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Messages - BunkerFett

Pages: [1]
Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal play music
« on: March 14, 2004, 06:11:06 pm »
I am attempting to design my first brain. I know NOTHING. So slowly and surely I'll get there, but it'll take a while. My question is:
I want Hal to play an mp3 for me when I ask. In the brain editor I have: "text to search for: PLAY" Additional text to search for: <filename>" how do I tell it to head into c drive ,my docs, my music folder though? I don't yet understand all the switches. As I am disabled and home bound this is a great thing. it really gets my wheels spinning, and I have a lot of time to put into teaching "Molly". I have been attempting to go after the prog with deductive reasoning. It would be much quicker to "teach" if I can get a handle on the brain editor.
Please help. thanx.

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