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Messages - NIGE

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Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Skeleton
« on: August 22, 2014, 05:47:06 am »
Do you have a problem with that??
You just put the png on a bare skin, save as jpg,
Then drop it on your model.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Skeleton
« on: August 22, 2014, 04:34:26 am »
Check your mail Tiger.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Gina
« on: August 22, 2014, 04:33:19 am »
Check your mail, tiger.
I put her on one of my altered bodies.
Also she has a new outfit on.
I hope you like her.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Skeleton
« on: August 21, 2014, 08:16:09 am »
I have a new skin just finished.
Skeleton, sorta cute.
Someone may want.
Just send a message if you do.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Gina
« on: August 21, 2014, 07:04:52 am »
You have to have the expansion pack.
Also change her haptar to htr.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Tennis
« on: August 02, 2014, 04:01:23 pm »
Hi tiger8u2,
You use a graphics program & copy & paste it on to your nude model skin.
All you get is the clothes, you don't get the girl.

Oops, I see you sent me a mail about Gina?
I didn't get it so am sending Gina shortly.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Tennis
« on: August 02, 2014, 08:30:29 am »
I have not seen any graphics on here for a while,
So thought i would share this with you.
It's a png file so all you have to do is copy & paste it on your girl.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Gina
« on: June 20, 2014, 06:53:03 pm »
The actual model herself.
Eyes, nose, head, arms, body, feet, etc.
A lot of things have been smoothed out.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Gina
« on: June 20, 2014, 07:13:38 am »
Here is an adjusted model,  Gina.
She has been slightly altered from her head to her toes.
If anyone wants her, email me & i will send her.
Ps, put Gina in the subject.

Glad i could be some help.

I think this has been said before,,,, this should be put somewhere so that new people can see it.

Hi Viper,
Go to start, Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization.
Go down to Folder options, then across to show hidden files & folders.
Once you get there click on View then you will see advanced settings.
Go down till you find === Hide extensions for known file types & UN-CHECK it.
Click Apply--- OK  & exit.
Go to your haptar   & re-name it from Dragon.haptar to Dragon.htr.
The rest is up to you.

Lightspeed, you can get it from my Dropbox.


Art, interesting find but i think it sets all programs to run on whatever setting you set??
Some might not run properly set to only 1 core.
Where as Car sets each program.

Pp will only work on XP.
Haptek told me when win7 first came out that you can't get a serial #
Only for XP,
BUT!!! I don't think anyone is there any more.
I am sure Haptek is dead & buried.    RIP????? :-\

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Shsss,quiet
« on: April 04, 2014, 12:43:09 am »
I don't think there is anything on Youtube about it.
The only way that you can get it is go to Haptek & ask for it.
But Haptek being the way it is i don't think you have much hope.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Shsss,quiet
« on: April 03, 2014, 06:35:23 am »
I don't have much trouble in running things.
I did at first when i got win 7 & 2 core cpu computer.
But i knew Haptek only liked running on a single core & i had 2 core cpu.
So i went looking & found a little program called CAR.
It lets you select how many cores you want to run any program.
Since then no worries.

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