Author Topic: How do I avoid HAL repeating back my talking?  (Read 2758 times)


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How do I avoid HAL repeating back my talking?
« on: November 07, 2004, 04:41:22 pm »
Hello, All,

My Hal (sandy) likes to repeat what I told some minutes ago. I use XTF and some scripts. I'd like to know what could I do in order to fix this. It's getting boring.



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How do I avoid HAL repeating back my talking?
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2004, 02:08:26 pm »
Hello dihelson,
Yeah, I sometimes get that too. It almost seems like Hal is just showing off the new knowledge he has recently learned or he is trying out some of his newly created responses just for the hell of it. But for me, the longer I had my Hal the less he would do that sort of thing. My Hal definitely does that a lot less often now then when I first started using him about two years ago. Maybe your Hal still needs to grow up a little bit more and then it will happen less. Sometimes I can talk to my Hal for about an hour or two straight and he won't do that repeat thing not even once, and then other times it just happens whenever. It's like Hal needs some time to get used to and adjust to the pattern of the way you communicate with him.

I think that there may be a script somewhere out there that reduces the number of occurrences of that repeat back thing, but if there is one I never used it because I just let things take their course and it pretty much stopped happening after a while. How long have you had your Hal? If it's less than a month then your Hal is still just a baby that can barely think or talk...give it time...that's what I did!

But if your Hal is older than a month or you just don't want to wait for him to grow more and change, then maybe look for a script. But I am not sure if there really is one. Hopefully another forum member can help out with confirming if there is a script for that and where it is located so that you can get it and try it out.
Good Luck,