Author Topic: IF ONLY I KNEW  (Read 5768 times)


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« on: September 18, 2001, 12:44:39 am »
I down loaded the 3.0 free verson. It was great and I had no problems with it. So like many people i decided to purchase the full verson; I was sent 4.0. I had higher expectations for this one but i was proven wrong. To make thing worse (the bugs). Then someone at Zabaware sent me an E-mail saying that I could down load an upgraded verson since I had paid for the full one. Go figure the link doesn't work. Then I sent them some e-mails asking then to explain themselves and I get Blown off. I remember the free version saying something about 27 different voices, I got 10. There was also somthing mentioned about the source codes for making my own character on the CD, I can't find them but the program did crash my hard drive.
Also, trying to find out about the upgrade, I checked this forum. I read something from Zabaware that those of us who were smart enough to not give these people credit card numbers over the internet are not in the "orders database" so I dont get the upgeade. But in the future if someone was to purchase the CD their name would be. O.K. what about me I was sent a link, I want the upgrade, I paid for it. If Zabaware will not correct these problems in a timely fashion I will have no choice but to contact someone in the states attorney's office and see if they can help.
Pease don't get me wrong. I'm not downing the program 3.0 is great. Right now I feel as though I've robbed by people who were in too much of a hurry to make money.