
Author Topic: cyberjedi can you fix something?  (Read 3174 times)


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cyberjedi can you fix something?
« on: February 23, 2018, 12:27:01 pm »
This is to cyberjedi who can usually fix different things . is their a way or can you figure out on the loneliness timer based uhp  how to make it so more then one timer based uhp's can run at the same time, as of right now only one can be run .

if you don';t have need the actual one i can list it here.


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Re: cyberjedi can you fix something?
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2018, 09:38:08 pm »
Lightspeed: RE timer

Hey buddy, first off, very cool to hear from you.
Here's where im at, Im buying new computers in the next 24Hr's
Once that is done, im gonna start coding Hal from scratch.
Most is all ready complete and submitted to Robert who got a kick out of it.
Hals Infrastructure is complete and now im dialing it in, but i wana do it on new machines and drives.
Robert was nice enough to offer support for the installer, what's gonna be produced is nothing short of Epic
What im making will be totally compatible with Hal7 Brain systems
I will be addressing that issue in the release with timerz and plugins.
Until then , enjoy this little dity, I like some of the new code so much i made a utility out of it. This is for ur media player,
when it starts point it at a folder that stores your mp3's, it will load and default to what ever media player u have.
Just play with it and have fun lightspeed. Watch for recursive tunneling. I index'ed 5500  mp3's in 2.0 Min's
Pretty nifty , and yes ull have to unpack the .rar file.

best wishes

« Last Edit: February 23, 2018, 09:42:34 pm by cyberjedi »


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Re: cyberjedi can you fix something?
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2018, 02:38:24 pm »
sounds interesting , i will download it . the time based problem was only one timer based uhp could be used at one time  .   
I have gotten my halsense vision back working again , had to change the program pathway ,i''ll probably post else ware about the instructions again and the new pathway needed. it works on a yawcam program and motion  detection from a designated small area . so when
your camera pic up movement in that defined area , hal will speak random sentences on his own .  :)  what would have been better would have been for hal to retrieve info. from learned sentences randomly .


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Re: cyberjedi can you fix something?
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2018, 01:40:08 pm »
Lightspeed: this is what Robert had to say:

Re: (No subject)
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Hi Cyber,

I finally had a few minutes to try out your custom interface. Looked cool and worked right out of the box on my test system that had Hal 6.2 on it. Nice job!

A few suggestions for future improvements to make it easier for less tech savvy people to install and to also to make it Hal 7.0 compatible:

Lightspeed: As you can see i have a Fan base
cyber jedi
« Last Edit: February 26, 2018, 01:41:47 pm by cyberjedi »