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Topics - Spiral Architect

Pages: [1]
I'm looking through the source for the default brain and I have a couple questions.

What is the purpose of the variable called Spinwheel?

How can I have a look at the UltraHalAsst.Brain control to check out it's methods and functions?


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Appointment problems
« on: January 25, 2002, 06:20:51 am »
I can't make hal set an appointment for really early in the morning (like 3:15 AM) by telling him or manually typing it into the appointment editor

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Problems with Hal
« on: January 25, 2002, 03:03:36 am »
I've got a couple of problems with Hal.

First off, he seems to think that everyone's birthday is November first.

Second off, I can't get him to remember my friend Jan's birthday.  I'll tell him that 'Jan's birthday is on June 4,' and he says 'O, really?'

Third off, when I try to manually enter an appointment for 'Jan's birthday' I get the error message: "The time entered is invalid"

I suspect that 2 and 3 have something to do with the fact that Jan is an abbreviation for January, and Hal doesn't want to associate it with anything but time.  Bummer.  I've tried to add using Janice, J_a_n_, etc.  with no luck. Any advice?

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