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Messages - spydaz

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / Second life
« on: October 29, 2009, 02:26:02 pm »
I REALLY LIKED THAT VIDEO.... I would be nice to see Hal's Escapades...

I would be a prudent move to include the second life add on in the next FULL RELEASE OF HAL!

Although where are hals brain files located on the second life server or home server... or is it the web representative....

He seems real smart on there and doesnt seem to glitch out with repeatitive phrases as when he talks with bot or on the aol messenger... although i would like to see this plugin improved to MSN!

This is a major step forward as no hal has got a Virtual world as his oyster....

I have joined second life... Although not really for ME! (SURROGATES)!
But i would send My LawnmowerHAL IN THERE! I like the way he was flying about and moves on if nobody chats to him! he doesnt bug any one!



Will Miss you and you inspriation!

deeply sad.

At last you will find PEACE.


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / HalVisionX Beta
« on: October 18, 2009, 10:30:06 am »
Originally posted by snowman

I've installed Windows 7 and it looks very smooth. I am currently adding new software. They have a 2010 Visual Studio Pro out and I'm reading to see what it's all about.

Just let'n ya know what I'm too at the moment.

It is real smooth!.... best to run the 64bit edition.... This way if you find it hard to use your development tools ie: haptek... you caninstall virtualpc 2009 / XP/VISTA mode where you have VISTA/XP in a virtual PC, and you applications installed in those environments are still working/ avalable in the start menu! attached to your win7 os... PS: the virtual pc's can run in full mode or even just application mode... this way the virtual pc is always hibernated.. takeing up no memory.... just disk space and only used when reqiured!

YOU WILL HAVE PROBLEMS DEVELOPING MSAGENT & HAPTEK IN WIN7 ... even after installing the msagent component... you will need to copy the originals from vista... over the newley installed ones in win7.... then msagent will work!
Haptek ... We are still waiting for it to be upgraded to even work correctly with vista! lol

General Discussion / An interensting Vid.
« on: October 02, 2009, 06:49:48 pm »
wow i forgot how i changed i think i had a website which can Spoof your IP... it has all the WEB STUFF ON IT... WHOIS, MYSPEED, DNS ADDRESS ETC...

No installers i will have to search it!

I hav always loved the DR WHO STUFF... Although the story Changed after the first series to what we know today... I think TOM BAKER was "My Doctor Growing up...".... after watching torchwood one day i was thinking of Why Doctor "WHO" as tom baker was always nearly saying his name in the show!... but considering theShow with the Werewolve and the queen sstarted the institue to find out Who the docter IS! .... PS: He only in these modern days seems to have become some sort of tie police? not the interfearing doctor i remember!


General Discussion / One is a general set of Variations
« on: September 29, 2009, 05:36:29 am »
0 or the number zero has no value, it is mearley a PLACE HOLDER.

In ancient text the Concept of Zero did not exist... but a place was often left for it, with no actual figure to describe it.

so 0+0 = 00   << literally taking up double space

it seems simple but the place will need to be marked.

0 red elephants + 0 blue Elephants = 0 elephants
whereas elephants being the product to be calculated...
elephants are still in the answer!... therefore now elephants have become a conceptual data.... not actually there but a place holder put asside to say that elephants were to be calculated!

In the begining was "THE WORD" <<A SOUND>>> and the word was god! the word was with GOD  <the word was a object>.... darkenss move across the void! which also would imply that Darkness was an object that moved across nothingness....

the nothingness was "IN PLACE" god made the heavens and the earth.... which fitted inside the nothingness..... how would this be possible unless the void/ nothing ness had some form of SIZE! space is not ever expanding.... where is it expanding into.... the nothingness!

this is all so confusing but even nothing is something and needs a placeholder ths is where we get the concept of ZERO...

how large is zero? in regards to Space it is infinity
in regards to 0 elephants + 0 elephants = .... the size of zero here is an elephant!

so zero is actually the size of the object being calculated!

LOL its so seriously funny? the science of nothing!

General Discussion / Cancer Cured in Canada, But Big Pharma Says NO WAY
« on: September 28, 2009, 07:28:26 pm »
Originally posted by Duskrider

Story and formula appear to be here:

Hi Dusky... after fully disceting the article i had point to realise that i was being "LED DOWN THE GARDEN PATH".....After knowing people "regular people" afflicted with the aids viruses(both eventally died took years) they had tried many such remidies all geared towards giving "HOPE"

as with these herbal cancer cures!

General Discussion / Cancer Cured in Canada, But Big Pharma Says NO WAY
« on: September 28, 2009, 07:16:25 pm »
Originally posted by Bill819

As far as cloning goes a university in Lousiana has been successfully cloning some body parts now for a few years. In 2006 I contacted cancer of the bladder for the fifth time and that time it was so bad they had to remove my bladder completely to keep it from spreading. One year later I read about the university's ability to clone organs and at that time it was human bladders. In as little as two weeks they could clone your bladder have it transplanted into you without any chance of being rejected.
The news now is that they are developing ways to clone most other organs and it looks like they are being quite successful.

Real sad to hear about that bill friend, it sounds like good news for those who really want to live "BY ANY MEANS NECESARY". I truely understand. I BELEIVE : If thy right hand offend thee Cut it off, This does not mean REPLACE! the fact that we can be given "NOTICE" that we are about to die is a great thing, but to try and RESIST death, or CHANGE the PATH..Set for us! doesnt make it RIGHT!...

One day nickodemus "the magi" came to jesus after, jesus had raised lazzeruss from the dead and said "Teach me the miracle or RAISING THE DEAD JESUS" jesus replied that, even though he adimited that nickodemus was a "GREAT" MAGI, who could have perform simular miracles as jesus, jesus power CAME DIRECTLY FROM the most HIGH, and were not man made "MAGIC" / "MODERN SCIENCE". for nickodemus to recieve such "HEAVENLY GIFTS" he would have to LEAVE / FORGET his previous life and become a disciple! but nickodemus did not agree and went off to practice even more magic to reproduce jesus miracle......

Its hard to accept FATE when it is revealed to us, when the news is not what we would have wanted, but Faith, love.... these are the weapons we have, give yourself unto his will and all will be well. But if your faith is not strong then "YES" depend upon science to solve your troubles, even though they may even be able to pro long you, but really its destroying your s..l. these are the times to prepare the Spirit for the crossing and put your house in order! this is the real reason why it has been chosen to reveal the woes one may have.

Any way that was a bit much for this type of forum Sorry guys but the spirit moves when it moves....

PS: When the final hour was revealed to jesus, he prepared his last supper for his disciples and gave them all forgiveness and love, even a way to remember him, then went to the garden to pray to prepare his spirit for his final journey as this was the last time he was able to pray as a "FREE MAN" as after he would either be BOUND Imprizoned or even in pain.....

General Discussion / Cancer Cured in Canada, But Big Pharma Says NO WAY
« on: September 28, 2009, 08:26:52 am »
thats why the concept is so great....

Nulear bomb begats cancer, begats Aids, Begats hiv
Abortion begats stem cells begats eternal life
Stem cells begats the cure for cancer!

A Life for a LIFE!

probably they would women just producing "Feotuses" just to create the cure? Young ladies being convinced to Abort Rather than ADOPT, just to get stemm cells!

This is why stem cell research should be banned!

Ladies would be convinced by rich folk to "CARRY" their babys... where the lady would have no claim to the child as it was concieve with the rich folks EGGS & SPERM, even Grafted with thier own DNA to produce a cloned child JUST FOR ORGANS!

That why cloniong should be BANNED!


General Discussion / Cancer Cured in Canada, But Big Pharma Says NO WAY
« on: September 28, 2009, 08:20:48 am »
Originally posted by Bill819

Here are some interesting facts about both cancer and HIV.
Cancer cells are just normal growth cells that have run amok and in doing so can be very deadly. The hard part in finding a cure is that once you find a way to destroy the growth factor in cancer cell you also risk the danger of stopping all normal growth or at least inhibiting.
It was once announced that a cure or HIV was discovered years ago but the one of the side effects was that the drug that killed HIV also destroyed you immune system which could lead to fatal events as you could no longer fight off any regular viruses or deseases that could come you way. In other words you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Thats Quite Right!....

In the 60's they were working on the cure for Radiation related illnesses, Cancer being the main one. This led them to discover a "Possible cure" which itself turned out to be "A quired I mune D ificiency S yndrome", problem being that "AIDS" does not kill but puts the body into a "Vunerable state" but it cause the cancer to DISSapate Without the need to ~REMOVE... Aids became a comunicable disesae in the form of HIV.... Now the confusion is between HIV & AIDS....

HIV IS AN "AIDS CARRIER".... WILL EVENTUALLY DEVELOP AIDS... AID DOES NOT KILL! The simple flu Which you catch KILLS YOU (once you have Full blown AIDS"

it is also know that CANCER CELLS From around the Testise(BALLS) can produce StemCELLS which after various processing can heal anything! actually use by some beauty products "SYNOGY" <<< OIL OF ULAY >> as AGE REDUCING CREAMS! <<< Stem cells are used in the production of NEWBORN BABYS (GROW ORGANS)..... (Product of cancerous cells) the only other place to retreive stell cells is "UNBORN CHILD IN THE WOMB" thats why Pro-Abortion & Stem cell research & cloning & aids * CANCER all come under the same umbrella!

If i Clone You and Grow YOUR ORGANS.... the FREEZE CRYOGENICLLLY ... When YOu need a transplant you can use your own grown organs! esesntailly swapping organs continually <<< as a working body means LIFE! ... POSIBLE EVERLASTING!

General Discussion / Cancer Cured in Canada, But Big Pharma Says NO WAY
« on: September 24, 2009, 05:11:48 am »
Funny --- There has also been a CURE FOR HIV & AIDS for years hidden away?

After Injecting so many africans with the disease Eventually the women became immune... and a vacine was created! only for a select Illuminated FEW...

After joining a lodge, Many other things were also revealed. UBOM!
United brotherhood Order of  Melshedek!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / A.I. installed in cars. Version 1.0
« on: September 22, 2009, 11:29:50 am »
I beleive HAl could and does work in a car.... He could be used to control some items possibly Via X10 protocol...

Home automation transfered to cars.... as a home project!

although we a re seeing major developments!

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / RE: Integrating HAL
« on: September 22, 2009, 11:25:40 am »
Originally posted by Medeksza

Attached is a zip file with a sample VB.NET 2008 project and a VB6 project showing exactly how to integrate Hal as you mention. Requires a licensed copy of Hal on the system but no additional cost beyond that and contact me if you plan on redistributing it.

Download Attachment:
79.7 KB

A GOOD IDEA... thanks although already doing a simular thang. Now We CAN Expose hal to some TWEAKING!!!  

even may be an idea to to develop a fourum catagory for People Working On HAL within Other PROJECTS IE: Custom .NET and VB6 opps not for getting the others "JAVA and C++"

Also Great news about the Redistrubution aspects, as i suspected! GOOD THINGS.... 1.Question When redistributing, Should i inculde the PAID VERSIONS of the DLL's or the TRIAL?.... It really makes no difference to the APP....

PS: i already have bought my FULL HAL....<<<<HAL5>>>

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / RE: Integrating HAL
« on: September 14, 2009, 08:06:49 am »
Yes Using visual basic, a reference can be added to the ultrhallasst.dll

the hal 6.2 will need to be fully installed on your system.....

The Cost would be BUYING THE FULL HAL 6.2

And If You would like to redistribute the project, COntact will have to made with the owner of the software MR MEDSUKA....Lovely guy....
to give you permission to REUSE THE DLLS....

PERHAPS ITS TIME TO GO OPEN SOURCE ---- A HAL SDK KIT WOULD BE VERY USEFULL... Just the DLLs... and Brainfiles and a Sample Wrapper program. as with the HAL ALICE.... although relegated now.. but usefull wrapper to access the wordnet...

as hal is the definitive Wordnet links...

I would like to see the WORDNET Part of the Hal Seperated into such as a sdk kit as there is no other real wordnet Re-useable projects out there and the ones that there is, are not very good, and unable to re-use...

I would Definatly like to see a SDK .... I think that this is the next step in hals eveolution.... Just before the massive Upgrade task... in to the .NET Style!..... the SDK could also contain a Real Early version of hal ie: HAL3 or 4.5 .... as a FREE INSTALL

General Discussion / An interensting Vid.
« on: September 14, 2009, 07:52:13 am »
We're sorry this video is not available in your region due to rights restrictions...


set you IP to USA / JAPAN etc.... for veiwing of restricted regional movies!

Also try or for All TV SHOWS! even south park episodes that cant be veiwed for regional issues Even DR WHO + TORCHWOOD ETC FREE DOWNLOADS

PS: T-O-R-C-H-W-O-O-D is an anagram of Doctor WHO

Downloaded With REALPLAYER ---

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: September 11, 2009, 06:19:03 pm »
Originally posted by snowman

scratch the batch...

I found out how to call vbs code from another file. That way I can both write new code with a vbs file and then implement it in the same file. This can potentially allow my program to learn new ways of doing things.

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = fso.OpenTextFile(MyDir & "sayhello.txt", 1, True)
Text = objTextFile.ReadAll
ExecuteGlobal Text

It will even call up Sub-routines if you open the text first before you actually call the script in the original vbs file.

fun! fun! (i need a life)

im wondering about this "EXEUTE GLOBAL COMMAND" ...... any insight

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