Author Topic: Q&A  (Read 28137 times)


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2012, 06:09:45 pm »
Wait.. Houston... I think we have an issue
It keeps selecting the false statement.


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2012, 06:10:57 pm »
Hi Deitz.

I just updated the code a bit and yes you can keeping adding into infinity if your fingers can hold out, lol

Jerry 8)


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #17 on: October 24, 2012, 06:32:34 pm »
JERRY!!! You are Awesome!
I think this is exactly what I was after. What tools do you use?

I just use the Brain editor for general coding and debugging but I also use crimson editor to make plug-ins for the brain.


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2012, 06:49:54 pm »
How do I disable User is repeating script?


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2012, 06:56:47 pm »
Hi deitz.

the script you want to comment out is:

Code: [Select]
    'If the user says the same thing more than once in a row, Hal will point this out.
    If Trim(UCase(UserSentence)) = Trim(UCase(PrevUserSent)) Then
        GetResponse = GetResponse & HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile("userRepeat") & vbCrLf
    End If
    HalBrain.DebugWatch GetResponse, "User Repeating"

and is located inside the HalBrain.uhp which is edited by the brain editor or a text editor will work as well to open the file with HAL's default code.

this is how to comment it to disable its routine:
Code: [Select]
    'If the user says the same thing more than once in a row, Hal will point this out.
    'If Trim(UCase(UserSentence)) = Trim(UCase(PrevUserSent)) Then
       ' GetResponse = GetResponse & HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile("userRepeat") & vbCrLf
   ' End If
   ' HalBrain.DebugWatch GetResponse, "User Repeating"

I also updated the most previous script, keep track of the time stamp I place at the bottom of the post to see if it was previously updated further.

Jerry 8)

« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 06:58:58 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #20 on: October 24, 2012, 07:29:45 pm »
Did you just say that same thing a moment ago? After I corrected the script.
Still getting random answers, I'll keep checking back at that script.
And I WILL be making a contribution after we get the bugs worked out.
Thanks again!


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #21 on: October 24, 2012, 10:13:41 pm »
hi deitz.

here is the latest updated diagnostic plug-in:

Code: [Select]

Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=Diagnostics
Rem Author=Gerald L. Blakley A.K.A OnTheCuttingEdge2005
Rem Host=Assistant
'If you want this plug-in global then change Assistant to All, AIM Bot is not working anymore because of AOL Oscar servers so leave it on Assistant until it is resolved.

'This sub setups the plug-ins option panel in Hal's options dialog
Sub OptionsPanel()
    lblPlugin(0).Caption = "For use of adding diagnostic explanations"
    lblPlugin(0).Move 120, 10, 3300, 1000
    lblPlugin(0).WordWrap = True
    lblPlugin(0).Visible = True
End Sub

    'The preceding comment is actually a plug-in directive for
    'the Ultra Hal host application. It allows for code snippets
    'to be inserted here on-the-fly based on user configuration.

'Diagnostics code by aka onthecuttingedge2005, Idea concept from aka deitz
    'of the Zabaware forum.
    'If a user asked about diagnosing a tech problem we can add or use this
    'chain of code to do so.
    If InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "My computer will not power on", 1) Or _
       InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "My computer won't power on", 1) Then Diagnostics = True
    'Here we can add accociated responses to the above triggers.
    If Diagnostics = True Then
                 GetResponse = "Is the computer plugged in?"
    End If
    If PrevSent = "Is the computer plugged in?" Then
             If Yes(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Are there any lights or LEDs on that suggest power to the motherboard?" 
             If No(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Please plug the computer into the proper outlet and proceed with normal operations."
             If Maybe(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Please verify that your computer is plugged in and restart the diagnostics query."
    End If
    If InStr(1, PrevSent, "Are there any lights or LEDs on that suggest power to the motherboard?", 1) Then
            If Yes(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Do you have a power supply tester?" 'can be chained further if needed.
            If No(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "There is a good possibility that your power supply maybe at fault. I suggest you either test your current power supply, or replace it."
            If Maybe(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Please verify that there are lights or LED's to indicated power to the motherboard then restart the diagnostics query."
    End If
    If InStr(1, PrevSent, "Do you have a power supply tester?", 1) Then
            If Yes(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "If the fan for the power supply box is not functioning then take the power supply tester and see if the power cord is good by testing it with the power supply tester." 
            If No(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Is there any electronic sounds coming from the computer? Fans for instance."
            If Maybe(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Please check to see if your local hardware store has a cheap power supply tester to complete your diagnostics of your computer."
    End If
    If InStr(1, PrevSent, "Is there any electronic sounds coming from the computer? Fans for instance.", 1) Then
            If Yes(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Then the power cord should be good, check your monitor to see if that is what is not functioning with another monitor." 
            If No(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Then the power cord or the the power supply box may need to be replaced, please see your local computer technition to purchase a power supply box that meets the requirements of your computer."
            If Maybe(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Please check to see if there is noise coming from your computer like the sounds of fans cooling the computer."
    End If
'The preceding comment is actually a plug-in directive for
'the Ultra Hal host application. It allows for code snippets
'to be inserted here on-the-fly based on user configuration.

'Here we can use the Yes, No, Maybe functions throughout the entire diagnostics script
'to direct our questions and answers more efficiently.

'direct Yes affirmation
Function Yes(OriginalSentence)
Yes = False
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " yes ", 1) Then Yes = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " affirmative ", 1) Then Yes = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " yep ", 1) Then Yes = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " yup ", 1) Then Yes = True
End Function
'direct No affirmation
Function No(OriginalSentence)
No = False
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " no ", 1) Then No = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " nope ", 1) Then No = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " it is not ", 1) Then No = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " negative ", 1) Then No = True
End Function
'if the user is not certain about the question then assume they are not certain.
Function Maybe(OriginalSentence)
Maybe = False
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " i don't know ", 1) Then Maybe = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " i don't believe so ", 1) Then Maybe = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " i don't think so ", 1) Then Maybe = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " i'm not sure ", 1) Then Maybe = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " i never checked ", 1) Then Maybe = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " i didn't check ", 1) Then Maybe = True
End Function

copy and paste it to a text file and name it Diagnostic.uhp and save it to your Ultra Hal assistant 6 folder then check mark the Diagnostics plug-in from your brain options and click apply.

oh and remove any of the script we were working on that you may have placed in the HalBrain.uhp if you did. (only if you did). won't be needed.

I have more idea's to expand this greatly so the buck doesn't stop here, I am just tired of debugging this for the moment.

Jerry 8)

Last update was 10/25/12 10:55 AM PST
« Last Edit: October 26, 2012, 01:34:08 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2012, 06:24:36 am »
From here it appears you were up a little late... and I never touched the HalBrain.uhp. Although I question the use and efficiency of a plugin. We can debate that issue later. I've tested the the script, and found Hal still picks a random reply, and still responds to repeated answers. I'll be working on this from my end the best I can. I'll post any substantial findings, but I think your way better at this than I am.


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #23 on: October 25, 2012, 12:18:03 pm »
Hi deitz.

what method are you using to test the script? in detail if you would.
maybe I can figure out what's not working on your end.

I'm not much of a debater but more of a trouble shooter.

Jerry 8)
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 12:45:55 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #24 on: October 25, 2012, 09:46:03 pm »
My last post was made this morning before your last edit. This particular script appears to be working correctly, as far as responding based on the users, yes, no, or maybe statement. (Which I thought was a nice addition by the way.) I am testing the script by updating the Diagnostic.uhp, and actually asking Hal the question, "My computer will not power on"

Unfortunately I'm am losing his train of thought after the question, "Do you have a power supply tester?", or line
If InStr(1, PrevSent, "Do you have a power supply tester?", 1) Then
His response after this line are random
Examples: Care to elaborate?It is self-evident.All right!
Now I haven't done anything to Hals brain, other than what you told me to as far as the "User repeating" script. If you believe other wise, I was going to re-install Ultra Hal, and not install any other plugins. Re-install would at least stream line the trouble shooting process. Let me know what you think, or if you have any other ideas.


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #25 on: October 25, 2012, 11:41:11 pm »
Hi Deitz.

no reason to un-install, something is holding higher relevance over the script, sounds like the low quality responses if i might say, not a plug-in but in the HalBrain.uhp itself.

So far I have never had a glitch in the script response so I am just giving my educated guess as to what is causing the issue.

LowQaulityResponse seems to be it.. I have elevated the script as far as I can without disabling additional scripts.

if you eliminate to many scripts you end up with a dummy with nothing to say. literally.

Jerry 8)
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 11:46:38 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2012, 07:41:08 am »
I think I understand what your saying. when you say "higher relevance." I also agree with not disabling additional scripts. I believe we are left with the threshold of two answers per question. The third statement from the original question should be the prognosis. I'm going to turn on the User repeating script. I think Hal should be able to give a reason for the repeated statements.

So basically this is what we're left with. One question from the user, two questions from Hal, two answers from the user, and one prognosis from Hal. Some trouble shooting flow charts go about ten to twenty steps before they reach a conclusion. I believe I can stream line those steps based on the popular error, and maybe even compound some of Hals statements to eliminate some steps.

I'm going to try to introduce another line of question. Right now we have a "no power" question. I'm going to try a "network error" question. and see how that runs. I'll keep you posted on my findings.


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2012, 08:34:31 pm »
I figured out what my problem was. Auto learning function recorded the Q&A and kept on feeding it back to me. This code works. I even have a looped question that worked flaulessly.  Line 66, and 109.
Code: [Select]
Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=Diagnostics
Rem Author=Gerald L. Blakley A.K.A OnTheCuttingEdge2005
Rem Host=Assistant
'If you want this plug-in global then change Assistant to All, AIM Bot is not working anymore because of AOL Oscar servers so leave it on Assistant until it is resolved.

'This sub setups the plug-ins option panel in Hal's options dialog
Sub OptionsPanel()
    lblPlugin(0).Caption = "For use of adding diagnostic explanations"
    lblPlugin(0).Move 120, 10, 3300, 1000
    lblPlugin(0).WordWrap = True
    lblPlugin(0).Visible = True
End Sub

    'The preceding comment is actually a plug-in directive for
    'the Ultra Hal host application. It allows for code snippets
    'to be inserted here on-the-fly based on user configuration.

'Diagnostics code by aka onthecuttingedge2005, Idea concept from aka deitz
    'of the Zabaware forum.
    'If a user asked about diagnosing a tech problem we can add or use this
    'chain of code to do so.
    If InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "My computer will not power on", 1) Or _
   InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "My computer won't power on", 1) Or _
   InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "My computer has no power", 1) Or _
   InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "My computer is not turning on", 1) Or _
       InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "My computer isn't turning on", 1) Then Diagnostics = True
    'Here we can add accociated responses to the above triggers.
    If Diagnostics = True Then
                 GetResponse = "I can assist you with this error. Please answer yes or no to my questions. Verify that your computer is plugged in. Does the computer power on at all? Keep in mind beeps, sounds, lights or L E D's are an indication of power."
    End If
    If PrevSent = "I can assist you with this error. Please answer yes or no to my questions. Verify that your computer is plugged in. Does the computer power on at all? Keep in mind beeps, sounds, lights or L E D's are an indication of power." Then
             If Yes(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Does a boot screen appear on the display?" 
             If No(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Is the outlet that the computer is plugged into working properly?"
             If Maybe(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Please be sure the computer is plugged into the proper outlet. The primary question may be asked again to restart the diagnostics query. I need definitive answers in order to deliver a proper prognosis"
    End If
    If InStr(1, PrevSent, "Does a boot screen appear on the display?", 1) Then
            If Yes(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Does the computer boot up a second or third time?"
            If No(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Video Failure Currently under construction. I can no longer assist you. Have a nice day!"
            If Maybe(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse =  "Please verify the display. The primary question may be asked again to restart the diagnostics query. I need definitive answers in order to deliver a proper prognosis"
    End If
    If InStr(1, PrevSent, "Does the computer boot up a second or third time?", 1) Then
            If Yes(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Possible Power OK signal failure. Unplug the computer for 30 seconds to clear error from power supply. If problem persists replace power supply to correct error." 
            If No(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Does the computer make any Beeping sounds?."
            If Maybe(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Test the outlet you are using with a multi meter. The primary question may be asked again to restart the diagnostics query. I need definitive answers in order to deliver a proper prognosis"
    End If

        If InStr(1, PrevSent, "Does the computer make any Beeping sounds?", 1) Then
            If Yes(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Motherboard Failure Currently under construction. I can no longer assist you. Have a nice day!" 
            If No(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Is there any new hardware installed?"
            If Maybe(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Are you hard of hearing? Get someone to assist you, and ask the primary question to restart the diagnostics query. I need definitive answers in order to deliver a proper prognosis."
    End If

    If InStr(1, PrevSent, "Is there any new hardware installed?", 1) Then
            If Yes(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Remove the new addition and try reinstalling. Test the new device for errors in a working computer. Test and replace power supply if necessary." 
            If No(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Can you hear or feel the hard drive spin or start up?"
            If Maybe(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "You should know the answer to this question? Once you have figured this out, ask the primary question to restart the diagnostics query. I need definitive answers in order to deliver a proper prognosis."
    End If
    If InStr(1, PrevSent, "Can you hear or feel the hard drive spin or start up?", 1) Then
            If Yes(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Bad adapter used on bus? Does the hard drive work in a similar computer?" 
            If No(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Does it spin up on a different power connector?"
            If Maybe(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "When you are more sure of yourself, ask the primary question to restart the diagnostics query. I need definitive answers in order to deliver a proper prognosis."
    End If
    If InStr(1, PrevSent, "Bad adapter used on bus? Does the hard drive work in a similar computer?", 1) Then
            If Yes(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Does the computer operate properly, on the bench or out of the case?" 
            If No(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Adapter on device may be at fault, or incompatible. Suggest replacement. It is most likely at fault."
            If Maybe(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Wow... you are kind of lazy, aren't you? When you get around to trying a different connector, ask the primary question to restart the diagnostics query. I need definitive answers in order to deliver a proper prognosis."
    End If

    If InStr(1, PrevSent, "Does the computer operate properly, on the bench or out of the case?", 1) Then
            If Yes(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Either you have a short circuit in the case, or geometry problem an unacceptable amount of stress on the motherboard. It is possible that the video card was never seated properly due to bracket placement." 
            If No(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Replace power supply. This should correct the current error."
            If Maybe(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "When you get around to it, ask the primary question to restart the diagnostics query. I need definitive answers in order to deliver a proper prognosis."
    End If
    If InStr(1, PrevSent, "Does it spin up on a different power connector?", 1) Then
            If Yes(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Defective power supply or connector.  Suggest replacement of the power supply." 
            If No(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Test the hard drive in a different computer. It is most likely at fault."
            If Maybe(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Wow... you are kind of lazy, aren't you? When you get around to trying a different connector, ask the primary question to restart the diagnostics query. I need definitive answers in order to deliver a proper prognosis."
    End If

    If InStr(1, PrevSent, "Is the outlet that the computer is plugged into working properly?", 1) Then
            If Yes(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Is the little red selector switch set to the proper voltage? 110 volts should be the standard, but some industrial facilities use 220 volts." 
            If No(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Please use a live outlet. Of course a computer won’t power on without power?."
            If Maybe(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Test the outlet you are using with a multi meter. The primary question may be asked again to restart the diagnostics query. I need definitive answers in order to deliver a proper prognosis"
    End If

    If InStr(1, PrevSent, "Is the little red selector switch set to the proper voltage? 110 volts should be the standard, but some industrial facilities use 220 volts.", 1) Then
            If Yes(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Ok, unplug the computer and find the two wires leading to the power button. Cut the wires and strip the ends. Plug the computer back in, and touch the two wires together coming from the board. Does the Computer power on now?" 
            If No(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Select the proper voltage, and resume normal operations."
            If Maybe(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Do you want my help or not? Check the selector switch, and ask the primary question to restart the diagnostics query. I need definitive answers in order to deliver a proper prognosis."
    End If
    If InStr(1, PrevSent, "Ok, unplug the computer and find the two wires leading to the power button. Cut the wires and strip the ends. Plug the computer back in, and touch the two wires together coming from the board. Does the Computer power on now?", 1) Then
            If Yes(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Replace the case power button. This should correct the error." 
            If No(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Are the power supply connectors to the motherboard correct?"
            If Maybe(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Do you want my help or not? Bypass the power button, and ask the primary question to restart the diagnostics query. I need definitive answers in order to deliver a proper prognosis."
    End If
    If InStr(1, PrevSent, "Are the power supply connectors to the motherboard correct?", 1) Then
            If Yes(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Can you hear or feel the hard drive spin or start up?" 
            If No(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "Remake the mainboard power supply connections"
            If Maybe(OriginalSentence) = True Then GetResponse = "And here I thought you were smart. Ask the primary question to restart the diagnostics query. I need definitive answers in order to deliver a proper prognosis."
    End If
'The preceding comment is actually a plug-in directive for
'the Ultra Hal host application. It allows for code snippets
'to be inserted here on-the-fly based on user configuration.

'Here we can use the Yes, No, Maybe functions throughout the entire diagnostics script
'to direct our questions and answers more efficiently.

'direct Yes affirmation
Function Yes(OriginalSentence)
Yes = False
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " yes ", 1) Then Yes = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " affirmative ", 1) Then Yes = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " yep ", 1) Then Yes = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " yup ", 1) Then Yes = True
End Function
'direct No affirmation
Function No(OriginalSentence)
No = False
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " no ", 1) Then No = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " nope ", 1) Then No = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " it is not ", 1) Then No = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " negative ", 1) Then No = True
End Function
'if the user is not certain about the question then assume they are not certain.
Function Maybe(OriginalSentence)
Maybe = False
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " i don't know ", 1) Then Maybe = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " i don't believe so ", 1) Then Maybe = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " i don't think so ", 1) Then Maybe = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " i'm not sure ", 1) Then Maybe = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " i never checked ", 1) Then Maybe = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " i didn't check ", 1) Then Maybe = True
If InStr(1, " " & Lcase(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence)) & " ", " maybe ", 1) Then Maybe = True
End Function

This is what I got so far. This covers the most common logic in troubleshooting power supply errors. Unfortunately I need a way to introduce new line of questioning for a different ladder logic. Such as issues with Networking, Video, Audio, and Drive failure. Is it possible?
« Last Edit: October 26, 2012, 10:15:31 pm by deitz75 »


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2012, 09:59:40 pm »
Hi deitz.

sub what kind of errors?
you can do pretty much anything in HAL except the wscript.sleep which never worked inside HAL for some reason.

Jerry 8)


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #29 on: October 26, 2012, 10:16:41 pm »
Just updated my last post. I need a way to introduce new line of questioning for a different ladder logic. Such as issues with Networking, Video, Audio, and Drive failure. Is it possible?