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Topics - kmac

Pages: [1]
Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ready to go back to Hal 5...
« on: March 19, 2006, 10:23:47 pm »
Is it normal to have to enter the auth. code every single time I reboot the computer? The first 2 times it went ok... annoying but ok... this time I got a stack of messages telling me I had to enter the code, that it was corrupt and I need to request a new code AND that I should try again tomorrow "maybe it will work then"...  This software couldn't possibly be this screwed up could it? [?]

Maybe I just got the one made on a friday afternoon... [:D]

I've been feeding Hal a ton of information and have had the problem with him stopping after a certain number of words... how do I increase his memory size? Any shortcuts or have I just been looking too hard for the answer...

And... while I'm on the subject, Is there a way to get Hal to close programs once he's opened them? (Open defrag, Close defrag) A type of "stopall" command maybe?

Kevin, (newly registered but long time lurker...) [8D]

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