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Messages - spydaz

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 43
General Discussion / Poser 7 with Hal?
« on: December 05, 2009, 05:08:26 pm »
Haptek characters are made off of POSER, then CONVERTED.... OBJECTS AND Accesories, Clothes, Hair, Eyes Etc Can also be made in 3d Space and Converted.... These tools HAptek SELL! "the converters"

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Second life
« on: December 05, 2009, 05:04:47 pm »
I Went to second life too!

Its not my Scene, BUT!

When the technology moves ON!

It Will be nice.... Needs to be like VICE CITY or even On the Playstation3 they have a little virtual world!
But i mean more Imersive Technology!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Anyone still making plugins?
« on: December 05, 2009, 04:53:39 pm »
OK OK.....

Hold It!


Usable and programable... you can Extend you halbrain.db brain.uhp files into my interface too... Although I have compiled it for Alll systems it uses MSAGENT !

Its taken loads of time and STILL for me Its Just StartingOUT!
a HAL CLONE with my own programming and you can add your own VB, USE MY ActiveX controls and FUNCTIONS in your EvER EXPANDING BRAIN.... MULTI LEVELS OF Scripts and Databases file although i use MDB file MSACCESS.....

I Is Possibly going to be avail. for "Winter solstice" (X-mas)....on my site Or if your Eager you can Email me direct and i will send you a link to my SKYDRIVE to Download IT....

Although My current problem is to incorporate Snowmans Matrix DLL. But my problem is that it has been compiled by .Net Platform "Beta .Net framework 4" and is not available in VBscript or VB6 to be used as a reference "Interop VB6" may be needed but even my investigations on this subject has been limmited by microsofts "GENERALIZED MSDN" not as GOOD as it has been in the past... many of the developers have written books and tend to give less information to the msdn sites & technet than they do in their BOOKS.... Which are sold on amazon etc...

All my stuff is FREE... And is Really for FELLOW collaborators in this  
ChatBot / AI creator Circle..... VERY SMALL!..... Zabaware seems to be the Central POINT! Us Guys !

PS: Im real interseted in how to interface my project into Second LIFE TOO... probably a bit complexed for me... BUT!

Im still working on -
USER: "What is a CAT"
HAL: "Hmm. I dont Know ? What is a Definition of a CAT?"
USER: "HAL: A cat is a an animal"
HAL "What is a CAT"
USER "A cat is a An Animal", "An Animal is a MAMMAL", "A cat is a mammal!"

 NOTE: "An Animal is a MAMMAL" Had been saved as definition of animal!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / new 6.2 ver
« on: November 24, 2009, 10:44:33 am »
PS: hal worked fine on my XP Virtual machine

Ultra Hal 7.0 / new 6.2 ver
« on: November 24, 2009, 08:33:33 am »
I think his Microphone maybe a bit low... And You may need to Do some Speech recognition training... with the speech engine.... loads of reading... start slowly then build up speed with it!

I love It!

Perhaps i may add it to myweb site if you want to send me a blog to go with it!

Also He may need to be edited ie: some of the phrases Australians used "slang" compliments just like us Cockney English need to be hardcoded into his brain so he understand correctly... and even his responses to make him sound more Oz.

by using the dictation PAD you can see How the speech engine recognizes certain words and talor your RECOGNITION in the HALBRAIN.db tables database.... although we spell G'Day <<< the computer maynot recognize the sound with the spelling..... with the dictation pad you can get the computers spellings....

Thinking about all the different dialects of English and slang terms!

All Me DATA needs now is a LATEX MASK... taking him from Robot to CYBORG (well just top half)....

Possible NEW EYES 3d WEBCAM Stereo VISION 1 USB port

Ultra Hal 7.0 / MSAgent characters under Windows 7
« on: November 21, 2009, 05:39:43 pm »

1ST THE ORIGINAL DOWNLOAD FROM MICROSOFT MSAGENT.EXE < this does work! But there is transparency issues with some characters. I have found to Correct this problem.


AgentAnm.dll, AgentCtl.dll, AgentDp2.dll, AgentDPv.dll, AgentMPx.dll, AgentPsh.dll, AGTUI.DLL .

These are to be copied over the ones provided by the original msagent.exe installer. (works fine on lesser versions of windows).

the ones provided in Vista and XP are Updated versions of the one provided in the msagent.exe as it was originally intended for BACKEND users of win95 / winnt as windows 98 comes with the same versions as supplied in the msagent.exe. <PREFERABLY THE VISTA VERSIONS> as these will be the FINAL VERSIONS of the MSAGENT CONTROL.

Hopefully this should clear things up.

PS: the Microsoft link only provides a hot-fix for windows 7 x86 version and will not install on the 64bit... silly Microsoft!

General Discussion / Windows 7 & Haptek
« on: November 20, 2009, 04:45:00 am »
I activated my people putty on XPMODE - Virtual PC .

So now if i want to work on people putty then i open xpmode....

PS: this way i can re-install my main machine multiple times.... and always reconnect my VHD. to a new machine.... works fine.... in virtual pc 2009 / 2007. and the system ID stays the same too.. so vhds are transferable. to friends

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Evening
« on: November 13, 2009, 10:48:26 am »
with all st still photos its possible to create a msagent from her

General Discussion / PROJECT NATAL
« on: November 13, 2009, 10:31:25 am »
Its All About Project MILO!

That the AI For Xbox360

Although his brain only last abou 90hrs Very Nice.

To use project NATAL We will have to wait for the SDK to become available, as it is a device (CAMERA / controller) although the Eye toy and xbox camera did not have a controller driver available its cameral came up as logitech?...

apparently they are using lua as a programming language its an open source programing language!   <<< the creators

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Possible AI project ideas:
« on: November 02, 2009, 12:17:36 pm »
PS: I will probably give my program away!

As it contains the HAL DLL's.... and probably the haptek too!


and its for every one HERE TOO! as we are a hal lovers1

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Possible AI project ideas:
« on: November 02, 2009, 12:15:12 pm »
with the home automationn:

Pretty easy as the commands to tun things on off .... Xon & XOff <ROOM(denoted by letter)>,<SWITCH(denoted by number)>

Xon A,4 == Close Blinds
1-light switch
2-bedroom lamp plug
3-Electric blanket

but you get the meaning!

With the Picture Recognition:
The Issue here is to be able to store the pictures in to the database File and also save and retrieve the pictures... a bit like ER1 ... a picture comparison program would be useful.....

with the Face recgnition ( a few webcam technogieys have incorperated FACE TRACING SOFTWARE....) Along this lines is how we would capture the images into the  database..... for comparison.... even though hal would see video he would acutally recognize something as a face then capture and tag it! for comparison later... even capture and wait to fill in a basic set of data for textual retrieveal

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Restart issue w/Hal
« on: November 02, 2009, 12:03:58 pm »
Make sure you have the latest version of the HAL installed TOO as these problems have been Sorted!

If you are running XP.... You can still upgrade to windows 7! if you have driver issues (probably wont unless using obscure tech), you can install the XP version of the driver (by first using RUN AS XP) in compatability mode and it WILL INSTALL and the driver WILL WORK! as every time it runs it shall be run as an xp program.... after install any short cut will need to be tweaked to run as Xp Too!

as windows 7 is a LIGHTER VERSION THAN VISTA (memory issues... 512mb no problems) although everybody is supposed to have at least a gig now!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal Windows Free Downloads
« on: November 02, 2009, 11:54:15 am »
All seems like pure madness.

I have seen forums across the board get more and more cut throat (feirce) ... Let not make this the same!


Back to the matter at hand. AMANDA INTERACTIVE. Do you have any project files or compiled files to download your project....I couldnt locate them?

Other than that it look all good.... Each to their own i say!

I am working on a project that uses hal5 & 6.... And my own brain + external VB script and ms access database.

My own interface etc... I am soon ready to release a copy of the COMPILED PROJECT... (in a msi)....

I would probably like to incorporate snowman's matrix too...
I have used the zabaware brains as addons... i would also like to use VERBOT too! but have never had a full copy to work with....

I to would be nice to incorperate your stuff too...

Personally my aim is to have a basic interface that can "PLUGIN" other AI programs and resources... becoming a superbrain!...

I am also real eager to see snowmans ---- nearly finished "probably" - Project too!


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal Windows Free Downloads
« on: October 29, 2009, 02:40:52 pm »
I like the Site!



hal does learn from the AIM messenger, but he does get tim-med out after a while!

I was using it to test all my brains!
there are loads of aol bots out there for hal to chat to.. Just add them to his buddy/frens list!

PS: You have to start the conversation for him!

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