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Topics - Erika

Pages: [1]
Speech Technology / Help with Speech Recognition
« on: May 05, 2008, 02:40:23 am »
Hi there.

I'm trying to use the SR engine from the Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1 - however, anytime I try to use anything that uses SR, my microphone goes mute - software wise, I mean, the physical switch on the microphone volume control stays on, but the sound in Windows goes mute.

But, the engine itself works - if I start something with SR (say, the recognition training, or even HAL with the microphone on), open Volume Control and raise the microphone's volume, it will work, in a sense - albeit, the next time I use something with SR it'll mute the Microphone channel again.

I'm using Windows XP Media Center Edition if that makes any difference.

I know it's not the microphone, because I've used it for other things (ventrilo, messing around in Sound Recorder to test the microphone..) and they worked fine.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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