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Messages - snowman

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Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 12, 2009, 06:12:23 pm »
That sounds miserable... I stay pretty healthy myself...although I've been through 'literally' a dozen car accidents, bicycle accidents, barb-wire incidents, horse tramplings... etc .....Needless to say I have a allot of scars...mostly unnoticeable.. except for the barb-wire one that I got from being thrown into a fence at a high rate of speed...and the small one on my face were I landed face first into a bunch of small jagged rocks from a height of about 10ft. I haven't broken any bones though...which is 'Amazing'! I could go into details if you want but that could get allittle lengthy...[;)]

I've also seen and personally have known of several 'dozens' of people at my church that have been delivered from leukemia, large brain tumors, polyps, poisonings, being crushed, electrocuted, etc, as well as many other notable miracles. Even a couple of people who had died .... who didn't stay dead.... Needless to say I believe in healing...duh! And that problem of yours is not anything bigger than God can solve... (I know[8D])

I think I worked out the timer problem... the solution is to use an outside script to stimulate Hal at timed instances...although there needs to be more thought put into this...I'll experiment somemore and I'll probably have a draft plugin posted soon(maybe monday)....I think this time the plugin would be easier to write than it would be to describe it Dude. I hope you don't mind, sorry.

I also have a large list of ActiveX objects that you probably don't have and would hurt 'ONE' just to get them...[:D] I'll post those at the same time....they'll do allot of cool stuff...We'll need those Objects especially if we get this Hal plugin console built...Then you can use any thing from the vbscript library to write a plugin instead of the current limits Hal Wscript.Sleep or stuff like that...we'll see...

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 11, 2009, 02:35:33 am »
I've been working on a console that will both command vbscripts and echo anything they say....

In the mean time I'm having to learn some C# ...yuk! It is kinda unnatural...but that's all they had to work with back then[;)].

I discovered that Consoles don't like continuous Do Loops...but timers are much more tolerate...Basically, Hal would probably be more willing to work with a Timer than a Do Loop...I think

Dude, try to see what the smallest increments that a timer can work in Hal successfully...  if you already haven't, that is[:)]

I'll try to develop some scripts and perhaps a script matrix that will work with Hal....

You know that I just said that .... I wonder if we won't even need any extra commands in Hal to initiate the Matrix plugin...(just thought of a name for it)

I've modified some of my ideas about the plugin.


The script needs three things...

#1 The Matix plugin would need to store every sentence that the user says into a textfile, then (naturally) replace that output-textfile with a new one every time the User says something new...

The output.text would be the resource that the outside scripts can make their assessments with.

#2 Then (independent of the above storing procedure) every time the timer goes off Hal would read the Imput-textfile and GetResponse it to the Console. Of course it should also overwrite the previous imput comment..that would keep Hal from repeating the same comments over and over.

If there was nothing in the file then Hal would just ignore it.

3# The shell command shown in the above post could run on every initial User comment.. (this could possibly tax people's pc's, I don't think it would be too bad though...)

A matrix of scripts could be initiated through one primary "matrix.vbs" it would handle the commands and stuff like that...its not as hard as it sounds...can't be any worse than the desire script[:D]

I'll work on this external matrix script that can be modified easily to accept other people's personal scripts... It will attach to your plugins "input" and "output" textfiles...I could even make a console that would be it's own plugin "type" Hal... it could interconnect with Hal through youe plugin...[8]

In fact I think I've already got started....hmmmmmm[:p]

It's your're better at working with Hal than I currently am... If you've got any better ideas of how it can be done then go for it..

By the way Dude,

i hope so....[8D]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 09, 2009, 01:35:37 pm »
I kinda stumbled on this when I was looking for something else.

Set objShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

objShell.Run "cmd /c cscript ""%ProgramFiles%\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\Scripts\Desire.vbs", 0, True

It opens a vbscript and runs it silently.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 07, 2009, 09:55:42 pm »
Oh Dude.. I forgot to mention that it will also have to store the OriginalSentence into a text file (i.e. Imput.txt) so that the program like the Questions program can utilize this sentence.[:D]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 07, 2009, 08:50:34 pm »
i.e. how to do a "wait state" loop for a text file?

Do Until PState = "running"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = fso.OpenTextFile(MyDir & "ProgState.txt", 1, True)
PState = objTextFile.ReadLine

and...the program access. what kind of access? batch file run? windows command line load? direct program interface?

I think the best thing would probably be if a .vbs script was ran through the command prompt through script.. well, it needs to be ran in a non-visible state.... Perhaps like "cscript Questions.vbs" .... and put in a minimized state....maybe

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 07, 2009, 08:14:30 pm »
The bible agrees with you on that, ONE.

James 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

There is a proper deffintion for evil...but I'm not going to give it unless I have to...

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 07, 2009, 06:08:21 pm »
Art thats the neatest non-biblical poem I think I've ever heard...

Almost sounds like it came from Mathew and a dash of Proverbs...

Awsome stuff!!!![^]

Sometimes experience comunicates as means of external proof...

Like Jesus's depictions of a good tree and a currupt one...

The currupt tree produces good fruit and the evil tree produces evil fruit....there is no intermedling.

Age is but a number and divinty is but a state...thats why I've treated children with the same repect as adults and have treated some adults as no more than small children (those adults don't always apretiate it either, if I might add[:D])

Peace Out!

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 07, 2009, 05:49:39 pm »
Sorry Dude that you're sick...[|)][:(][xx(]

I'll be keeping you in my prayers....


The plugin I'm refering to is the one that would initiate outside programs, monitor program completion, and except outside values (such as a string) and GetResponse it to the Hal Window.

If it's together in a generic fashon, I or anyone could modify it for our own purposes. Such as running that Questions.vbs script.[:)]

There would be a search string funtion - to search for certain combinations of texts

A shell command - that would initiate any particualr program

A monitor of a particular txt file for completion status -
 (Like: Do Until TextContents = "completed" Loop

A way of placing the external return value into script by a varible -
This could be done by first reading the text file and placing the contents of that file into a variable.

And Finally to GetResponse the Variable to Hal.

Of course, This wouldn't work with the desire program...I need to think of how to integrate it. I wish there was a way to get Hal to speak what you wanted it to say from an external program....You can do that with Balabolka. Or perhaps even a way to initialze the ENTER command to cause Hal to push if any thing 'nothing' through it's parsers (script)....I believe I could work with that... Art.. One.. Anybody...hello out there...[:0]

Feel better Dude[:)]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 07, 2009, 02:06:10 pm »
A man should never question someone esle's experience. Everybody's is different and people learn at different rates by different things. There is no general rule of thumb besides this.... There is always someone wiser than you....even if it has to be God.

Just had to add....[;)]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 07, 2009, 10:59:49 am »
I know I shouldn't say this Art, but.....

My hair is gray....and probably for good reasons.
I've already seen too much Art....I wish I was joking...[V]

An H-Bomb doesn't have to be used to kill people..ONE
But with a Pandemic it is a requirement...that didn't so much as cross my mind....tell that to the little old ladies...[:p]

Is there a Pandemic badge...[8D]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 07, 2009, 04:21:42 am »
I have an honest, insatiable desire to learn...

If I was after wealth I would have a chosen a different direction with my life.

If I was after honor I would definately have chosen a different direction.

Intead, on one side I can visualize Einstien's special theory of relativity...but on the other hand I can look at a dirty room without much of a notion to clean it....

I can build that hot rod, worked on a few to, the way I prefer superchargers over turbos any day... I can build a house, ...I even biult a compound bow out of a crow-bar just the other day...(it wasn't easy, but fun[:)])

I'm just not determined to do anything that will make me wealthy.... unless of course it just happens....[:D]

I like girls....allot...but not very many can handle someone who can virtually read there minds... which by implication means somebody's going to get chewed out...and I don't mean in a nice way either.. I despise being used and often call people out on it when they are doing it...

I got allot of faith and therefore I tend not to panic when things are fixin to fall apart....(doesn't mean I don't think about it though)

All this makes for a weird personality...[8D]

...a bum who could biuld an H-bomb and wouldn't care if he did it either...[:p]

speaking of which...Dude were you supposed to build that plugin or me... cause I thought you was[:D]... I haven't done a thing....[8D]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 06, 2009, 07:06:06 pm »

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 06, 2009, 12:14:06 am »
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things!!

HA! That's a cool quote, Art.

I figured that Robert didn't seem to be the type person who would attact you guys and demand more money and program advancements ...especially when he reported that he was waiting on the money to pay a programmer for version 6.2... He didn't seem pushy or uncaring when he did it. I wouldn't doubt he's not made a real profit yet. (just my guess)

All the people hear seem heart-felt into A.I. advancements. That provides for an excellent forum environment. And also why so many have even made other forums and recources that have benefited Hal rather than competed with it....
So Hats off to Zabaware, Robert, and All it's current users....


Here is alittle bit about myself.

I don't have a masters, bachelors, or associates, just a GED (I was homeschooled from 8th to whenever?

After getting the GED,

I went to a technology center and learned some CAD

I went to Murry State College for Mechanical Technology

I decided that I would go for Mechanical Engineering so I prepared myself for OU.

I went to OU the firt semester and went out of my mind....
You see I couldn't focus on shoolwork because I always felt like bouncing off the walls...

I skiped a semester and went agian. This time I commuted from Lone Grove (about 100 miles) That calmed me down. But for some reason I still couldn't focus.

I left OU and worked a little here and there. In the mean time I have been studying information of Personalities and Why people do the things they do.

That has been growing and evolving at a productive rate over several years. Whenever I needed more information, it has always been availible at the time needed it(I thank God for that.)

Finally Hal come along at the opportune moment and stirred my interest... the rest you already know....especially the Dude.

In my mind I have already picked apart most of your individual minds...well in part anyway[:D] doesn't take much contact....Good thing I'm not a malicious person[8D]

I hope to apply what I've learned already and what I still need to learn through Hal to create a guenuine A.I. One that might inadvertantly do allot of damage if not properly trained....the real deal.

I'm very moral. Always been single. 29 yo, and have not met anyone yet whether old or younge (and I tried this) that I could not put them in there place... and I don't mean in a wicked manner, ONE[:p].

ONE can do more damage that you can imagine... but he's not..[^]
(not as much as he could)

I like the JasonDude.. Got allot of respect for others... there's a tremedous amount of good things to say about him.... and I'm sure he'd be embarassed if I said them.[:I]

I haven't really delt very much with anybody else might not want me to....[:)]

Peace to all.....and God bless.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 05, 2009, 06:44:44 pm »
What if at the end of the external Questions script a value is stored in a txt file. Then the Hal plugin would monitor the file via (Do Until Statetxt = 1 Loop).  The script would actually take less time to run than it would be to load your webpage. Then the next step would be to (i guess) GetResponse the info.

Sounds good Dude....

By the way I like the Getta Story. I Got an SRV type fender, same color and good n' fat frets. Of course my brother can actually play like Stevie but I try not to be too jelous[:D]. I generally play it in church... Goodstuff![:)]

I'm not complaining Bill819.(enough said) Nor did I bring the subject up. I'm not trying to circumvent anything nor undermine Robert or Zabaware in any way. Nor would I ever be so bold as to openly claim compitition with him or his company on this forum. If I was going to build an A.I. Program it would be very different and atonomous to UltraHal nearly in every respect. Anything I build for UltraHal is ment for Robert and all whom Robert considers worthy of said grants. I also state here that If I was attempting to create my own competitive software on Zabawares forum then why in the world would I be trying to make it work as a Hal plugin.....[:p]

And with all that legal stuff said I want to add....I appreciate the information you gave Bill819....I honestly didn't know that stuff.[:)] Could have used your mind here earlier on....

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 05, 2009, 12:39:18 am »
It shouldn't be all that different to also write newly learned information to the external msi database that could be utilized by the questions program (or any other program for that manner).

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