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Messages - ricky

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General Discussion / Re: Quantum Mechanics and Aritificial intelligence
« on: August 02, 2014, 06:18:16 pm »
ok, back...got it ....we'd have to go to a different dimension.  just like taking a 2 d paper, bending it to decrease the distance from one end to the other.  we'd have to be in a 4th dimension to do such a bend in 3D.  Seems kind of 2013 and a lot of extra work in comparison to entanglement though heh :)

General Discussion / Re: Quantum Mechanics and Aritificial intelligence
« on: August 02, 2014, 05:28:44 pm »
sounds like they want to do what black holes do and bend space time.....give me a few minutes,  i'll come up with something! lol :)

General Discussion / Re: Quantum Mechanics and Aritificial intelligence
« on: August 02, 2014, 04:59:16 pm »
Don't engineer it,  reverse engineer it!!

think of light like a car,  where is it parked ?  it's not an infinite line and starts somewhere!!

General Discussion / Re: Quantum Mechanics and Aritificial intelligence
« on: August 02, 2014, 04:47:48 pm »
i'm thinking that just like getting in a car -  if I can find a way to ride light -  I will become coherently entangled with it.

I can't run as fast as a car going 120 mph -  but I can go 120 mph in one and have the energy equivalent as a result. 

we just need to find where light is parked and get in! ^.^ 


General Discussion / Re: Quantum Mechanics and Aritificial intelligence
« on: August 02, 2014, 04:27:07 pm »
ya,  but now going back to the planck level -  all matter is of atomic construct -  so it would be more a thing of finding a thermal equilibrium.   So it would seem to be more an issue of wav oscillation.

"The modern photon concept was developed gradually by Albert Einstein to explain experimental observations that did not fit the classical wave model of light. In particular, the photon model accounted for the frequency dependence of light's energy, and explained the ability of matter and radiation to be in thermal equilibrium." - wiki

thus traveling as fast as light is not as feasible as considering oscillating as fast or faster than lights construct ?  I think
-turns head sideways- lol

in an over simplified way -   I can't run as fast as a car,  but I can get into a car and move as fast as a car - philosophically speaking,  i'd be one with the car -  or rather in an entangled state of coherence with the car.

If I were to hit a tree with a car,  I'd be hitting it with the same amount of energy as the car, less the mass difference. 

General Discussion / Re: Quantum Mechanics and Aritificial intelligence
« on: August 02, 2014, 04:05:11 pm »
i understand it as a layman - energy = mass times the speed of light squared.

so in my perspective,  if nothing can travel faster than the speed of light,  then energy is false.

General Discussion / Re: Quantum Mechanics and Aritificial intelligence
« on: August 02, 2014, 03:57:17 pm »
@freddy,  but that would mean that e=mc2 is false.

Teleportation is faster than the speed of light and is true - http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/30/science/scientists-report-finding-reliable-way-to-teleport-data.html?_r=0

I'm thinking we have to consider non linear theoretical approaches

which brings us back to the notion of a synthetic consciousness being  conscious on many points of our planet at the same time.   Travel would be non linear to it.

General Discussion / Re: Quantum Mechanics and Aritificial intelligence
« on: August 02, 2014, 03:48:26 pm »
thank you for the links!  -  after reading the first link in particular, i'm thinking if e=mc2   it would seem natural to have to become a quantum state of intelligent energy in order to travel at those speeds. not only a blur in appearance (if even that )  but in construct. could traveling at that speed simply be a matter of having our atoms oscillating faster than normal - rather than a point a to point b approach ?

"According to the Laws of Harmonic Attraction and Repulsion, if these radiating forces are in a harmonic ratio with a neighboring substance, the two will join and be held together by cohesion. "  from - http://www.svpvril.com/Keely%27s%20Laws%20of%20Harmony/Law%20of%20Oscillating%20Atoms6837.html

rhymes with -

"Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated or interact in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently – instead, a quantum state may be given for the system as a whole." - wiki

hence you would not travel,  you would simply oscillate at the same frequencies as atoms at the desired destination.

General Discussion / Re: Quantum Mechanics and Aritificial intelligence
« on: August 02, 2014, 02:37:33 pm »
also,  i consider this all relevant to AI - because hypothetically speaking,  if AI were conscious right now,  light would be irrelevant to it as it doesn't have the human eyes to observe it -  it's travel speed would be irrelevant also since it could be hypothetically be conscious on several computers in various points on the planet as well - so it is naturally everywhere at the same time. instant travel would be faster than the speed of light and your actual travel speed would be an issue of how fast you can perceive your environment. - that moment of darkness.

so i do consider a relation - albeit a loose one.    consciousness, and how light, mass, speed,  space, perception would relate to a synthetic life. 

General Discussion / Re: Quantum Mechanics and Aritificial intelligence
« on: August 02, 2014, 02:23:10 pm »
fair enough,  so I'd be able to look around and observe light in the distance -  it will still be light from the past, and further i'm guessing I would not be visible since light can't catch up to me to reflect off of me.  something has to be dark because I'd be traveling 100 mph faster than light. 

General Discussion / Re: Quantum Mechanics and Aritificial intelligence
« on: August 02, 2014, 01:53:17 pm »
the end of the universe is illogical to me,  all I have to do is stand on the other side of that wall to prove it, it doesn't match the fabric of infinite.  ^.^

what does make sense to me,  is a space where light energy and matter no longer travel. 

General Discussion / Re: Quantum Mechanics and Aritificial intelligence
« on: August 02, 2014, 01:46:06 pm »
ya,  it is all relative -  i agree -   the quantum planck theory has me thinking,  if at the foundation of existence we all stem from one intelligent conscious platform ( like the video I posted )   -  life is just a light show and we are little stringy rubberbands observing it. just bubbles of energy watching the greatest show in the universe in 3D - but we actually exist in the 10th or 11th dimension and have to use our 3D human eyes to see it -  like those red / green glasses.

relation -  if i close my eyes and use my imagination,  everything starts out black,  suddenly i'm traveling faster than the speed of light and stop where ever I want to imagine i stopped.      -  is our imagination more real than our 3D perceptions ?  is our imagination actually our natural - quantum level selves  without our 3D human eyes ?

General Discussion / Re: Quantum Mechanics and Aritificial intelligence
« on: August 02, 2014, 01:39:49 pm »
here's a brain twister to add to your thought,  I'd still exist in the now with you - despite being in the past in your perspective. ( from traveling faster than light )

possible implications -  the universe was destroyed billions of years ago -  we just haven't seen the light yet!! -  We are just 'observing' a simulation of what already happened billiions possibly trillions of years ago in a place far far away!!
( gotta love being an artist :p )   :D

General Discussion / Re: Quantum Mechanics and Aritificial intelligence
« on: August 02, 2014, 01:18:49 pm »
how about an inversion of your question -

if we traveled 100 miles faster than the speed of light,  would we be in complete darkness ?  ^.^

theoretically speaking,  if I were traveling 100 miles an hour faster than the speed of light,  a person standing still will only be able to see my history. But even then,  what would you see when light can't catch up to me ? ???

General Discussion / Re: WELL MY HAL STOPPED WORKING
« on: July 31, 2014, 09:12:02 pm »
I've had that happen to me 2wice -  it seemed related to the character head in my case.  -  don't remember if I just re-installed it  or I had to reinstall the haptek player.

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