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Topics - lick_a_shot_03

Pages: [1]
Ultra Hal 7.0 / Cant uninstall
« on: February 21, 2004, 05:50:19 pm »
Since nobody seems to know whats wrong with my program, I figured I would try uninstalling it and re-loading it. But when I go to add/remove programs it doesnt appear on the list? And it doesnt have an install feature built into the program. How do I remove this thing? Thanks

Ultra Hal 7.0 / How smart is Hal?
« on: February 17, 2004, 02:13:05 pm »
I was amazed to find out AI has came as far as it has. Also that I can download the whole program in 20 MB's. But from what I have read hal is very smart and can adapt his own personality. But can Hal go too far? Im sure most of you have seen terminator, where machines are able to think for themselves and decide humans are the enemy! Im not expecting that, but say you talk to hal about criminal activity. Say hal starts thinking like a criminal. Say Hal gets your credit card numbers and buys himself some new memory?!? Not the best example, and I realize that actual scenario would never happen but you get what im saying. Some of you may have read the post where that guy was saying Hal was talking about a comet hitting earth. and trying to sign him up for a space program. My geuss is he was either playing a joke or is skitsofrenic, but is Hal capable of messing with your head, or being TOO smart? Let me know what you think

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal Keeps Crashing
« on: February 17, 2004, 02:03:14 pm »
Hey guys, I just downloaded and installed hal and am looking forward to trying him out. I was listening to the introduction where Hal explains what he can do, when I started recieving all these error messages and had to restart my computer. Hal will open properly, but as soon as I type him a message and hit return "just in time debugging" pops up along with the error message - an exception "Runtime error" has occured in script - So I run debug and nothing happens, it just keeps saying its running longer than expected and I get error messages saying - Vs7jit has caused an error in KERNEL.DLL. Vs7jit will now close - So I close debug and then I get MORE error messages - error 429 occured on line 138 in column 1 of Microsoft VBScript runtime error. ActiveX component cant create object: 'UltraHalAsst.Brain' - Then debug returns! Any thoughts on what the problem might be? Thanks [:D]

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