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Topics - richardg

Pages: [1]
Ultra Hal 7.0 / Text-to-Speech mispronuntiation
« on: September 29, 2002, 04:21:26 am »
Ultra Hal Text-to-Speech Reader 1.0
I am reasonably happy with the product after using it for about a month, unfortunately the mispronuntiation of minimizing, and all words with ize, ise , ile, etc are pronounced with an 'e' sound instead of 'i' and this becomes annoying. I raised this before but I have not heard any news about it.
Have you produced a new version? If, and when you do How can I download the nner version?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / new voices? hostile or hostele?
« on: September 04, 2002, 10:22:39 am »
The link to get new voices does not work. I get the not found message.

the pronuciation of hostile and words ending in ..ised is wrong! the i is not been pronunced ai like 'I' but like 'e'.

Pages: [1]