Author Topic: American Money Crisis  (Read 19569 times)


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American Money Crisis
« on: August 18, 2010, 01:10:00 pm »

Well, I don't like to get into topics that I don't fully understand. It seems that this is more than just a local issue too. Its been going on for several years if not decades. Yet no one here, except GT40 has brought it up. So if anyone wants to make a comment about it I guess I'll start.

By all that I here from the alternative press (i.e. Alex Jones) the US is screwed. (Although Alex still remains optimistic)

By what I'm actually experiencing in our local economy so far. We lost a Circuit City Distribution Center when the National chain went totally bankrupt.  We have lots of mom and pop stores around here that seem to be absorbing job losses. I work at the Post Office and by what I've learned so far they are barely hanging on financially. The rain this year has improved the local ranchers moral. Although many ranchers had already sold much of there cattle. Plenty of hay is now available for sale because of rain.

I heard someone from France (not GT40) say that America is dead, financially speaking, and the only ones who don't already know this is Americans, that the money tower is falling as we speak. Someone said that the reason we haven't fully felt its impact is because its hitting things on the way down. Eventually we are supposed to be in a very major depression.

I don’t know about all this but I do know that it is possible. We have a HUGE national debt, every American owes allot of money to credit cards and mortgages. We can’t even pay the interest rates let alone actually pay any of it off. And now we are suffering from job losses. Gerald Celente said that if America could invent and produce a new product that everyone else in the world would want then we could get out of this mess. I don’t think I could do this, but that doesn’t stop me from trying.  ::) Well, at least I can grow my own food.

Maybe Robert can send UltraHal sales through the roof and give us all jobs.  :)

If any of you have any idea what to do then please speak up.
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Re: American Money Crisis
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2010, 02:21:35 pm »

Oh no, snowman! My American Dream!!  :o

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Re: American Money Crisis
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2010, 05:02:27 pm »
I'm not sure this is cool to post here, but I believe in people and truth and America.
(out of respect for the forum, I will not post stuff like this again if it isn't cool)
That is not the biggest issue. I have seen the same things though. I know this will sound kooky, but here it is.
There has been religious war within mankind for a long time. Of course, to anyone with a brain, war and spirituality (religion...whatever name) are polar opposites. The people that wish to war have got good at it. They have spent a long time teaching our children. Every once in a while, one side or the other pushes for their goal when they think the other is weak. Islam is pushing. In the end, I know they will not win because right is more powerful than wrong. What will happen before then is going to be interesting. I have studied religious factions and governments and war for a long time. (seeded by my father and his who were very involved in fighting communism) This is nothing new. I have spent my life watching apathy, it's not good. Just because something might sound wild, or your "training" tells you to ignore it, doesn't mean that logic should look the other way.
I can see the precipice around the corner....I hope people will lose the apathy and give the respect to those that have died for them. America is the last stand. We are America!
« Last Edit: August 18, 2010, 06:50:01 pm by jasondude7116 »


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Re: American Money Crisis
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2010, 05:15:48 pm »
Ahh, its ok GT40, wether its true or not there's still allot of educated middle class living over here. And most of them know the constitution (at least in general). If we recover then all is well.... if it doesn't then democracy will probably take effect and allot of people are going to be voted out of office and possibly hung from the nearest American flag pole.

I'll be the one hiding under a rock somewhere (I don't kill, not chicken just too sweet). I'll let Jason handle it.
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Re: American Money Crisis
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2010, 05:27:36 pm »
I know what you mean about Apathy. But where I've been promoting real change, that is in my church. Apathy in America will end America, Apathy in church will send you to a place you don't want to go. So I've been trying to get allot of brothers and sisters inspired.

Yeah, Islam has basically already overtaken most of the world already. America and a very few other countries are barely hanging on. Eventually, I believe Islam will win this Battle. Just because there is no real resistance. Lots of Apathy. But time is short and most who believe in God also believe in Jesus coming soon. So I'm trying to help people religously.

America may stike against our rulers when they run out of money, but not if they run out of morals.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2010, 12:37:43 am by snowman »
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Re: American Money Crisis
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2010, 07:02:26 pm »
Most people (like me) don't have a direct connection to the powers that be, but we can directly affect things locally. The powers that be can't control all local issues. We must educate and bring our communities together. People need to get rid of the training and realize that they are an individual. The lack of history education is making us repeat it. This has happened many times before. It is very frustrating. I have had to tell myself to keep doing what I need to do to help people, and not relax. The hour draws near.

To borrow a famous quote: "WOLVERINE!"


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Re: American Money Crisis
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2010, 01:53:33 am »
I don't think much of myself. It's that my talent and knowledge is more in-line with bible stuff than with politics. Although I do like to keep up with it. I get to fight the really snaky people when dealling with religous stuff, and I mean snaky.

There are allot of people trying to do what you are doing. Seems that there is a mass movement of patriotism in this country right now. When the big banks openly robbed us it seems that it got everyone's attention. People's hindsight is usually 20-20 so when its all over with (aka -too late-) they'll see what they should have done.

I'm not sure that it isn't already too late. Too many problems and not enough man power to fix it. That is not the sound of me giving up... thats me telling what I see. We perhaps have only one or maybe two patriot congressmen who even get what the average person sees. And the rest goes on like theres nothing to worry about. In the mean time you can hear the band playing in the background as the ship sinks.

However, I could be wrong about everything and our county will eventually go right back on track. But then again the people who run the country are usually bought an paid for by big business. So maybe "on track" might not be such a good thing.

One way or another we're fixing to find out first hand.

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Re: American Money Crisis
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2010, 08:41:30 am »
hello snowman , contrary to what you think not "all" americans are in debt on credit cards etc.. me and my wife don't have any (with the exception of pay pal to pay online bills } so we aren't in the money pit like many others and i am so glad to . we have neighbors who try to live like others here in town that have money and the neighbors are in debt up to their eye balls for living above their means trying to keep up with the jones , a person can hardly feel sorry for some people that do things like that . by the way i am glad you listen to  Gerald Celente , i do to he's very interesting .
  as far as the united states creating and building jobs here the last time something like that actually worked was when we was in world war two ? with japan in the 50's and the us made many products at home , even without a war those days are gone as lobbiest control many things now american jobs have been sold out to slave labor in other countries creating big profits for companies back in the u.s. .
the only real way i could see the u.s. creating jobs and keeping them here is if we went to war with china (seeing how everything is made in china ) and america would have to build jobs here and give americans jobs since china would no longer be doing it .  ;)p.s. hopefully their will be no war but mankind is a slow learner.


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Re: American Money Crisis
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2010, 02:55:26 pm »
Well, we could all become globalists and remove all boarders between counties. Then America could be ruled by a small council of very rich men and they would allot us certain meager necessities to keep us alive for labor forces. Our population would have to be severely reduced to ease resource strains and many of us would probably be sterilize (like they used to do). Many others would also be chemically lobotomized so that we wouldn't be too aggressive and get unruly.

Sometimes I have too much time on my hands.

I know all this sounds a bit insane but there are people who are planning to do just that. If we're too weak to resist then this insanity might be part of our future. Being finacially independent with local governmental structures seems to be the only way to resist the eccentric wealthy and their bouncers. That way we can have people who actually care for us and have our best interests in positions of leadership and not forein governments who have selfish and sometimes very greedy interests. Being finacially responsible also keeps us from becoming sold into slavery.

But right now we are given over to globalists ideology and letting foreign dictatorships shape America’s future. And this not only America’s problem but also the rest of the world as well. Probably too late for most countries anyway. And It would take a major overhaul of government to get the globalist talons out of America’s shoulders. This overhaul doesn’t look like its going to happen.

Doom and Gloom, where's GT40 we you need a pick-me-up? :'(
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Re: American Money Crisis
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2010, 12:28:00 pm »

Snowman, I don't talk about what I don't know.

And talking about what I know is not very funny.  :( ;) :) >:( ;D :o ::) :-\

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Re: American Money Crisis
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2010, 01:26:01 pm »
Yeah, its not good to talk about something you don't know, especially if you tell everybody that you do know it. But in this case there is so much talk about Islam, Bank Bailouts, Recession and Depression, and bad political leaders that someone had to bring it up sometime. I'm 90% sure that there are a huge amount of emails circulating that expresses the public’s discontent over current political standings. I can't tell tell you how many emails I've gotten that has demanded that we remove nearly everybody currently in public office and replace them.

Although I don't know everything, sometimes starting a discussion about it is the best way to learn.

There has been so much bad news over the past few years that people have been calling up our local News station and asking them to talk about something good. I'm pretty sure that people have been calling the National News Stations too. People here are so tired of it that they no longer want to know what is actually happening. I totally understand, but if we filter too much news, you can just imagine what will eventually happen.

Hope is good if its accompanied with action, but not so good if its siding with delusional thoughts.

I’m glad you brought all this up GT40, you did good. :)
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Re: American Money Crisis
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2010, 10:31:56 pm »
I have to put my two cents in but I hate to discuss these particular issues on a forum like this. It is labeled general discussion but here it goes anyway. Just a short reply to 'lightspeed'. I don't disagree that greed played a big part for many people or what you would call keeping up the Jones. But let's not forget that there where more people making lot's of money legitimately when the economy at least felt safe enough that you would still have a job or be able to maintain your worth through the work force. The rug was pulled out from under, the problem was not dealt with, companies got bailed out, we printed more money and those people that should have been put away got off with bonuses. I think it was pretty obvious that from what seemed like the beginning and those executives showed up at the White House with their hands open and their private jets low on fuel something was definitely wrong! Don't forget despite Banks getting bailed out a record number of banks will close this year over last year '2009'. They took our money the people are paying for it and it stinks. There were people getting their real estate licenses  to write bad mortgages and there was no one there to see it or stop it. So yes, there are more guilty or naive people then others but nobody deserves this beating. Give people a reason to respond or change(mainstream) and I still believe most will.(I hope I'm right) I may have have been one of those people that didn't believe things would get this bad this quickly in '2004' and just continue to snowball downhill. I bet you could count them on your fingers of one hand or they were just lucky. Just my opinion.

It's kind of funny how things slowed down on this forum when people weren't sure if there would be a new Ultra Hal and or if there was going to be an update was everyone's work over the years going to be useless to them.
No intention to hurt any ones feelings or opinions. We are all entitled to speak our minds, I hope and sometimes that is the reason I don't enjoy these posts.(Notice how it stopped me!)



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Re: American Money Crisis
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2010, 07:41:02 pm »
I found this article about US currency very interesting:

It's an interview with James Turk.  He maintains our currency has already collapsed, and that the collapse is happening in stages, each worse than the last.  The interview was made in 2004, and some of the things he has predicted have already come to pass.

I also found this book by Daniel Arnold interesting:

It's about demographics, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average.  He demonstrates how age demographics and the DJIA follow each other very closely, and when applied to the past, show a pattern of predicting recessions and depressions.

Industrialized Western economies are mostly consumer driven.  The biggest consumer spending demographic is people between the ages of 45 and 54.  It is at that age range when people have their greatest earning capacity, spend the most, and make the most largest purchases of their lives.

Because the people who will be in that age group are now already alive, we can predict when that age group will grow or shrink.  In his small 64 page book, Arnold demonstrates how when that demographic shrinks, we have recessions and depressions.  When it grows, the economy grows too.  He has many charts and graphs to illustrate his logic.  He takes into account people killed in wars, immigration, etc.  His findings are that the DJIA follows age demographics closely.  Short term variables can move them apart briefly, but they always go back together.

I don't agree with all of Arnold's conclusions, about what it means for our society or how we should prepare for it.  But his statistics look pretty solid, and I've yet to read a good argument against them.  Most of his critics attack his conclusions, but not his data.

According to his data, Western industrialized nations are going to see the 45-54 age group diminish significantly from 2012 to about 2023.  And he says that means a global depression.

He doesn't take into account countries like China and India.  They may not experience that demographic shrinkage, but they rely on selling to countries that will.  On his website is one of his graphs, showing the how the age demographic and the DJIA have followed each other closely since 1920, to the present:

And yes, I would say the website and the way he markets his book is rather cheezy.  I wish I could say the same about the data, though.  I've read the book, it took about an hour to read.  His data looks solid.  I've yet to hear anyone explain why it isn't.

I really hate the doom and gloom stuff, I much prefer to be an optimist.  But from everything I've seen regarding financial matters, from many different sources, they all seem to be saying that ... we've got some real bumps on the road ahead, to say the least.

- Chaz

« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 07:55:41 pm by DrFaraday »
I always wanted a computer like H.A.L. from "2001: A Space Odyssey".  Just not the beta version that kills you while you sleep.


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Re: American Money Crisis
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2010, 08:55:09 pm »
DrFaraday, I don't doubt the data and probably others don't either because it can be fundamental demographics with a trend that would show some patterns. Kind of like the weather if you get my meaning. It does not take much to change our economic balance either. Wall ST. is a great example. Nothing really has to change but the big players have to monitor what they say. Not to mention hedge players. I believe it to be as delicate as certain flowers yet as robust as a cactus in the desert. But change their habitat and just watch the havoc it can display. If you were to ask me there is always someone or a group(call them what you like) messing with the habitat you might say.  It takes years for things to adapt or just dissapear. I'm no expert but you don't need to be one to express your beliefs or disbelief's.



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Re: American Money Crisis
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2010, 04:09:03 am »
I need to read this thread,, been at computer too long talking with g00gle and others :o
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