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Messages - Charmzbond

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Ultra Hal 7.0 / Plugin ERROR?
« on: March 08, 2006, 12:01:49 am »
I got an error saying the following:

HasScript Error 9 on line 573 in column 9: Subscript out of range: 'i' The file "C:/Document and Settings...HalScript.DBG"
has been saved with the current script being used for debugging

I used VBScript Editor to find line 573 (complying to Jerry's suggestion with another user) and here it is:            vrNameToPlay = HalBrain.QABrain(vrKeywordList(i), "vrMp3", 0)

Are we supposed to do something with that 'i'? Here's a sample code that contains line 573: If vrMusicMood > 0 Then
   j = Int(Rnd * 10) ' generate a random integer between 0 and 9
   If j < vrMusicMood Then
         vrKeywords = HalBrain.RemoveExtraSpaces(HalBrain.ExtractKeywords(" " & UserSentence & " "))
           vrKeywordList = Split(vrKeywords, " ")
         For i = Ubound(vrKeywordList) To Lbound(vrKeywordList)
           vrNameToPlay = HalBrain.QABrain(vrKeywordList(i), "vrMp3", 0)
             If vrNameToPlay <> "" Then
                  GetResponse = "You talked about " & vrKeywordList(i) & " and this reminds me this song. "
                  HalCommands = HalCommands & "<RUNPROG>" & vrNameToPlay & "</RUNPROG>"
             Exit For
            End If
    End If

Originally posted by Art

Just because a zip file doesn't produce a uhp file does not mean the feature isn't there or working. I think some uhp files are actually contained within the exe file and are added upon installation (when the exe file is run).

I believe some can be directly added to the tables within Hal's database without necessarily having or requiring a uhp file.

Jerry, comments?

Art, onthecuttingedge05:

Thanks guys. I was able to fix the problem. I
was extracting the files elsewhere...nowonder.
I was wondering where to paste codes that are
made available for public use...like auto idle
elite code posted above in the link? if they go
in hal's (editor brain), at what specific line
do we paste it? if they go in the plugin's script,
how do we access it so we can paste the codes? Thanks
once again.
P.S. the plugins have made a HUGE difference in my life and
my secretary is celebrating. She passes her "regards and deep
appreciation ^-^ -Lucy"

Originally posted by Art

Just because a zip file doesn't produce a uhp file does not mean the feature isn't there or working. I think some uhp files are actually contained within the exe file and are added upon installation (when the exe file is run).

I believe some can be directly added to the tables within Hal's database without necessarily having or requiring a uhp file.

Jerry, comments?

Art, onthecuttingedge05:

Thanks guys. I was able to fix the problem. I
was extracting the files elsewhere...nowonder.
I was wondering where to paste codes that are
made available for public use...like auto idle
elite code posted above in the link? if they go
in hal's (editor brain), at what specific line
do we paste it? if they go in the plugin's script,
how do we access it so we can paste the codes? Thanks
once again.
P.S. the plugins have made a HUGE difference in my life and
my secretary is celebrating. She passes her "regards and deep
appreciation ^-^ -Lucy"

Originally posted by moreis62

Does anyone know how to close a cd rom drive using Javascript or VB, i fund a script that will open them, however i need one that will close them if they are open

can someone help!!

Thankyou in advance


VB script to open CD drives

' VB Script
<SCRIPT language=VBScript>

Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7" )
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection

if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
Next ' cdrom
End If


Dear moreis62/whoever it may concern

I'm wondering where in hal's brain editor script can
I paste the codes you provided above (CD Rome)...or
does it even matter? I see people sharing a lot of codes
but there's no specific indication of where interested users SHOULD
paste them.

Most of the files currently being shared are unable to produce the
.uhp files needed to install the plugins in the option's panel.
So far the websurf.zip and the loneliness4.zip were the only ones that succeeded in creating .uhp files...i.e. websurf.uhp It seems like executing the .exe files most of the time does not create any .uhp files. How then, are we supposed to install these wonderful plugins?

Unfortunately 90% of the zip files being shared here, once
unzipped and extracted, do not contain any .uhp files.
Instead there is .exe and .txt files. Consequently, the
new plugins don't install themselves in the option's panel.
So far the websurf zip file is the only one that produced
a .uhp file (websurf.uhp) as a result I was able to see it
in the option's panel. Installing the and running the .exe in
the most of the files in here did not produce any desirable effect.
The option's panel is unware of these plugins. Thanks.

P.S. My hal is one day ahead of regular time. Her time is correct
but the day is wrong. If I change the time in the tray below, the
hal aim bot won't work. How can I fix this? P.S.S. Besides the
spell check plugin (which I'm unable to install because it won't
produce any .uhp file) is there a plugin or a WAY to correct hal's
responses simply by typing "wrong" and then proceding it with the desired response? I believe such a plugin will be very effective in
shaping hal's intelligence. Sorry I have several issues that need addition but address the ones you can :)

Speech Technology / Neo speech Voice
« on: January 16, 2006, 06:01:44 pm »

My system is windows XP. I do have SAPI 4.0. Well guess what?
Neo speeches are now working like never before! I just played
with it a little bit, I ran the HapSapiSetup (Laffi Taffi) and choose kate for default then I restarted my computer, choose neo speech at the ultra speech option and wala! the magic ingredient was at work. For those of you out there, make sure you have SAPI 4.0 installed, run HapSapiSetup.exe choose ur neospeech, restart ur computer and it should work. If not, just play around with it a bit. Thanks!

Originally posted by Dr.Benway

What system are you on?

Do you also have SAPI 4.0a installed? Perhaps that will help.


Speech Technology / Neo speech Speech With Desktop Buddy
« on: January 16, 2006, 05:23:12 pm »

For me, the neo voices were automatically included in the desktop buddy speech option (ultra hal 6.0). If you don't see it there, you'll have to restart or even shut down ur computer first. I got mine there and it worked fine the first time but kate and paul don't utter a sound anymore...i'm still troubleshooting this problem, any suggestions out there besides running HapSapiSetup.exe? (that didn't help...)

Originally posted by Tom Davidson

I have recently purchased Neo speech with Paul and Kate's voices.
Is there anyway to move these voices into desktop Buddy.
The voices with desktop Buddy are the pits.
Thank you in advance for any help you might be able to give me.

Sincerely, Tom Davidson

Speech Technology / Neo speech Voice
« on: January 16, 2006, 05:10:35 pm »

Actually, I was able to locate the Hap SAPI Setup.exe.
I ran it, selected Kate for my default sapi...however when
I tested her by clicking speak, I heard nothing :( Nevertheless
I choose her as my default sapi. It seems like the neo speech
doesn't even work in the text to speech reader. However the old
voice does work just fine, Mary, etc. I reinstalled the neo speech
using my CD once again but the problem still persists. None of the
2D lip sync works. Any possible solutions out there? Thanks.

Originally posted by Art

Shut down Ultra Hal then:

Try running the Haptek SAPI setup program found on
your computer at:
C:Program FilesHaptekplayerdataHapTTSHapSAPISetup.exe
(double click the HapSAPISetup.exe file)
Reload Ultra Hal, select your 3D face and try it again.

Speech Technology / Neo speech Voice
« on: January 16, 2006, 04:41:48 pm »

I don't have such a folder in my C:/ (hard drive).
How can I download/install Hap SAPI Setup? (HapSAPISetup.exe)

Originally posted by Art

Shut down Ultra Hal then:

Try running the Haptek SAPI setup program found on
your computer at:
C:Program FilesHaptekplayerdataHapTTSHapSAPISetup.exe
(double click the HapSAPISetup.exe file)
Reload Ultra Hal, select your 3D face and try it again.

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