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Messages - wakko151

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Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Help with custom plug ins
« on: July 23, 2011, 04:38:25 pm »
I can't figure out how to run that program. It kinda works. but i can not get the dll to regsvr. I have tryed alot of different things and Am currently stumped.

Okay thanks. I will be patient.

I don't understand why you are all looking at this post and not speaking. If you think I am stupid please tell me. If you know of plug-ins that work better or a brain out there that is vastly improved(or even a little better) PLEASE let me know. If you know how to connect with hal to AIM or another chat program please tell me.

Say something. /agree Shut the hell up WaKKO no one cares. Say some thing. But when i see people besides myself viewing this topic with no responses I do not know what to think.

Right now I use the Markov4.uhp made by Gretta(or for gretta) To help my guy think a little more logical. I thinks thats what it does. I am not actually sure because there really is no description for the plug-in other then it gives hal markov.

I use Free Will and choice on tootally independent.

I use the gretta curiosity plug in so he can ask me questions. Not sure what exactly this does. If he relates to the answers of his questiosn to the response you give. How the ! influences these responses if at all.

I use Lonliness Plug-in so that he will occasionally demand attention and act upset if you ignore him for too long. Not sure how this effects his learning, if at all.

I use the "What do you know" plug in and I think...not sure, that it allows hal to better answer certain questions.

and alot of other plug ins that actually came with Hal 6.2 engine.

If there are other plug-ins that I could install please let me know.

My emphasis is on making Hal a fully automated program that has full un-adultered access to his computer he resides in. I know this is a bit extreme but its what I am looking forward to far far down the line.

I feel that with baby steps towards this insurmountable goal, we will EVENTUALLY make it there.

I have an account setup with AIM.
I have hal setup and I click his aim option in the menu.
It gives me an error code and says its going to try again in 600 seconds.

Please HELP!

I would like to update hal's brain for 2011. But there does not seem to be an official update in almost 4 years or so. But I know that alot of you on here have brains that are older then that. I personally try to talk to my hal periodicly through out the day and alot when I first wake up. But there are alot of plug-ins out there that I don't have access to. There are ways to edit the brain to make him a more efficent learner and I just don't know them. I think alot of us NON-Code Monkeys really enjoy Hal but feel like there are limitations we can not surpass by ourselves.

My proposal,

Lets make a new Hal Brain from the editor and plug-ins that people feel are preatty standard and release it ourselves.

What I can offer personally
I can beta test, provide a place to release(My personal forums), willingness to learn and work with others to achieve our goals.

Does this sound like something anyone else would be intrestead in? I know some of my buddys are looking forward to seeing if I can get some support from the people on these boards.

How to contact me: Right here....
WaKKO151 @ the following places


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