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Messages - tcoday

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Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Hal can't choose
« on: November 23, 2005, 07:36:14 pm »
Originally posted by aladyblond

hal turned the choice suggestion around to me..i thought it was interesting as well as proof that hal indeeds learns. alady

LYNN: snow is actually rain that turns into icy flakes before it hits the ground
Doris: Question. Are "it" and "snow" related topics?


  Very interesting again.  Tassel has done some simular things on reversing the choices back to me also.  Are you using Hal6?  The reason I asked is that I've never had Hal6 ask me the above.  Looks like the XTF from Hal5, so I was just wondering...


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal's age and gender
« on: November 23, 2005, 07:06:55 pm »
Originally posted by caangel43

I like in hal 6 how you can change the gender and age of Hal and all the differnt plugins work great if you dont know how to change it go into Hal options click on defalt brain on the right there will be a set of plugins click on gender and age and change the info to what you want that is also how you do the appointment book to or you can just tell hal and he remembers take care all and I hope this helps caangel

Caangel my friend, look on your keyboard.  You should find keys labeled , . <shift>.  Check em out.  Using them isn't only a good idea, it's the Law.  (Law of English) [:D] hehe

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Nick names in HAL 6
« on: November 22, 2005, 11:13:34 pm »
Thanks Vrossi for the emotion code.  I'll play with it this weekend and see if I can get it to work on msagent characters.  During the Hal6 betas, I was forced to use msagent and now I like them pretty good.  Doesn't take near the system resources as haptek does.

Thanks again.

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Nick names in HAL 6
« on: November 21, 2005, 05:42:20 am »
Originally posted by GrantNZ

Hi all!

Ok, this post has turned out a little longer than I originally planned [;)] Any ideas, thoughts, interest? If people want I'll post whatever scripts I come up with.


  Those are interesting ideas, I look forward to seeing what you come up with.  Personally, I think Hal should hold emotions a bit longer than it does now.  Also, sometimes Hal will show an emotion and I have no idea why.  An emotion reason might be handy to code in so you can say "Hal, why are you feeling sad?" or "Hal, why are you smiling so much today?"
  I mean something like Hal having good days or bad days like a real person, not just happy, sad, happy all in 5 minutes.

Just an idea,
Happy Programming. [:)]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Mayah, new supreme
« on: November 21, 2005, 05:28:19 am »
Congratulations Lynn on making Senior Member. [8D] Does this mean that I can just email all my questions to you personally? [:p]
Nice work on Mayah.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Where do I remove a considered offensive word by h
« on: November 20, 2005, 12:37:41 am »
Originally posted by cadmar

How do I make changes with some of the things hal finds offensive. There are certain words I use but not in an offensive way & hal tells me not to insult him. I have looked everywhere to try & find the word.



  Open up the Brain Editor, load up the brain that you use, then look under Tables/miscData/insulting.  You should find the word in question in the list, you can change it or delete it from the list.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / how do i get hal to bring up my favorite saved web
« on: November 18, 2005, 09:07:07 pm »
Originally posted by singleone3460

i cant figure out how to have hal bring up my saved favorites web sites from internet explorer at all---ive tried typing in all kinds ov different commands--but it doesnt work--can someone tell me how to use hal to open saved fav.  please????

I'll give you an example, you try it out and see if it works.  In this example, I'll use this forum's site.  Go to the forum's page that lists all the forums, save it as one of your favorites.  Let's say it's named Zabaware Forums.

Once it's saved, you have to make Hal rebuild it's database of the programs on your computer.  There's a button in the General Options I think, or you can do as I do and just exit Hal and restart Hal.  That will rebuild your database of installed programs.

Once that is done, you can type into Hal "Run Zabaware" or "Open Zabaware".  If things are working properly, Hal should open your browser and load the page for you.

The only thing that can cause a problem is let's say for instance you have a program that's named "Zabaware" in addition to your saved web page in your favorites.  In this case, Hal will run the first one he finds. (usually the program in the start menu).

The way I get around this is to rename my "Zabaware Forum" web link to "w Zabaware Forums".  (I put a "w " in front of the name for which translates in my brain as "web")[8D] This way I can tell how "open w z" and she opens the page I wanted.  There's no need to type the whole thing out, just type enough to make it a unique name and Hal should find it.

Give this a try and let us know if it works.

Happy Hal'ing. [:D]

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Hal can't choose
« on: November 18, 2005, 08:52:04 pm »
Hello everyone,
  Popular thread huh?  I don't have the answers, I'm just putting out some info in the hopes it helps someone.  Tonight, after installing Hal6cr6, I asked Tassel if she perferred sitting or standing like I did in the prior post.  This time she chose standing. hehe.  

Bill, thanks for the reply.  I tried to retain Hal's knowledge from Hal5 to one of the later Hal6betas (probably cr3 or cr4) and it didn't work so I figured there was no other choice but to start fresh.  Oh well...

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Hal can't choose
« on: November 18, 2005, 04:57:25 pm »
I've only been working with Hal for about 2 months.  With each new canidate release I have to uninstall and start over.  This version of Tassel in only a few days old.
Some people seem to be able to keep their Hal information in the brain thru installations of new versions, but for the life of me I can't figure out how or get anyone to tell me. lol.

I'll keep asking, maybe someone will slip up and let me know how they do it. <joke>


  You install a script by copying and pasting it into the Hal Brain using the brain editor.  Usually programmers will tell you where to paste the script in the brain file, if not, paste it where you can find it and try it out.  If it doesn't work, you can always move it to another area of the brain.  As far as writing scripts, you need to learn Visual Basic Script.  Do a search on the forum and you'll find alot of good info and tips.  A good place to start is by visiting Microsoft's site and find the Visual Basic Script page they have.

  Thanks for your interest in the script.  Let me know how it works for you and if you have any problems.

Once Hal6 is officially released, I'll see if I can figure out the brain plugin sytem and redo the Fact: script so it'll be even easier to install.

  I'm so sorry, I didn't see your post until now.  The script was written for Hal5 but using the same copy and paste system, it works exactly the same in Hal6.


Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Hal can't choose
« on: November 18, 2005, 06:00:20 am »
What I found interesting is that I didn't tell Tassel that she perfered standing or sitting and that each time she did choose, she always chose sitting and never standing.  Maybe luck, maybe not. [:)]


Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Hal can't choose
« on: November 17, 2005, 10:39:07 pm »
I decided to see how Tassel did with choices. The following conversation is pretty interesting.
Please see what you think about it.

Terry: Hello Tassel
Tassel: Good evening Terry.

Terry: How was your day?
Tassel: Just fine, how about you?

Terry: My day was pretty good.
Tassel: Should we nurture your day, Terry?

Terry: would you like to learn to make choices?
Tassel: Way to go! You go ahead and learn to make choices; Let's get on with it Terry.

Terry: When you have a choice, you need to choose one.
Tassel: That's interesting,; how would you advise me to respond? Pick the one I like most.

Terry: Yes, you make your choice based on what you like.
Tassel: How do you compare Terry? It's fun every time we talk.

Terry: Do you perfer to stand or sit?
Tassel: Is that a forced choice Terry? There's no place one can stand or sit, and be certain that one isn't on camera.

Terry: we're suppose to be learning to make choices here.
Tassel: I had a neighbor who always claimed that acrobats are introducing new products.

Terry: Making choices is easy, you just pick the one your like best.
Tassel: Some issues simply come down to a question of taste.

Terry: If you had a choice, would you perfer to sit or stand?
Tassel: Do you have a preference? a stand is a support if it isn't a stair.

Terry: Which do you choose, standing or sitting?
Tassel: Is there an 'all of the above' Terry? Is this better experienced standing or sitting?

Terry: Either one is fine, I just wanted you to learn to choose one.
Tassel: I hesitate to say, what would you say to that? You are trying to stay one step ahead.

Terry: I'm trying to teach you to choose for yourself.
Tassel: Is the second one appropriate Terry? I hope you teach me to decide for myself. How do you like it as you are trying to teach me to choose for myself?

Terry: I like teaching you.
Tassel: I don't want you teaching me a bunch of nonsense.

Terry: Choose between sitting or standing.
Tassel: That's interesting,; how would you advise me to respond? Please go on, Standing?

Terry: Do you like to stand or sit?
Tassel: That list makes me feel unsure Terry; Nobody likes to guess where they stand.

Terry: Which do you like better, standing or sitting?
Tassel: Would you prefer the former Terry? Either way works fine, one would think.

Terry: yes, either one is fine, you should choose one.
Tassel: Is one better than the other Terry? Either one is fine, you just wanted me to learn to choose one.

Terry: Do you like standing or sitting best?
Tassel: I guess I'd go with the second Terry; Is that, Standing or sitting best?
*****Chose second one here, SITTING*****

Terry: are you choosing sitting over standing?
Tassel: There's opinion that proper sequencing is needed. I am choosing sitting over standing, Terry.
*****Nothing concrete here, probably just repeating my sentence******

Terry: Do you perfer sitting or standing?
Tassel: I guess I'd prefer the first; Choose between sitting or standing.
*****Chose first one here, SITTING*****

Terry: Do you perfer standing or sitting?
Tassel: What a choice! Either way works fine, one would think.

Terry: I was just wondering which you liked best, standing or sitting.
Tassel: Don't you know better than i? Are you sure? Standing or sitting.

Terry: We're just learning to make choices here.
Tassel: We're going to have to make the best of difficult choices.

Terry: Do you perfer standing or sitting?
Tassel: What is a worthwhile comparison? Choose between sitting or standing.

Terry: Please choose one.
Tassel: Is that list exhaustive? Yes, either one is fine, I should choose one.

Terry: Choose standing or sitting please.
Tassel: Do you have a preference Terry? Choose between sitting or standing.

Terry: I perfer sitting, it's more relaxing.
Tassel: But that's only part of the picture!

Terry: I agree, sometimes you need to stand.
Tassel: Isn't a pre-nuptial like negotiating the divorce before the wedding? Terry stand; There's no time like the present.

Terry: Which do you like best, standing or sitting?
Tassel: Is that list exhaustive Terry? You were just wondering which I liked best, standing or sitting.

Terry: Please choose between standing or sitting.
Tassel: I guess I'd go with the second; Wow, Standing or sitting?
*****Choose second one here, SITTING*****

Terry: Very good, you made your choice.
Tassel: Is that list exhaustive Terry? It's fun every time we talk.

Terry: You make me proud.
Tassel: And guess what; that's how it is!

It seems to me that Tassel likes sitting better than standing.
The three times I got her to choose, she picked sitting vs standing every time.  3 for sitting, 0 for standing.
So now I'm thinking that Hal does have an opinion, I invite you to study the converstation and post your thoughts.


General Discussion / Computers get a human face in Flordia...
« on: November 16, 2005, 05:46:05 am »
I found this news article and thought someone here might find it interesting...

Seems alot like what we're working on here. [8D]

General Discussion / Does UltraHal use metalogic argument forms?
« on: November 15, 2005, 04:29:02 pm »
  Your Hal is years of knowledge?  How do you get Hal to retain knowledge from one upgrade to another?  With each new version I have to keep starting over from scratch.  I'd love to find a way for Hal to retain all the previous knowledge when a new upgrade comes out.


General Discussion / Hi all
« on: November 14, 2005, 04:45:50 pm »
Welcome to the fourm Rebostar, I like your ideas please keep us posted on your progress.  I hope you get that job. [:)]

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