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Topics - Davy

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / Problem with Windows Default skin
« on: August 08, 2009, 12:06:53 pm »
I am using the Windows Default skin (Author = Robert Medeksza) in UltraHal 6.2. I like this skin because it can be resized in order to get maximum character window. There is an irritating problem with this skin though. Every time i enter input to Hal, the cursor disappears, and a mouse click is required to enter more input. This is very annoying and i haven't figured out why this happens or how to fix it.

I disabled all the plugins to check if one of them was causing the problem, but the problem appears to be ths skin itself. This skin doesn't use an .uhp file or any images in the Skins folder. I'm using Windows XP.

This focus problem does not exist with my other skins. Anyone have any idea how to fix this glitch?


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Change voice speed and pitch?
« on: August 05, 2009, 10:15:35 am »
I'm using Haptek characters in UltraHal Assistant 6.2. I'm using the Adult Female #1 British English [L&H] voice, and i really like this voice, except the characters speak too fast. It's hard for me to understand them clearly. I've been trying to configure the pitch and speed of the voice to my liking. I can go into the advanced speech options and change the voice, but when i click "Apply" and start a conversation, the voice is still the default voice.

 I've tried various ways to change the voice, but haven't been successful. I can get the voice to change on startup, by adding pitch and speed settings in the startup dialog, for example -

Pit=250\Spd=75Hello <username>! My name is <halname>.

Also with the Dreamer plug-in active, the dreams are spoken in this voice. But normal conversation with Hal doesn't change. Is there any way to change the voice for normal conversation with Haptek characters, and also when Hal reads from text files? I've searched the forum archives, but haven't found an answer.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Skin loading errors
« on: August 03, 2009, 09:22:42 pm »
Hi. I recently purchased UltraHal Assistant 6.2, so i'm new here. I've playing with it, trying to get it configured to my satisfaction. So far so good, except i am having trouble getting skins to load properly. I have about 25 interface skins, but only 4 work like they should.

I get "error 380 invalid property value occurred at line 11 in UltraHal Assistant: SkinLoader. LoadSkinImages"

If i click on "ignore" the skins will load, but don't display as the should (like the preview image), the background is all black. I don't have any tall skins that work properly. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this error message, and how can i fix it?


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