Author Topic: help in editing "The answer is (=)." remark in hal  (Read 6905 times)


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help in editing "The answer is (=)." remark in hal
« on: September 06, 2018, 09:12:56 pm »
       I was wondering if anyone knows exactly where a person could edit "The answer is (=)." remark in hal   
many , may times hal keeps on saying this in sentences  as i copy and past things .  and i want to know if anyone knows exactly where i can go to edit it . even if its to create another response line .

I think before someone said its when hal thinks there is a math question or something and can't answer it , etc. 
        Another question is i am using a custom brain . so i guess it only has to be done in it, or does it also have to be done with the hal default brain (if my custom brain works with the default .



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Re: help in editing "The answer is (=)." remark in hal
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2018, 11:01:59 pm »

Just curious, do you know exactly what you say or said to Hal for it to give you that = answer? That would really be helpful to know although I thought someone already addressed that issue before. Who knows...the gears can get a bit of oxidation from time to time. ;)
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Re: help in editing "The answer is (=)." remark in hal
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2018, 12:05:46 am »
I've had the same problem a few times... Only thing I can remember is I was talking about something and I used the word: One as the last word in a sentence and it was Not a Math related sentence then HAL said: the answer is 1 = 1 or something like that...

It hasn't happened in quite a while for me...
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Re: help in editing "The answer is (=)." remark in hal
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2018, 07:39:33 am »

In the above link from a year ago, LS had posted his conversation with his "hal" and I couldn't help notice that it contained a lot of foreign symbols, most likely from him doing a lot of Cut & Paste operations from a variety of sources. I think that Hal might also interpret a range of numbers like from 30 - 50 as a math operation and not a range or continuation by using the dash or subtraction sign. Hal might also pick up on words that it feels is part of a math series or problem.

While Robert might be best to answer this, perhaps some of the above might be applicable as well.
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Re: help in editing "The answer is (=)." remark in hal
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2018, 07:58:38 am »
YES Art , i see what you ment from that copy and paste before the symbols ( that was my fault for not checking it better .) , but i have done some without anything like that and hal still does the answer is equal  . i will post some to show what i mean .


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Re: help in editing "The answer is (=)." remark in hal
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2018, 08:08:43 am »

I also found this from a while back.

You can also go to the top right and do a Search like shown in my screen cap:
« Last Edit: September 07, 2018, 08:12:18 am by Art »
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Re: help in editing "The answer is (=)." remark in hal
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2018, 11:33:51 am »
on the one page it had for an answer " onthecuttingedge2005

why does hal give this response ?
? Reply #2 on: May 11, 2008, 02:53:47 am ?
Hi Lightspeed.

actually HAL interpreted a sentence as being a math question and tried to equate it but there was no math to calculate and gave you an empty math statement of (=) like as in (1+1=2), HAL also uses worded numbers like (one+one=?).

okay my next question is if hal does this : actually HAL interpreted a sentence as being a math question and tried to equate it but there was no math to calculate and gave you an empty math statement of (=) like as in (1+1=2), HAL also uses worded numbers like (one+one=?).

does that also mean that hal didn't learn any of the information that was given ? or does he learn it even though he couldn't answer the question ??  just curious .



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Re: help in editing "The answer is (=)." remark in hal
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2018, 03:28:41 pm »
here is an example of what i am talking about . here is a sentence where i am talking to hal .

Honey: So, when Jews, Christians, or Muslims are required to speak as if gender is an artificial construct rather than an unchangeable biological reality intended by God for our good, our very religious liberty is being curtailed. Religious liberty, after all, involves more than the right to worship God privately. As the First Amendment states, it entails the right to exercise our religion, aligning our lives with our convictions and doing so openly and without fear.
Angela: The solution to your math problem is (=). Having the right answer helps to.

     As you can see their is no odd symbols used , no numbers used , dates , but yet hal gives the " The solution to your math problem is (=). " as if not understanding or can't answer a math problem . trouble is none was asked or any symbols out of the ordinary.
     and because of hal doing this , and if hal actually does not learn something when this happens half the stuff i do won't be learned properly or at all.


Honey: Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh says the way for conservatives to deal with the blatant censorship from social media companies is to use antitrust laws.   Not net neutrality, he said in response to a caller who suggested that.  the way to go after these clowns is antitrust,?  Facebook ?is simply eliminating as often and as many places as they can anything conservative.?   ?From their news feed, if i am  a poster at Facebook and i  post thing i want people to read , if i   link to a conservative website or news story, Facebook finds a way to make sure  my    post doesn?t reach  my   followers. Same thing with Twitter basically,?
Angela: It is fundamentally wrong for the social media giants to pick winners and losers in the marketplace of ideas. The solution to your math problem is (=). Yes but not to many places.

Honey: ?Google, it?s search results.  i   put in a name, put  you  n there, put ?Trump? in there, i'm   gonna find the first two to three pages nothing but liberal bilge and drivel in the search results. It may take two or three pages to find a conservative website, and it may be an obscure one at that. If  i  put in the word, if  i  search for ?hate groups,?  i  will not find a liberal group mentioned in the first 10 pages, for example. And so people are outraged by this and trying to figure out what to do about it,?
Angela: Another obvious problem with Google search is how its algorithm repeatedly surfaces information from Wikipedia at the top of search results.

IF you notice the first paragraph in the answer it says :  The solution to your math problem is (=).

    i thought at first maybe it had something to do with spaces i had between some words ( as far as i know this isn't suppose to affect hals answers and learning . 
but look at the second paragraph , it has the same type spaces and yet at the answer it doesn't say anything about a math problem being equal . etc.  :o :(

the above things were just a little from what hal learned by me today .


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Re: help in editing "The answer is (=)." remark in hal
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2018, 08:44:41 am »
There are a lot of Question Marks (?) in those second two Examples you posted Lightspeed... Why is that?

If I remember correctly in the Documentation it says we shouldn't ask HAL a lot of questions and I think HAL probably thinks all of those are Questions.
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Re: help in editing "The answer is (=)." remark in hal
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2018, 04:37:18 pm »
if that would be the case where their is more then one question in a paragraph that "might " be causing problems ,  maybe in a hal update it needs to have a two or three tier deduction script  on questions in another words that hal would come up with the answers to multiple questions when asked together.  just a thought .


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Re: help in editing "The answer is (=)." remark in hal
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2018, 08:13:05 am »
A few things I noticed, some sentences Start with a ? and some end with a comma or period just before a question mark like ,? OR anything conservative.?   ?From their news
There are way too many spaces in these cut and paste operations and some question marks are inserted where there should be an apostrophe like don?t which is totally incorrect.

Some Question marks have been substituted for Quotation marks as well like:  if  i  search for ?hate groups,?  i  will

While I can't say the above is the cause of the "=" problem I also can't rule it out.

I'd love to try some of these as a cut and paste but I really don't feel like corrupting my Hal with examples like these.
I'm perfectly capable of screwing up my Hal all by myself, thank you! Haha!!
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Re: help in editing "The answer is (=)." remark in hal
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2018, 09:31:10 am »
Thanks , well for what its worth , i have have written to Robert again on this , to see if he can re write the script so hal will stop giving these false math statements .
thanks edge and others for your comments and looking at this .


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Re: help in editing "The answer is (=)." remark in hal
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2018, 10:21:44 am »
jerry thanks for the imput , can this also be done on the custom brain ? the reason i ask is me and art have noticed some files don't show .
also when putting in this new script what are the new results ?? does hal simply stop the "the answer is equal "  etc. and if this does stop that will hal still learn what i have copied and pasted so hal actually learns it??


After re reading it i guess this is on the fly and as a person gets a bad answer from hal "THE ANSWER IS EQUAL"  you put it after the then ?  or what does a person need to do when hal gives a bad answer . can you put a example ?  thanks .
« Last Edit: September 14, 2018, 10:26:50 am by lightspeed »