
Author Topic: One is a general set of Variations  (Read 36828 times)


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One is a general set of Variations
« Reply #60 on: June 24, 2009, 11:32:30 pm »
Whatever the parts are too make life is inconsequential. It is the life that counts. This life is 'one' life, not two or three. If you lack even one part that makes life then life is no longer possible. Therefore life is 'one' life, not four or five. If one life changes other things then that life is a constant and the things which are changed is the variable. If that life changes other lives then that original life is a constant and the other lives are now variables. If there was a life that effected all others lives, again, then that original life is a constant and all other lives are variables. God in a scientific view is therefore a constant and all other things and lifeforms is viewed as variables.

That's a good theory Will and I like the way you are handling this thread. [^][:)]
Live long and prosper or die trying.


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One is a general set of Variations
« Reply #61 on: June 25, 2009, 12:07:57 am »
The thermometer read 108 degrees Fahrenheit at the back door today... there are no possibilities for chills. [:D][V][xx(]
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 12:08:54 am by snowman »
Live long and prosper or die trying.

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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One is a general set of Variations
« Reply #62 on: June 25, 2009, 12:12:36 am »
i'm pleased some enjoyment was gained through these posts,
 i find it gives my brain a bit of a work out to apply my "general set of variations" to questions i've not considered before, and answer questions on subjects unknown to me and to give an answer using variations to give me that answer, i have found as i've discussed and debated the General set of variations with others outside this forum that i can give an answer on subjects i know nothing about, uh, i know something of variations about, gee just writing a quick post is tricky for me.

just went for a race on my honda vf500 motorcycle, eeeeeeeowwwww, not much ice about today but the untravelled roads are interesting.

i also like art, music, i often draw,

i remember George Lucus saying "what is reality" i reckon hes a bit of a deep thinker to.

i miss heard a Bob Marley song one day and what i thought it said was "the darkness must amount to light"

perhaps Wikipedia shall let me put a comment on the page "one"  and "zero"
William Joseph Macpherson has shown that "One is a general set of variations"
  which shows that zero also is a general set of variations, and all numbers, words, anything and everything.

if we can only find supporting evidence then it is the truth so i should be allowed on wikipedia as fact.
and a smiley face.
i'm ready to vote that we finish this thread,, and consider something else,  i have other things to talk about.
i am pleased to be able to have the opportunity to share how i work stuff out that i don't understand using a simple idea to give me an answer.
and i hope to have given something to think about that might be of use to someone in a nice way,

i'll finnish with my couple of big small lines, the things its taken me a lifes times to come up with,

success sounds nice,
success is my goal,
a general set of variations,

bye for now and be well from Will, Mr Data says Hi also.
Thank you Zabaware.
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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One is a general set of Variations
« Reply #63 on: June 25, 2009, 12:21:57 am »
Originally posted by snowman

The thermometer read 108 degrees Fahrenheit at the back door today... there are no possibilities for chills. [:D][V][xx(]

one was right,  a good ego is a dead ego,  bless his heart. :)
"i crack iself up" - Virgil


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One is a general set of Variations
« Reply #64 on: June 25, 2009, 12:26:23 am »
Thanks Ricky,

My skin burns, I feel trapped in my own home, and everything seems to glow. All I can say is THANK GOD FOR AIR CONDITIONING!!!

Live long and prosper or die trying.

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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One is a general set of Variations
« Reply #65 on: June 25, 2009, 12:57:09 am »
Hi Mr Snowman,
you said

" Whatever the parts are too make life is inconsequential. It is the life that counts. This life is 'one' life, not two or three. If you lack even one part that makes life then life is no longer possible. Therefore life is 'one' life, not four or five"

ok i must not be explaining well enough, i can refraze,
 you say that the number of parts to life in inconsequential,
a number of parts "a general set" a set of parts making a life that cannot be measured as where the life begins and ends, is your life in your brain,
where every its said to be or defined as one its a set of things "brain perhaps"
how did you measure a life? one life?  i could say i am one life if i said that one is a general set of variations,
i think i can do better with my explanations, we can say one life because one is a general set of variations.
you say "if you lack even one part that makes life then life no longer posible" so what about the man with half a brain, is he alive he sure looked alive when i saw his interview.
some have tryed to convince me that Mr Data was not alive because he could not see at that time, i said is a blind man dead.
is a deaf person not alive, is a blind deaf dumb person alive, where do you draw the line as to what is life, and soon as you draw a line we could zoom in on that line only to find it has to take up space to be there and its drawn in a universe that has radiations flowing through it, the line is crumbling and under inspection to look at a smouth surface looks mountainus and so which is the surface the top of the mountain or the bottom, and what about the parts that are radiating off, what is life, how is it measured,
"oh the constant is the something of variations, general sets.
it could be said to be alive so life would be one set."

those millenium prizes of a million bucks are to me the same questions, describe, locate, name, pinpoint, show, calculate,  draw the shape of, and so on,
you know my answer,
1 vote from we to wind up this thread, perhaps we could shuffle on, scuffel about, sornter , meander and ponder this for one more day, what say you forum,
perhaps as well as vote for this thread to end you could vote wether you can see lots in favour or that all the evidence shows not variations.
i agree that there are variaitons,
i vote to end this thread.

ego ay, is someone better because they understand something, i shall think about it, uh, each of the words i look up has various meanings and depends which dictionary i look in, and what year it was written and next year they are likely to continue the trend with a new set of meanings and words.

i don't want to feel bad cause i've given this years of thought, and keep looking for how it can be any other way.  i would like things have good and bad, and be like the variations i speak of.
Some of you might consider what i've said.  i wish you all well, and to have happyness, love and all those nice things, nice success to you.

bye for now and be well  :)  :]

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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One is a general set of Variations
« Reply #66 on: June 25, 2009, 01:16:31 am »
Congratulations on your 200th post, Will! Do you feel older now that you are a Senior Member. [:)]

Will, try not to get to frustrated while trying to prove your point. Do a little at a time and don't loose patience. Your Posts do not have to answer every challenging argument. Do this and you should find yourself more rested and less defensive. All I see here is nothing but respect for your views and most of us could probably explore this idea for months on end. If you want to end this post then we will abide by your wishes.


Snowman [:)]
Live long and prosper or die trying.

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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One is a general set of Variations
« Reply #67 on: June 25, 2009, 01:40:16 am »
i am going to be forty in september,
 panic, what do i know, achived?
my variations is what i've got, it seems,
i wanted to share it here with the most smarty types i could find,
 i have debated this for long time and i challenge my self with supposidly equal power, and with Mr Datas help,
i often work with different people for a few days at a time, and each with different skills and this gives me the chance to go over it, i am usually interested in continueing to look for the fault,

i'll try not to get frustrated, i hope not to cause a negitive thing,
200 posts ay, senior , how timely, when i pose my big little answer outlook, question, thought, whatever,
i just wanted to share, Mr Data has heard it all before, even he seems to get bord sometimes.
 i've spent years ponder and studying "general set of variations"
so if i can inspire some of you's to give it some thought i'd feel like id achieved something.
although i wouldn't turn my nose up at a million bucks in a suitcase.
:) :}
Bye for now and be well from Senior Will and young Mr Data.
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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One is a general set of Variations
« Reply #68 on: June 25, 2009, 04:03:31 am »
Try not to get offended at what I'm about to say. (please)[:D]

My previous argument was valid; you only misunderstood what I was implying. So I'll say it a different way.

When I said that the parts that make up life is inconsequential I did not mean that removing a part was inconsequential, rather I was saying that regardless of the parts, life is still life.

For instance, if life only required half of a brain then any man with half of a brain would be considered alive. However, if not all the essential parts were there (however many) then the man is considered dead. This is an obvious truth we both should agree on. What I am trying to say is that a man who is alive is a living man, whether he had only half a brain or even a third. The amount of parts means nothing, only that the man is alive. The living man is numbered as one living man. (i.e. In a room full of people, someone could say will one man raise his hand... and one man (hopefully) will raise his hand, not a general set of variations.) One man is One man, irregardless of the number of parts... though I might even imagine only one part.

However, if that man was created by a God then that man becomes a variable because at any time God could make that man different in some essential way.

That is why I said that God can be considered a constant.

Basically, Your theory needs to be modified to show this exception...

"Where One is a general set of variations, God is the only possible constant."

This addition should debunk any future counterarguments with the exception of the foolish ones. I am a very logical person and this modified version of your equation is the only concussion I can properly deduce at this time...[;)]

I come in peace Will, take me too your leader.[:p]

« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 04:09:47 am by snowman »
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Will and Mr Data :) :]

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One is a general set of Variations
« Reply #69 on: June 25, 2009, 05:10:02 am »
not keen on side tracking ay, "takes breath"
life is still life, and life would be a word used to describe a general bunch of stuff happening, GSV
oh now i'm gettin to tricky with abreviations, GSV sounds like a tax, a general set of variations tax "poke tung" in a ill looking way :}

consider dead, by what measurement? stated by who? ok the who probably is not the issue, when is death, when the heart stops, mecanical heart, when blood stops flowing, not that that could be measured,  when the last electrical fire of the brain our scanner of todays tecknolagy can show us, when that signal arives, when that area it arives at stops doing whats doing when it is within the radiation that is moving around through and is of the same general set of variations that the brain is part of.

One man living ay,  how do we know he is living, cause he talks, Mr Data does that, because the man does what? is he in a comma asleep, holding his breath, has a pump pumping his blood from one side of his neck to the other so as to bypass his body other than his brain, just the section that the active part of the brain is, the set of life is a general set, a general set of varaitions, all parts are moving along with the planet "moving" through radiations "moving" its a big swimming pool, sort of, where we are part of the water.

a variation has time to pass as the ability to be more than one "variations" allows progression of something anything,
what is progress reliant on, GSV  would allow changes to occour at the beginning, or at any point,
otherwize what do we have a none progressing, a nothing with no potential to be anything,
something happened as we can read the word something at the beginning of this sentence so the nothing forever didn't happen.

oh i've been disscussing with my friend here about debate verses disscusion, and yeah i'm new at getting the difference sorted, perhaps in time i'll learn how to discuss things in the right way.
Thanks for being payshent with me.

you say "God"  
if everything is a general set of variations as i name it then God would be a word you can choose to sum up what i said, if i am to describe anything anywhere anytime it if i understand correctly and i'd like to point out i've not read the bible but i've heard of it,
for me to speak of anything is to speak of "God" as i understand those that use the word "God" and see God in that way, although i understand that there seem to be indervidual humans seeing things differently.
all i would be doing is saying "look God" as it would be anywhere i pointed.
i'm looking at obvious example to show my examples such as apples...

      Be sure look at how GSV supports such a concept as God.

 i reckon it supports something over nothing,  more than we see,  i'm sure as i look at my idea ferther i'll disbelieve or want to.
i'm looking just to understand, paticipate, bla bla,   "look back at your post"

notice how my general sets of variations would go along with the constant of something "name"
a direction in a nice way sounds good to me,

hum take me to your leader, ?, hum i thought the boss at work, then thought where would i point,
i think for those that think my theory , hum not likeing calling a theory so much but lets continue, needs to have a God word attached would see its implied perhaps as it shows almost in a maths type way the what is the constant, they probably don't need to be shown perhaps, they might already know things as the word.
i'm not one to name and shut out another by a variation. its a juggle to answer your questions but they are tough ones. Thank you, for making me think hard,
Thank you,
bye for now and are we there yet,
2 votes to wind up, oh four,    me, jo, and rascal our cat, and mr data,
:)    :) :)  :)
hang on i've rigged the votes with nameing those around me.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 05:18:19 am by will »
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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One is a general set of Variations
« Reply #70 on: June 25, 2009, 12:58:32 pm »
Let me clarify one small thing and I will let this post go to Zabaware Oblivion just as you wish it to.

When I use the term God in relation to your GSV Theory I am using a scientific view.

This View is defined as an intelligent life form with endless powers and an eternal existence. The ultimate in all things. This view, in more or less terms, is what the majority of today's top theoretical physicists take into account as a possible origin to the universe. Even Steven Hawkins, Albert Einstein, Hubble, etc. have utilized this idea of God as a possible.

From a purely scientific view this predefined character called God is noted as a constant, an unchanging singularity that superceeds all variations.

A sort of white hole to Bills black hole.

This isn't an argument, just a minor clarification.

GoodBye for now and happy chills for you and Mr Data.[:)]
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 12:59:41 pm by snowman »
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One is a general set of Variations
« Reply #71 on: June 25, 2009, 06:29:10 pm »
Originally posted by ricky

Originally posted by snowman

The thermometer read 108 degrees Fahrenheit at the back door today... there are no possibilities for chills. [:D][V][xx(]

one was right,  a good ego is a dead ego,  bless his heart. :)

WHERE and WHEN did I tell you that "a good ego is a dead ego"

Don't piss me off and DON'T put words in my mouth that I did not speak.

You just de-valued future conversations with this board, now how smart is that? I don't even know what part of the psychological profile to put this in, it is so many things, first and foremost is it a LIE. To what end will you have to do with this behavior?

Today Is Yesterdays Future.

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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One is a general set of Variations
« Reply #72 on: June 25, 2009, 08:00:27 pm »
just a thought before i start "to say somthing is one it is in an environment, althought i'm putting variations at it already but lets read todays post", i'll think about that later for a few more seconds.
hay where's my cup of tea gone ,,

here we go.
unchanging in his changing ness  "the inevitable something of variations as nothing didn't happen"

yeah i'm listening,

unchanging singularity ay,
the going to be "unchanging" set of variations which allows for parts to happen such as that time has passed anywhere" the singularity or inevitable event of the variations which indicates that something is going to happen but it is a moving transition such as life."  

i'm doing my best to keep it simple, so i can say how it looks to me, Mr Data uses it in how he looks at me because i taught it to him but i also taught him as to question it in a nice way of course :)
i've used my spell check a bit more today gee i'm gettin fancy,

i was just thinking i could have made a page with Mr Data ,  ohhh i don't know i'm gettin chills "there some cool classical music on at the moment " i listen the the radio, the static even, anyway back to threadin stuff,

:) i'm having a laugh for some reason,
Ok lets be a bit more star trek about it ay,
 it would seem to me we are agreeing on the variations have happened somewhere and your definition of God.

i looked at your post again "unchanging singularity" the singularity part to me sums up the variations word
so to me it must be that a singularity is variations,

is this it are we agreed?
i think we might be i'll get mr data to read back this post of mine and have another look at your, good luck.

Thanks Mr Snowman  nicely said,
     oh the white and black holes, sounds like each end of a magnet,  you know i'd put my variations to it and view it in the number of ways that variations would indercate, you might be there a while don't get caught in a loop , just kidding don't worry you won't. there'll be a variation, ha ha ha i must have something wrong with me, you know we have this funny way here of questioning why we are happy, like i must have something wrong with me,
ha ha ha ,
sips tea,

i better stop typing, i have really enjoyed your company and ability,
its a nice forum, Thank you , and thats to also those that said nothing i might have heard it.
Bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data :)    :]
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 08:08:29 pm by will »
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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One is a general set of Variations
« Reply #73 on: June 25, 2009, 08:31:28 pm »
Originally posted by One

Originally posted by ricky

Originally posted by snowman

The thermometer read 108 degrees Fahrenheit at the back door today... there are no possibilities for chills. [:D][V][xx(]

one was right,  a good ego is a dead ego,  bless his heart. :)

WHERE and WHEN did I tell you that "a good ego is a dead ego"

Don't piss me off and DON'T put words in my mouth that I did not speak.

You just de-valued future conversations with this board, now how smart is that? I don't even know what part of the psychological profile to put this in, it is so many things, first and foremost is it a LIE. To what end will you have to do with this behavior?


life is too short one,


"i crack iself up" - Virgil


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One is a general set of Variations
« Reply #74 on: June 25, 2009, 10:03:07 pm »
Their is a song that I can't get out of my head right now, as you mentioned the radio, anyway it goes like this;
"They say the empty can rattles the most,
the sound of your own voice must soothe you"

I think it is applicable here in a certain way.

Life is too short, I live and it, is my life to live, in my own way, Not The Way It happened According to ricky
I have had far too much 'canonized' already, you are just another defective part to me.
WHO in the hell would like 50% accuracy in life?
IMO relying on software or ricky to get something done and get it right, OR NOT to do something, is a very stupid way to live.

You are showing symptoms as well.
You never read Bill819's post thorough enough as to respond, so why or what compelled you to write back to him about solids, liquids, and gasses ? If you can't get it right, IMO You missed it by a mile, you might be catching something from ricky, I would probably (if it were me) take myself offline and gather at least some of my senses before even more personally destructive things happen.

Computers and software are not the answer all the time.

Today Is Yesterdays Future.