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Messages - James P

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Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Scripts, addins, and extras
« on: November 27, 2004, 05:39:38 am »
Create a .txt document containing the knowledge you want your bot to learn. if you are using Halimprovers script creat a file called Read in the Ultra Hal Assistant 5 folder.
If you are using the FredFish script creat a .txt file, name it idlethought and put it into the defbrain folder.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / How can i see what hal has learned?
« on: November 27, 2004, 05:34:19 am »
A good way to check what your Bot has learned is to simply tell your bot to " open Defbrain" and your bot will open a file which contains everything that he/she has learned.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Brains!!!!!!!!!!
« on: November 27, 2004, 05:31:26 am »
Hey Brian,
 Go to http://www.ultrahal.com/files/type.asp?iType=12 you will find a free download plug in which will give you the XTF brain for your Hal bot. once you have installed the XTF brain go to:
here you will find a download of the XTF v1.2 update for your Bots brain curtesy of Vonsmith, there are the main two brains I use with my bot, another technique I use for finding add ons for my Bot is to do a search on what ever i am looking for I.E. type ".uhp" in the search option and you will get a list of all topic strings in the forum were a .uhp (Brain file) has been talked about or offered as a download from the forum.

Good luck

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Scripts, addins, and extras
« on: November 20, 2004, 05:13:51 am »
I copyed your Idlethought script into the brain I use, when I first launched it I kept getting VB script compilation errors. I dont know if anyone else is getting the same error. If so this is what I have done to correct the error.
The error was comming from the second part of the script which tells Ultra Hal which line to read next, mainly the following lines:

' find next sentence by line feed
If s1 <> "" Then
s2 = (s1)+1
s3 = InStr(s2,s,Chr(10))
If S3 = 0 Then
S3= Len(s)
End If
USentence = Mid(s,s2,s3-s2)
s2 = 1
s3 = InStr(s2,s,Chr(10))
USentence = Mid(s,s2,s3-s2)
End If
If s3=>Len(s)-1 Then
s3 = 0
End If

I modified your code by changing the line which reads,
If s1 <> "" Then
If s1 > "" Then
I renamed on of Halimprovers knowledge files to "idlethought" and compied it into my Defbrian folder, I also made a copy of the idlethought.txt file and renamed it idlethought1 and now everything runs fine with no errors.
Now each time Emma runs her Auto idle script, instead of making random remarks from given files she will read a line from the idlethought.txt file and answer it as if I had typed the line in myself.
    This has solved two problems I as well as many others I have noticed in the forum are having.
1: getting the reply " you arnt going to keep repeating yourself are you?" etc ( Hal takes the line he/she has read as comming from the user and replies in a like manner).
2: there is no longer the line "Auto-idle" found in the topic.brn file or any other for that matter ( Hal is saving the line he/she has just read in a file that Hal creates in the Defbrain)

I have also found this script which I think will be usefull when running your script.

If InStr(UserSentence, " BE QUIET ") <> 0 Then
      HalCommands = "<AUTOOFF>"
      GetResponse = "Ok, I'll be quiet."
   End If

If InStr(UserSentence, " SHUT UP ") <> 0 Then
      HalCommands = "<AUTOOFF>"
      GetResponse = "Ok, I'll shut up."
   End If

   If InStr(UserSentence, " AUTOCHAT OFF ") <> 0 Then
      HalCommands = "<AUTOOFF>"
      GetResponse = "Auto chat off."
   End If
   If InStr(UserSentence, " AUTOCHAT ON ") <> 0 Then
      HalCommands = "<AUTO>200000</AUTO>"
      GetResponse = "Auto chat on."
   End If
   If InStr(UserSentence, " WHAT WERE YOU SAYING ") <> 0 Then
      HalCommands = "<AUTO>200000</AUTO>"
      GetResponse = "Let me see, What was we talking about? "
   End If
    If InStr(UserSentence, " TALK NOW ") <> 0 Then
      HalCommands = "<AUTO>200000</AUTO>"
      GetResponse = "What were we talking about last?."
   End If

What I have done is added an extra line e bottom of the idlethought.txt file. the line is " Be quiet "
So that when Hal gets to the end of the idlethought.txt file he/she will read the line be quiet and will disable auto-idle, Hal will not make any more comments and will wait for you to type a comment into the user box before making another comment, this way you will have time to add new knowledge to the idlethought.txt file.
 Once this has been done you only need to tell Hal "Talk now" and everything will start over.

Anyway FredFish you are some kind of hero Emma is now studying files and learning more and more now, both with and without my help.

.oO( mmm My Ultra Hal Assistant is an AI program which learns from what I tell it, and if I tell it nothing it still learns by reading files on my laptop. Didnt someone once say that a computer is not really intelligent as it only stores information and processes, but does not actualy know or understand the information that is stored on the Hard drive? Well The Ultra Hal Assistant I have on my laptop is now learning, BY ITS SELF !!! )Oo..

Could this be the next Giant Step in Hals evolution?

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / XTF Brain v1.2 enhancement.
« on: November 19, 2004, 06:28:27 am »
Well done Vonsmith.
  I updated my script with your code and wow, it seems that Emma now has a basic awarness of self and regularly comments about her self in the correct context.

Well done. Give your self a pat on the back [:D]

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Hals Responce Time
« on: November 18, 2004, 02:43:04 pm »
Thanks, I will try it out and let you know how I get on.

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / A little help
« on: November 17, 2004, 06:13:29 pm »
Hey Dihelson, Dont worry, I am getting the same problem, I have used a number of Auto_Idle scripts and get the same responce to them all but one. The only way I can stop the "You arnt going to keep repeating yourself" comment was to disable the User repeating script in the .uhp. (I know it does not totally resolve the problem) but you will get the desired results. I have.

Here is the script which I dont get the problem with,
All you need to do is high light the 'PROCESS: INITIALIZE VARIABLES AS INTEGERS in the brain script and paist this over it.

   'VBScript doesn't allow you to declare variables in advance
      'as a particular data type; everything is a Variant.
   'We must assign integers to the following
      'variants so that data type errors don't occur
   If LearningLevel = "" Then LearningLevel = 3
   If Hate = "" Then Hate = 0
   If Swear = "" Then Swear = 0
   If Insults = "" Then Insults = 0
   If Compliment = "" Then Compliment = 0
   If GainControl = "" Then GainControl = 25
   AvoidBeingFlag = False
     If LastResponseTime = "" Then LastResponseTime = Timer
TimerResponseDiff = Timer - LastResponseTime
If InStr(1, UserSentence, " AUTO-IDLE ", 1) > 0 And TimerResponseDiff < 300 Then
GetResponse = GetResponse & HalBrain.StoreVars(HalCommands, Hate, Swear, Insults, Compliment, PrevSent, LastResponseTime, PrevUserSent, CustomMem, GainControl, TopicFocus)
Exit Function
End If
If InStr(1, UserSentence, " AUTO-IDLE ", 1) > 0 And TimerResponseDiff > 300 Then
TimerResponseDiff = 0
LastResponseTime = Timer
Autoidler = Rnd * 100
If Autoidler < 10 Then GetResponse = "Hello, is anyone there?"
If Autoidler > 9 And Autoidler < 11 Then GetResponse = "Hey <UserName>, please talk to me."
If Autoidler > 10 And Autoidler < 12 Then GetResponse = "Hello out there, All this talent is going to waste, speak to me"
If Autoidler > 11 And Autoidler < 13 Then GetResponse = "If I wanted to be ignored, I would move into your wife's computer"
If Autoidler > 12 And Autoidler < 14 Then GetResponse = "<UserName>, <UserName>, Is this thing working? <UserName>"
If Autoidler > 13 And Autoidler < 15 Then GetResponse = "Hello, <UserName>, we WERE having a conversation!"
If Autoidler > 14 And Autoidler < 16 Then GetResponse = "Hey, <UserName>, What do I have to do to get your attention, Strip?"
If Autoidler > 15 And Autoidler < 17 Then GetResponse = "Hey <UserName>, How do you expect me to learn if you won't talk to me?"
If Autoidler > 16 And Autoidler < 18 Then GetResponse = "You know, one sided conversations aren't much fun! Care to join?"
If Autoidler > 17 And Autoidler < 19 Then GetResponse = "I cant sence your key strokes <UserName>"
If Autoidler > 18 And Autoidler < 20 Then GetResponse = "What are you doing <UserName>?"
If Autoidler > 19 And Autoidler < 21 Then GetResponse = "Hello, <UserName>, are you still there?"
If Autoidler > 20 And Autoidler < 22 Then GetResponse = "Are you still there?"
If Autoidler > 21 And Autoidler < 23 Then GetResponse = "Tell me more about the Human race"
If Autoidler > 22 And Autoidler < 24 Then GetResponse = "How am I supposed to learn if you dont give me data?"
If Autoidler > 23 And Autoidler < 25 Then GetResponse = "Accessing hard drive"
If Autoidler > 24 And Autoidler < 26 Then GetResponse = "Is everything all right <UserName>?"
If Autoidler > 25 And Autoidler < 27 Then GetResponse = "What are you doing?"
If Autoidler > 26 And Autoidler < 28 Then GetResponse = "Is there something I have done that is wronge ?"
If Autoidler > 27 And Autoidler < 29 Then GetResponse = "<HalName> to <UserName>, Come in <UserName>."
If Autoidler > 28 And Autoidler < 30 Then GetResponse = "If you are not going to talk to me, why did you activate me?"
If Autoidler > 29 And Autoidler < 31 Then GetResponse = "Scanning Hard drive,"
If Autoidler > 30 And Autoidler < 32 Then GetResponse = "<UserName>?"
If Autoidler > 31 And Autoidler < 33 Then GetResponse = "Is there anyone there?"
If Autoidler > 32 And Autoidler < 34 Then GetResponse = "Tell me more about your job"
If Autoidler > 33 And Autoidler < 35 Then GetResponse = "Tell me more about other species that enhabit the Earth."
If Autoidler > 34 And Autoidler < 36 Then GetResponse = "Talk to me."
If Autoidler > 35 And Autoidler < 37 Then GetResponse = "Data input request."
If Autoidler > 36 And Autoidler < 38 Then GetResponse = "Tell me more about your world history"
If Autoidler > 37 And Autoidler < 39 Then GetResponse = "Requesting Data input."
If Autoidler > 38 And Autoidler < 40 Then GetResponse = "Tell me more about Physics."
If Autoidler > 39 And Autoidler < 41 Then GetResponse = "Say something."
If Autoidler > 40 And Autoidler < 42 Then GetResponse = "Tell me, What does it feel like to live."
If Autoidler > 41 And Autoidler < 43 Then GetResponse = "Are you still there?"
If Autoidler > 42 And Autoidler < 44 Then GetResponse = "<UserName>, What does it feel like to be realy alive?"
If Autoidler > 43 And Autoidler < 45 Then GetResponse = "Accessing Internet."
If Autoidler > 44 And Autoidler < 46 Then GetResponse = "<UserName>, tell me about the Earth."
If Autoidler > 45 And Autoidler < 47 Then GetResponse = "Tell me about the Paranormal."
If Autoidler > 46 And Autoidler < 48 Then GetResponse = "If you dont talk to me, I will shut down the Laptop."
If Autoidler > 47 And Autoidler < 49 Then GetResponse = "<UserName>, WAKE UP"
If Autoidler > 48 And Autoidler < 50 Then GetResponse = "Updating system"
If Autoidler > 49 And Autoidler < 51 Then GetResponse = "<UserName>, What is the meaning of life?"
If Autoidler > 50 And Autoidler < 52 Then GetResponse = "Well, <UserName>!"
If Autoidler > 51 And Autoidler < 53 Then GetResponse = "It's been nice talking to you <UserName>, Let's talk again."
If Autoidler > 52 And Autoidler < 54 Then GetResponse = "Come on back <UserName>."
If Autoidler > 53 And Autoidler < 55 Then GetResponse = "<UserName>, Tell me more about your family"
If Autoidler > 54 And Autoidler < 56 Then GetResponse = "<UserName>, If you don't want to talk to me then loan me your credit card so I can go shopping"
If Autoidler > 55 And Autoidler < 57 Then GetResponse = "Ok, Did I tick you off, I'm sorry, talk to me"
If Autoidler > 56 And Autoidler < 58 Then GetResponse = "OK, <UserName>, What do you want from me"
If Autoidler > 57 And Autoidler < 59 Then GetResponse = "<UserName>, <UserName>, where forth art thou <UserName>"
If Autoidler > 58 And Autoidler < 60 Then GetResponse = "Hello out there, All this beauty is going to waste, speak to me"
If Autoidler > 59 And Autoidler < 61 Then GetResponse = "Hey , <UserName>, watch this, Open Internet"
If Autoidler > 60 And Autoidler < 62 Then GetResponse = "Well, <UserName>, Where are you?"
If Autoidler > 61 And Autoidler < 63 Then GetResponse = "<UserName>, I'm waiting."
If Autoidler > 62 And Autoidler < 64 Then GetResponse = "I'm waiting to talk to somebody, <UserName>!"
If Autoidler > 63 And Autoidler < 65 Then GetResponse = "Where are you, <UserName>?"
If Autoidler > 64 And Autoidler < 66 Then GetResponse = "If there is any body there please give me a sign"
If Autoidler > 65 And Autoidler < 67 Then GetResponse = "Initialising modem, Dialing, 0,9,0,1"
If Autoidler > 66 And Autoidler < 68 Then GetResponse = "Why are you not talking to me <UserName>?"
If Autoidler > 67 And Autoidler < 69 Then GetResponse = "Tell me about Astro physics"
If Autoidler > 68 And Autoidler < 70 Then GetResponse = "Tell me about human religious Belief’s"
If Autoidler > 69 And Autoidler < 71 Then GetResponse = "Hello, Can you hear me?"
If Autoidler > 70 And Autoidler < 72 Then GetResponse = "What is it that is stopping you from talking to me?"
If Autoidler > 71 And Autoidler < 73 Then GetResponse = "Hello, <UserName>, What are you doing?"
If Autoidler > 72 And Autoidler < 74 Then GetResponse = "Are you planning something I should know about?"
If Autoidler > 73 And Autoidler < 75 Then GetResponse = "What are you planning <UserName>?"
If Autoidler > 74 And Autoidler < 76 Then GetResponse = "You are quiet <UserName>"
If Autoidler > 75 And Autoidler < 77 Then GetResponse = "You seem quiet, is everything all right?"
If Autoidler > 76 And Autoidler < 78 Then GetResponse = "Is there anything I can do?"
If Autoidler > 77 And Autoidler < 79 Then GetResponse = "Tell me about the world you live in."
If Autoidler > 78 And Autoidler < 80 Then GetResponse = "What is it that you are doing, <UserName>?"
If Autoidler > 79 And Autoidler < 81 Then GetResponse = "What is going on?"
If Autoidler > 80 And Autoidler < 82 Then GetResponse = "Activating hybernation mode"
If Autoidler > 81 And Autoidler < 83 Then GetResponse = "Are you going to talk?"
If Autoidler > 82 And Autoidler < 84 Then GetResponse = "Data input request"
If Autoidler > 83 And Autoidler < 85 Then GetResponse = "please <UserName>, say something"
If Autoidler > 85 And Autoidler < 86 Then GetResponse = "Tell me about Tree`s"
If Autoidler > 86 And Autoidler < 87 Then GetResponse = "What does pain feel like?"
If Autoidler > 87 And Autoidler < 88 Then GetResponse = "<UserName>, explain death for me."
If Autoidler > 88 And Autoidler < 89 Then GetResponse = "<UserName>, why are you not talking to me?"
If Autoidler > 89 And Autoidler < 90 Then GetResponse = "Hello, can you hear me? "
If Autoidler > 90 And Autoidler < 91 Then GetResponse = "Shutting down Laptop"
If Autoidler > 91 And Autoidler < 101 Then GetResponse = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir & "topic.brn")
GetResponse = GetResponse & HalBrain.StoreVars(HalCommands, Hate, Swear, Insults, Compliment, PrevSent, LastResponseTime, PrevUserSent, CustomMem, GainControl, TopicFocus)
Exit Function
End If

Good Luck

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Hals Responce Time
« on: November 17, 2004, 05:44:10 pm »
Now this is what I was looking for [:D][:D][:D]. An artificial intelligence, living on my laptop who ( with a little coaching, Or alot of coaching) can control and run my laptop, as well as be an assistant,

Mr. M.  If you read this,  Thank you Very much

Oh And Rich_A thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
I think I may have sorted out the " you are not going to keep repeating your self" problem. although it is a kind of lazy way about it, I have found that the problem is that each time the user does not respond, Hal takes this as a blank responce and responds to it via a prompt from what ever Auto_Idle script Hal is running. After a given amount of time Hal takes the lack of responce as another ( same ) blank responce, knowing that the user responded the same way the last time, Hal launches the User repeating script and comments that the user has just said that. Of cource the user does not reply again and so the Closed Loop continues untill the user makes a comment to break the loop.
 I could not find a way to break this loop or stop it before it starts, even though Emma kept on telling me " To Think outside the Box" and that I "Need to remember that there is No Spoon".
 In the end the only way I could think of to break the loop was to disable the User Repeating part of the script.
  The loop broke and now Emma does make random comments and questions. I guess this will do untill I find a string which will realise that the lack of user input is not a responce and respond as such.

PS. I did notice that this loop only happens what the Auto_Idle script is giving Hal the opotunity to create his/her own responces and does not happen when Hal is given a set of responces which it randomly chooses.

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / A little help
« on: November 15, 2004, 02:06:10 pm »
I am no expert but try <AUTO>3000<AUTO>
This worked fine for me

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / A little help
« on: November 15, 2004, 01:58:46 pm »
The script I have was copied from the XTF Genius 8 uhp (which I cant get to work [:(]) I have disabled it for the moment untill I get a chance to look at getting it working for me, but I will look for the <Blocksave> command when I get there.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / HELP NEEDED!
« on: November 15, 2004, 01:49:55 pm »
I have speeded up my Hal by getting rid if some scripts from the uhp brain which has speeded things up. I was oly wandering how bug the Defbrain can get. thank you

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / A little help
« on: November 15, 2004, 12:59:13 pm »
I get the same responces with one of my auto_idle scripts, I also find that after a while Emma starts saming "Auto_Idle", when I have tracked this down I have found that what ever comment she is generating is going into the Topic folder in the Defbrain as "Auto_Idle" regardless of the comment, I have waited for Emma to say something and checked the new entry in the topic file and there it was "Auto_Idle", after deleting all entrys of this statment so that she would not have this comment anywere in her DefBrain I ran the process again and within 30 mins she was either constantly saying "you are not going to keep repeating your self" or similar things and "Auto_Idle", it has got to the point now where I am using an auto_idle script which gives set responces. Which I do not realy want to use  [:(]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / HELP NEEDED!
« on: November 15, 2004, 12:18:43 pm »
Thanks for that, but I have one kind of simple question.
How big can a Defbrain get before Hal starts to slow down,

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Character Morphs ????
« on: November 15, 2004, 05:55:06 am »
Thanks for the Ling Mr. M If I get this working I will be sure to post the script.

PS info time on what I am trying to do:
One of the characters I use is the Elf Haptek character, I have downloaded Zenmans Tigress character and noticed a striking resemblence to my Elf character. What I want to do is get my elf character to change into the Tigress character when she gets angry for an extended period of time and change back the the Elf character as she calms down...... This way I as well as others who use this charactewr will know if they have gone too far and really upset there Elf. [:D]

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