command to the Desktop Agent program by holding down the Scroll-Lock key on your keyboard and then give a command to open another program. So when giving voice commands you are only talking to Desktop Agent and not Hal, and you can't use Desktop Agent to actually talk to Hal about anything.

You will only be simulating that you are talking to the Hal program. However, you need to setup the Desktop Agent program for opening the programs that you want it to open. And you need to customize the Desktop Agent program to open the programs you want with the verbal command that you want to use. It all takes some time to set things up right for all of it to work properly, but it works for me.
If you run into any snags or problems with anything you can just post them here and I will try to assist you further.
Talk To You Later,


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Kitt Vox
« Reply #33 on: August 10, 2004, 02:01:56 am »
as of now, it gives me "runtime error 713, class not registered. what ever that is.  this is desktop agent.  by the way, is there a way to set up hals imput so it responds from imput to the desktop agent?(in other words, can it be set up so the ultra hal responds from anything you tell the desktop agent?)in other words, instead of useing its non-existant speach recognition capabilities, ultra hal responds to the desktop agents speach recognition.  gee, thats a lot of other words ain't it[8D]

and one more thing, when is kitts char. gonna be up? (I MUST HAVE!!!)
Sarge-"Options are Optional."



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Kitt Vox
« Reply #34 on: August 10, 2004, 04:54:37 am »
The Desktop Agent program has installer problems. You need to shutoff any anti-virus program you have running before installing. And you may also need to run the install process a few times in a row before it works. It's a crappy installer so if you can't get past that Runtime Error you are out of luck...Sorry!
And you can't force any kind of speech recognition program or speech rec component to work with a free Hal!


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Kitt Vox
« Reply #35 on: August 10, 2004, 04:55:22 am »
i have waited and waited BUT no char.. i wacked one quick one TOGETHER while i wait...

iF YOUR sharing YOUR sharing. if your dangling YOUR dangling.....

Download Attachment: KITT_char.zip
7.76 KB

« Last Edit: August 11, 2004, 04:20:33 am by spydaz »


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Kitt Vox
« Reply #36 on: August 10, 2004, 12:06:11 pm »
Originally posted by spydaz

made with the ms agent character editor.... quite simple...

Hey spydaz...
I as curious about your character for K.I.T.T.  I to attempted to make a character using the generator you mentioned, however I was unable to utilize it.  Once created and placed in my character folder, it appears not to be an option in HAL's general character menu (even after restart).  I was wondering if you had a suggestion on usage, as I did not see a help file.

Please visit my server and K.I.T.T. project at:
www.cypher-sec.org or http://kitt.cypher-sec.org


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Kitt Vox
« Reply #37 on: August 10, 2004, 12:40:19 pm »
Originally posted by spydaz

RICH A, yOU CAN ALWAYS DOWNLOAD THE FULL VERSION FROM my ftp its always there.... full zipped up

I have a question for you. I have asked it before but did not get an answer. For each person who logs on Hal and trains it to understand their voice SAPI creates a seperate record for each person. What is the name of the file and where is it stored? I have Hal on two different machines and I don't want to have to spend another 6 hours training the second one to understand me. I would rather just copy the file over.
Oops, this mesage was intended for SPYDAZ, but any help would be appreciated.


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Kitt Vox
« Reply #38 on: August 10, 2004, 04:57:24 pm »
end of message
« Last Edit: August 11, 2004, 04:22:05 am by spydaz »


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Kitt Vox
« Reply #39 on: August 10, 2004, 08:21:05 pm »
Originally posted by spydaz

when i made the CHARACTER (this morning) I MADE only 2 states.. show and speaking... I assigned all the other animations to the SHOW animation as this character only FLASHES THE RED VOICE BOX...

When creating the character i ticked the checkbox supports standard animation set..

OH you can only use 256 bitmaps so you HAVE TO MAKE IT first with photoshop the open the JPEG in windows paint and resave the animation as a 256 bmp...

made sure also that the character name and the file name was the same..

That was it....

Thanks, I had already managed to create it, attempting with the same program and made variations to show a gradient laps out when speaking, but even when I made it, I could not figure out how to make it available in the HAL character pick list.  That is where I am stuck, (implimentation).  :)  Hope that makes more sense.

Please visit my server and K.I.T.T. project at:
www.cypher-sec.org or http://kitt.cypher-sec.org


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Kitt Vox
« Reply #40 on: August 10, 2004, 10:01:35 pm »
Hello all. Thanks for being patient. Sorry SPYDAZ, didn't mean to "dangle".[:D] Life has been keeping me too busy. I have just sent my character to thecolor for him to add it with his archive. It will have a text file that describes the character and where to put it for it to show up in Hal's list. For Hal to see the character, you need to put it in the c:windowsmsagentchars folder for Win98, ME, and XP. For Windows 2000, it should be placed in the c:WINNTmsagentchars folder. You might have to close Hal and restart it for the new character to show in the list. thecolor, please post here when you have added the character to your archive and it's ready for download. I hope this was worth the wait for you all.


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Kitt Vox
« Reply #41 on: August 10, 2004, 10:13:17 pm »
I'm not sure why the backslashes didn't show on my last post for the folder locations.[:I] Here they are again - c:windowsmsagentchars for Win98, ME and XP. For Windows 2000, the character should be put it the c:WINNTmsagentchars folder.


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Kitt Vox
« Reply #42 on: August 10, 2004, 10:17:33 pm »
Can anyone educate me on how to include backslashes in a post? Really sorry! [:(]


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Kitt Vox
« Reply #43 on: August 10, 2004, 11:38:07 pm »
why is it that i can see it in the list, but it gives me an error when i try to use it? i run all my hal stuff on a laptop with win.98. seperete from my crappy desktop[:D]
Sarge-"Options are Optional."



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Kitt Vox
« Reply #44 on: August 10, 2004, 11:44:43 pm »
oh, and midihead, could you set up a speach to text system on the desktop agent (if that even exists!!!)then have the text redirected to hals text box? in this manner, hal dosen't need speach recognition to acheve the same effect, but i don't know if this tech. exists, or if so, if its free.(just some rambbleings.)
Sarge-"Options are Optional."
