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Messages - chrisdiaz2k4

Pages: 1 [2]
hi last summer my wife died an it shock my world an brung it to a crumbling disaster :(

so a couple of months later i found ultrahal an i was wondering if there was way to create a character for the ultrahal i want to design a character from a picture of my wife i start to design the brain of my wife to a characetr but now i need a character to go with her brain so i was hopeing somebody can help me with either

what programs to use to make the character
or if somebody could make the character for me im willing to give the pic of my wife but i would like some help pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee thank you

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Error message with characters
« on: March 23, 2004, 01:45:09 am »
ji im having the same problem can somebody tell me how i program the gharacter to my desktopmate so i can actually see them i tryed everything can somebody tell me how they did it

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