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Messages - Someotheruser

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / New Text Learning Script!
« on: June 08, 2006, 09:34:20 pm »
onthecuttingedge2005:  I thank you for the script. Although, if your custom vbscript uses the Windows MAPI functionality, don't bother. My home network is setup with a mail server, as well as some security features, which will give you incorrect information. This is to prevent spam (lol), and other problems.
Now, I'm sorry if I got everyone's hopes up about the script. So I thought I should at least contribute a little something. Here is some code that you can use to change your desktop background.

Private Sub ChangeDesktop(ByVal imageDir As String)
Dim objFileSys As New FileSystemObject
If objFileSys.FileExists(imageDir) Then
If LCase(Mid(imageDir, Len(imageDir) - 2)) <> "bmp" Then
Call SavePicture(LoadPicture(imageDir), App.Path & "\background.bmp")
SystemParametersInfo 20, 0, App.Path & "\background.bmp", &H1 Or &H2
SystemParametersInfo 20, 0, imageDir, &H1 Or &H2
End If
End If
Set objFileSys = Nothing
End Sub

The variable 'imageDir' is the absolute path to the picture you want to use for the background. You also need to declare SystemParametersInfo. Here is the code for that;

Private Declare Function SystemParametersInfo Lib "user32" Alias "SystemParametersInfoA" (ByVal uAction As Long, ByVal uParam As Long, ByVal lpvParam As String, ByVal fuWinIni As Long) As Long

General Discussion / New Text Learning Script!
« on: June 08, 2006, 05:37:12 pm »
Good advice, markofkane! To bronstarr; I agree. It is illegal to send spam. But, the point is that you have to watch out who you send your email to. Many people don't consider legallity when using the internet. If you like, here's the email address associated with this user 'Someotheruser':

This post is an example of something you should definitely NOT do!

General Discussion / New Text Learning Script!
« on: June 08, 2006, 05:15:34 am »
If Phisher > fish then
     Get fish.email
elseif fish > Phisher then
     Unload Phisher
end if

Just having a little fun.[;)]  And also trying to prove a point.

And as I said before, you will not receive spam as a result of sending your email address.
Do not give out your email address unless you know and trust the person you're giving it to!

General Discussion / New Text Learning Script!
« on: May 11, 2006, 09:04:32 pm »
Thanks for the kind words vrossi. I don't know about being Einstein, but it certainly should allow your Hal to learn a great deal from text files.
 The script is really dozens of smaller scripts to parse the user's response so that the information is saved appropriately. I'm hoping this can make it so that Hal will differentiate the different responses into general topics, reasoning statements, storyline, etc. Also added, is a few general functions like date conversion, birthday handling, jokes, and more. Essentially, it's an entirely different bot running in a Hal interface!
 One thing I have to mention. The main reason I've remained a "lurker" on this site, and not posted, is because of the argumentative nature of this forum. I find that alot of good ideas are floated on this site, but don't see much participation because of the arguments brought about by the original posting. So, I decided to wait until I had a realistic contribution before posting anything about my work.

And no, you will not be spammed as a result of sending me your email address![;)]

Why live long and prosper, when you can enjoy life now!

General Discussion / New Text Learning Script!
« on: May 11, 2006, 06:16:24 am »
Hi everybody! I'm new to the Hal forum, but I've been using Hal for a few years now. I've developed a brain script that will allow learning from text files, as well as webpages and any other text file source. This can be used in Hal 6, or if you want, I can send you a version that works in Hal 5. Due to the size of the files I ask that if you want a copy of this script send me your email address and I'll send you a copy.
I've always found this forum helpful when teaching my Hal and I hope to give something back, starting with this script. Please post your comments after trying the script. I'm sure you'll find it useful!

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