Sorry to have hit a nerve. There are many companies and programmers that have been, ever since the first Eliza program was written many years ago, attempting to write a program that would mimic human intelligence. You can go to a site called in case you've never been there and view lots of programs of this type. In fact there is a Loebner Competition that offers a large sum of money for any "intelligent" program that can fool a panel of judges.
While Ultra Hal Assistant may not be the strongest program of this type, it certainly is ahead of a lot of others.
What exactly did you expect the program to do? Where are your problem areas with the program? Have you contacted anyone from Zabaware about your concerns?
I apologize if I came across too defensively, but I know the hundreds of hours of programming and debugging and hard work that goes into a program of this kind only to have someone appear to slam it. Been there...done that!
Granted, we've all fallen short in either a deal, purchase or product in the past, and there have been times that I didn't think a program was worth the price, but I suppose it goes back to the old "Let the buyer beware" thing. I've
really had no problems with Hal or Zabaware's technical support. They're good people!
I hope you will not lose interest in this type of program. There will be more intelligent types of programs in everything around us soon...from cars, refridgerators, cell phones, PDA's etc. I also hope you find a program that does what you expect of / from it.