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Messages - TechSteele

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Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Hal Command Skin *New*
« on: April 21, 2008, 07:32:23 pm »
The link should work now, RightClick/save as.
I still cant Upload, if there continues to be problems maybe i can Email it to someone to upload/post.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Hal Command Skin *New*
« on: April 20, 2008, 06:25:07 pm »
I cant seem to attach the zip, i'll reboot and check some things.
I may have to do each piece.

This is nuts, it wont let me upload it. [:(!]

Code: [Select]
This forums server hates me for some reason. [:(]
This link SHOULD work to download it.

Let me Know what you think, if its good, if it s*cks Donkey Rocks, if it needs something, if something needs to be changed, or whatever, please [8D]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Hal Command Skin *New*
« on: April 20, 2008, 06:15:25 pm »
Hello People,

I come with presents today [:D]

I have been working on a new type of interface for Hal.
I like the Hal9000 theme so this was born.
I had to get the basic functions working first, before
i could figure out how to add the extras i want it to have when its totally finished.
My hope is, to have a fully operational command center of sorts
when its done.

The Way it is now its great for Hap characters, or normal Hal use.
I may have to move the Volume bar, I dont use voice rec right now, so no real way to check it right.

The UHP file in main Hal folder.
The 5 pics in teh Skins folder in the Hal folder.
(for those who dont know)

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Circular character window
« on: April 19, 2008, 04:15:35 pm »
Interesting idea.
I am sure you can make a circular/oval frame, and even mask the inside, but it would depend on the character you use. MSagents or Guile's, or Some of the others, something NOT Haptek can be sized and positioned anyhere, but i never saw a haptek without a rectangle background.
It could be possible to edit the backgrounds to fit your opening, then it would "Look" round even if the player positioning was a square area.
Im thinking outloud, but im sure it would be possible.
Some of the Haptek/Putty people on here will know for sure.
I like the idea.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Bobble Headed Groover
« on: April 19, 2008, 04:08:26 pm »

Sorry, this triggered a Max Headroom Flash back [:p]

(I dont know enough about character animation, but im not sure if it can work off of the actually music output levels, but may be able to do ramdom movements.)

Nothing New to add to the log,
The internet was fighting me the last couple days.

I shifted gears looking into a new interface to use this plug in better.
I have been working on the Dj program, but i am missing somthing, a little piece i am overlooking.

Has anyone tryed this, or used it? Any suggestions? Dumb idea all around? [:p]

I just had a chance to read the newer posts.

It may help if we had an idea of what you wanted to file/table to the brain.
If they are variables that will change all the time, and need to be called/changed on the fly during a convo, that may be above me.

If you just want to create a table for recall of static info, thats not as hard.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / plugin for playing a video file on demand
« on: April 18, 2008, 02:23:04 pm »
The Internet took a crap on me.
Yes Lightspeed, i know that command is possible, i am not exactly sure the exact syntax without looking, but i know thats an option.

It is so easy to edit these Uhp files, a person may not even want a name, or a different responce there all together.
This is what i like about VR's script/plug in, or Hal for that matter, it can be rewrote to do a dozen things.

I just looked, it is that simple: GetResponse = "Hey <UserName>, please talk to me."

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Can Not Reinstall
« on: April 15, 2008, 02:45:38 pm »
Check your other post.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / plugin for playing a video file on demand
« on: April 15, 2008, 01:50:06 pm »
I havent done much, but i did do a quick test.
Useing .lnk for the shortcuts it is possible.
But. i had to use the FULL name of the shortcut telling him.

Hal is able to open programs on its own, from the start folder.
Its built in.

I am not sure which exact plug in Bill is talking about, but a few searches and thumbing through the forum is a good idea. A lot of the older things still apply and it will give you better ideas of what is possible.

btw, if you run across the kitt plugin/brain thing, it didnt work for me, i had to delete it. just my personal opinion.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / plugin for playing a video file on demand
« on: April 15, 2008, 09:04:24 am »
I think its possible.
I would need to test a few things.
Applications are a little different.

I know you could edit the brain directly with the links,
you could even put the items in the KITK table. First line
what you say (in caps i think), and second line the link. Might work
I just woke up, give me a while, but i think something is possible

Ultra Hal 7.0 / plugin for playing a video file on demand
« on: April 14, 2008, 11:17:15 pm »
If NameToPlay <> "" Then
          GetResponse = "Look at this Michael; maybe it's what you were talking about. "
          HalCommands = HalCommands & "<RUNPROG>" & NameToPlay & "</RUNPROG>"

I am glad it works.
The Michael thing was the response i added as a joke, but i thought it was cool.
Above are 3 lines in the text, the blue line is the one to change.
When you change the line, just remember to save the file and reload the plug in and hal, so hal makes the changes in his brain.

I made a little something for a guy here so his version of KITT
could play a video on demand.
Thought id add it here since its based on the original plug in, and incase people missed it, it can be useful.

Below is the post there

Download Attachment: 2008413214554_KITT_video.uhp

Right click and save as, then
Throw it in your Hal folder, Then
In the General Options and under Brain, check the plug in marked: KITT images
Then load Hal and tell him: Please Index the KITK files
In the box put in where your image files are, like C:/users/Videos
When he finishes makeing the index he will tell you
Then, say: Show * Image *
or something like: Show an image of Goliath
And he should show that image, if you have a video marked with that name in the title.
(i added a little something for KITT people in the response)[:p]

I wrote it to use .Avi files, but if you need another format, open the file with notepad or some text editor and change the places where it says avi to your format, mpg, flv or what ever, save the changes, then have Hal remake the index again.

If you have more then one image file (not format), just run the index a second time and hit no when it asks to replace your index, then tell it where the other folders are, and it will add to your index the next set of images use.

I am new to programming for Hal, but it worked fine when i tested it here, but let me know if it works for you. Thanks

I think KITT or R2D2 are the top 2 reasons anyone comes to hal.
They were the reason i looked and found Hal. [8D]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Brain Plug-in gets 3 passes?
« on: April 14, 2008, 11:02:20 am »
Since i am new to programming/scripting whatever for hal i am still running into some of the same problems.
I downloaded a copy of VBScript in a Nut Shell, it at least helped explain some of the functions i was reading in the plug ins that were already made by others.
Then i just kept scouring the brain uhp for ideas of what worked.

Most of the calls are hardcoded into Hal, the brains are just a repository for the useable info and DBs, or so it looks to me.
Anything outside of hal needs to be called on or defined in your code.

As for the c:Hap file, i think you need to define the folder
something like    Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   If Fso.FolderExists(SomeFolder) Then

Again i am real new to this and it sounds like you know a lot more about programming then i do.
Maybe you knew all this, but i thought id tell you others have some of the same problems, but thats how it goes when i try to do anything, more so with anything not open sorce.

Keep at it, some of the automation would be good for hal and some of other peoples ideas for hal as well.

Heres a couple posts that helped me start.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / plugin for playing a video file on demand
« on: April 13, 2008, 09:52:06 pm »
This is exactly what i have been working on. [8D]
Only difference is, I was trying to get Hal to open them, instead of my telling him what to open.

However, it took me a little while, but i was able to convert one for you. (And others)

Download Attachment: KITT_video.uhp
4.55 KB

Right click and save as, then
Throw it in your Hal folder, Then
In the General Options and under Brain, check the plug in marked: KITT images
Then load Hal and tell him: Please Index the KITK files
In the box put in where your image files are, like C:/users/Videos
When he finishes makeing the index he will tell you
Then, say: Show * Image *
or something like: Show an image of Goliath  
And he should show that image, if you have a video marked with that name in the title.
(i added a little something for KITT people in the response)[:p]

I wrote it to use .Avi files, but if you need another format, open the file with notepad or some text editor and change the places where it says avi to your format, mpg, flv or what ever, save the changes, then have Hal remake the index again.

If you have more then one image file (not format), just run the index a second time and hit no when it asks to replace your index, then tell it where the other folders are, and it will add to your index the next set of images use.

I am new to programming for Hal, but it worked fine when i tested it here, but let me know if it works for you. Thanks

I think KITT or R2D2 are the top 2 reasons anyone comes to hal. [:p]
They were the reason i looked and found Hal.

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