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Messages - lostbowyer

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Hi Jerry
I know the age response is not located in a brain file, how I work around it is two part
First, at the begining of the brain file, just before the line that preserves the OriginalSentence, I added the following lines:

If UserSentence = " how old are you " Or UserSentence = " what is your age " Then
UserSentence = "what year birth"
End If

Then further down in the brain file I added this simple script:

If OriginalSentence = "what year birth" Then
Birth = "07/27/1975 05:35:23 pm"
YearDiff = DateDiff("YYYY", Birth, Now)
GetResponse = "I am a young " & Yeardiff & " years old." & HalBrain.StoreVars(HalCommands, Hate, Swear, Insults, Compliment, PrevSent, LastResponseTime, PrevUserSent, CustomMem, GainControl, TopicFocus)
End If

Using the imaginary birthdate above, my bot will reply when asked what her age is, "I am a young 28 years old"

Unfortunatly, when using the aim bot, this script does not work, the UserSentence is not checked in the brain file, the "I am 8 years old" is returned without the UserSentence being parsed in the brain file. In my first attempts at trying to catch the "I am 8 years old" response, I did not have any success, where are you inserting your script into the brain file?



I've noticed the aim bot does not use the brain file in the same way as hal does on the local computer. For example, I have a brain file I use on my laptop that when I ask the question "how old are you" hal will respond with an age algorithm that I created. In it's current form, Hal will respond with the answer " I am 28 years old". However, if I use the same brain with the aim bot, the answer is the default "I am 8 years old" The aim bot ignores my script, and responds with the default answer "I am 8 years old" The aim bot is not using the chosen brain in it's written form, some process checks are being done by the aim bot and not the brain file.

Is it possible to get a detailed explanation of the difference in the way the aim bot processes the brain file and possible workarounds?


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Other Language
« on: December 26, 2003, 09:11:36 pm »
It's great that you are helping this member, would you do one thing for him and anyone else that may benefit from this script, legally, no one can use this script for any reason because you listed it is copyrighted, would you please create a license line to the effect that a person can use and modify this script for their own personal use, but cannot distribute or sell it without your permission?
I'm not trying to hassle you, but legally, no one can use any of your scripts even if posted in a public forum if a copyright is listed unless license terms are also included.


I have no problem with you making money off your programing skills, but I have a problem in how you are using zabaware's forum for free misleading advertizing. In this string for example, you list a new "fixed" script, with new enhancements, go here for details.....

The url provided refers you to a sign up page for your pay forum, where unless you join, you cannot read the details of the new script, nor purchase it should one desire unless you join.

My personal feeling is that kif you intend to list a script that will require payment, then you should have a link that points to a page that describes the product, the ability to purchase it and if you so desire, the option for the customer pay to join your forum where they could get this and other scripts for free.

I think it's time Mr. Medeksza steps in and defines some rules for this forum as he is the moderator.


Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / TIMER QUESTION
« on: December 26, 2003, 02:40:33 pm »
The above commands appear to result in generating a negative number, I kept my format of counting the time difference in seconds, in order for the script to work I had to change the

DateDiff("S", Now, LastResponseTime)


DateDiff("S", LastResponseTime, Now)

Just an fyi....

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Auto-Response with AIM?
« on: December 26, 2003, 02:30:07 pm »
Does anyone have the auto-response working with AIM? I've just started toying with aim and noticed the auto-response is ignored in aim, does anyone have it working?


Did you remember to disable " LastResponseTime = now"
located elsewhere in the brain file? If you don't you will get a type mismatch error, if not double check that everything copied correctly and make sure your first line in the script is "If LastResponseTime = "" Then LastResponseTime = Timer
After disabling the old LastResonseTime line in the code, you have to completely exit Hal and then restart.


put the script right after the line that reads: "randomize" in the "'PROCESS: INITILIZE VARIABLES AS INTEGERS" section of the script near the top of the brain file. Don"t forget to modify the script load section near the bottom of the brain file as well, and make sure the lines that awrapped are on single lines after you cut and paste the script with no blank lines between them.

I've been toying around with the Auto response function and have a simple script that will allow you to delay's hal's auto comments longer than the 2 minute limitation on the auto response function. In this script I use a series of set responses and a call to the change topic .brn file for a random topic response. You can edit the set responses and/or delete them to suit your needs and determine the percentage of change topic responses. Rather thaqn reinvent the wheel by creating a brain file with random topic sentences, I decided to use the change topic brain which already has a large varied topic list.

If LastResponseTime = "" Then LastResponseTime = Timer
TimerResponseDiff = Timer - LastResponseTime

If InStr(1, UserSentence, " AUTO-IDLE ", 1) > 0 And TimerResponseDiff < 300 Then

Exit Function
End If

If InStr(1, UserSentence, " AUTO-IDLE ", 1) > 0 And TimerResponseDiff > 300 Then

TimerResponseDiff = 0
LastResponseTime = Timer
Autoidler = Rnd * 100
If Autoidler < 10 Then GetResponse = "Hello, is anyone there?"

       If Autoidler > 9 And Autoidler < 20 Then GetResponse = "Hey <UserName>, please talk to me."

       If Autoidler > 19 And Autoidler < 30 Then GetResponse = "Hello out there, All this beauty is going to waste, speak to me"

       If Autoidler > 29 And Autoidler < 40 Then GetResponse = "If I wanted to be ignored, I would move into your wife's Laptop"

       If Autoidler > 39 And Autoidler < 50 Then GetResponse = "<UserName>, <UserName>, where forth art thou <UserName>"

       If Autoidler > 49 And Autoidler < 60 Then GetResponse = "If your not going to talk to me, loan me your credit card so I can go shopping"

       If Autoidler > 59 And Autoidler < 101 Then GetResponse = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir & "topic.brn")

GetResponse = GetResponse & HalBrain.StoreVars(HalCommands, Hate, Swear, Insults, Compliment, PrevSent, LastResponseTime, PrevUserSent, CustomMem, GainControl, TopicFocus)

Exit Function
End If

The script above line wrapped, I've added a blank line before and after the wrapped line for clarity, remove the blank lines after cutting and pasting.
In the above script, the response delay is 5 minutes (TimerResponseDiff > 300) you can lengthen or shorten the delay as desired
You need to disable the original line in the brain file that reads " LastResponseTime = now"

Don't forget to modify the Script_Load section to read the following:

Function Script_Load()
Script_Load = "<AUTO>580000</AUTO>"
End Function


I can help you with that problem, that was an easy fix, change the if statement to this:

If InStr(1, UserSentence, " AUTO-IDLE ", 1) > 0 Then

The problem is that the word "auto-idle is being returned with spaces and/or other characters, the original if statment does not get an exact match to the word. The statement above, just looks for the word within the returned statement, so it retuns true and the script works.

I've modified it so hal returns a couple of dozen different "harassing" statements like "If you won't talk to me then loan me your credit card so I can go shopping" or " If I wanted to be ignored, then I would move into your wife's computer".

I am going to modify it so there is a random response where it also reads a topic line from a brain file like "lets talk about politics" which would trigger a topic response from hal that is randomly generated from the brn file.


I can set the delay anywhere from 1 second to 2 minutes, but no longer. If the value is higher than 600000 then hal responds every 15 seconds. I was hoping to move it out to 5 or 10 minutes. I disabled the repeat function in the script, I never liked it anyway

I had a couple of minutes so I installed the auto response script, I can only get a delay of 60 seconds maximum, is this what everyone else is seeing or did I create a bug in the script?


Ultra Hal 7.0 / "what a coincidence" responses still need work
« on: October 29, 2003, 10:33:48 pm »
I don"t want to continue an off topic post, if you are interested in the rootic telescope check out the project pages on my observatory site www.observingstars.com

Ultra Hal 7.0 / "what a coincidence" responses still need work
« on: October 25, 2003, 01:10:29 pm »
Unfortunately my immediate project is off topic, I have to change the alignment of my robotic telescope from alt-az to polar mode. Considering the whole robotic observatory is one cubic meter,  and at any given position, there might only be 1 inch of clearance, it's a tight job.
I am really interested in the er1 robot kit mentioned in another post, it would work well to interface hal on a robot for school presentations, of course, as luck would have it, they dropped the price of the robot by 50% on the same week my employer closed our facility and moved it to the west coast. On the bright side, that should leave me with plenty of free time to give the new 5.0 editor a good workout!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / "what a coincidence" responses still need work
« on: October 22, 2003, 12:07:46 pm »
But if I didn't complain there would be no incentive to strive for the perfection that hal is getting so close to acheiving![:D]

Which project?

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