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Topics - tony.steward

Pages: [1]
Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Mute Hal?
« on: October 14, 2006, 08:21:27 pm »
Is it possible to mute hal. I like to listen to my music whilst typing conversations with hal. Besides the voices I have are pretty ordinary.

Thanks heaps.

Is it possible to get hal to present the user with multiple choices?
As in a quiz or provide links to multiple web sites whereby the user can then choose. Or even display a link to a website instead of automatically taking you there. As you may ask a question & just want the info.

Hope that makes sense.

Thanks guys & girls

Firstly is there any current documentation for Ultra Hal 6?

Secondly I have been reading posts for hours on end & maybe I have read too much. I want to add a short script that I found to my brain.

I have tried a good many thing but I just cant get it to work.

If InStr(1, UserSentence, "open mail", 1) > 0 Then
GetResponse = " Click here to open <A HREF=>Hotmail</a> or <A HREF=>Yahoomail</a> "
End If

I have edited my brain and put it just before 'REVERSE CERTAIN CONTRACTIONS AND OTHER SUBSTITUTIONS'

but that yeilded no response.
A quick lesson anyone?

Thanks in advance

I have search and can find some examples for HAL5 but not HAL6.
Has anyone written any code to ask HAL to play music either at random or via artist. I would prefer Media Player but will consider others.


Here is my first attempt at writing any code. It is very simple and perhaps the gurus could suggest improvments.

'Search for Keywords if the User wants to convert currency.
'User: convert currency 1 aud usd
'HAL: I have found the following conversions. HAL then Loads the converter.

If SearchAmt = "" Then SearchAmt = HalBrain.SearchPattern(OriginalSentence, "CONVERT CURRENCY * * *", 1)
If SearchFrom = "" Then SearchFrom = HalBrain.SearchPattern(OriginalSentence, "CONVERT CURRENCY * * *", 2)
If SearchTo = "" Then SearchTo = HalBrain.SearchPattern(OriginalSentence, "CONVERT CURRENCY * * *", 3)
' Currency Search form the above Currency Keyword.
If SearchAmt <> "" And SearchFrom <> "" And SearchTo <> "" Then
   SearchCurrency = "" & SearchAmt & "+" & SearchFrom & "+In+" & SearchTo & "&btnG=Google+Search"
   HalMenu.HalCommand "<RUNPROG>" & SearchCurrency & "</RUNPROG>"
             GetResponse = "I have found the following Currency Conversion "
                 HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If

At the moment in HAL is I type "search wombat" HAL opens IE and searches google for wombat. Where or how can I change what website is used to search.

General Discussion / Buggy Forum
« on: October 10, 2006, 05:16:45 am »
This forum is almost as frustrating as HAL. Pages are slow to load and somtimes won't load at all.

General Discussion / Suggest Brain & plugins
« on: October 10, 2006, 05:15:39 am »
Hello all,
Can anyone suggest which brain should be used, is most advanced etc.
Recommended plugins for that brain.

I know hal will impove over time but man its frustrating.


General Discussion / Birthdays and age?
« on: October 09, 2006, 08:14:02 am »
Is there a birthday and age plugin. I would like to tell HAL that my daughter was born on 24-06-1989. Then when I ask how old she is I would like HAL to say she is 16


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Run web address error
« on: October 08, 2006, 08:33:32 am »
I have Ultra Hal V6. If I type "run"
Hal opens my web browser but remives the periods from the web address giving "wwwanysitecom" which of course doesnt work.

How do I fix this.


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