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Messages - dock

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / install
« on: April 08, 2005, 10:04:40 am »
ik draag U[:)](zelfs met hoofdletter deze keer) gewoon hoog in het vaandel [:D]

ben wel een beetje teleurgesteld,
hij leert niet zo rap als ik dacht
maar , komt tijd , komt raad ...



Ultra Hal 7.0 / install
« on: April 08, 2005, 06:57:45 am »
hello everybody !!!

I'm in a very good mood today, because ,
HAL run's !!!![8D][8D]
he is alive and kicking...

how i ( i prefer WE ) done it?
i don't exactly know ...

i was trying to upload some photo's from an SD memory stick
and my computer hangs...

i use a laptop and i couldn't quit it with desktop manager
so i had to remove the battery and the external power supply [:I][:I][:I]

i plugged them both back in, and restarted xp

probably hal was still listed in the launch manager...

so next screen poped up :

your computer or the ultra hal assistant software was improperly shut down.if this is because windows crashed or your computer was not down properly, then there is nog cause for concern.If however, hal is crashing and you can't get it to start , a malfunctioning plug-in may be at fault.if this is the case, you ma wish to reconfigure hal with different plugins.would you like to reconfigure hal?(you should only reconfigure hal if hal is inoperable)

i answerd no. because dr.benway recommend to change the User.hla file and maybee if i answered yes, this file would change...

and hall was configurated in a 2D version...
i change it in zaba (3D version)

and now he sit's on my system tray (is that correct?) next to my clock .

SO a good end !!!!

I would like to thank every body for his patients , time , and friendly help !!! Probably i still would have questions in the near or later future, and if so , i would place them here on the forum !

you will hear from me !!!

greetings to you all !!!


dr benway , hartelijk dank voor de nederlandstalige ondersteuning,
zou ik u aan mijn msn lijst mogen toevoegen mocht ik nog vragen over hal hebben?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / install
« on: April 07, 2005, 03:29:06 pm »
hello again,

If it could help,i installed a text to voice program (natural voice reader free) (from

it worked with any text file ...

greetings dock [8)]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / install
« on: April 07, 2005, 01:48:38 pm »

blijkbaar heb ik maar 1 tabblad ...


en als ik op voorbeeld van stem duw, hoor ik hem inderdaad dat zinnetje zeggen.Het andere tabblad kan ik niet vinden, sorry.


hello, i surfed to and a lovely lady guided my trough their website.(witch speech)

there are several product's to download, witch do you recommend?
and i downloaded your zip file, i unzipped it, and runnend the exe file but following error appeared:

and when i double clicked on any kind of voice, that same error appeared...

i hope this can be a way to a solution...

and thanks for the help !

Isn't it ironic? lernout and hauspie are also from belgium [:D][:D][:D]

no wonder people here said that they were selling air [8D][8D]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / install
« on: April 07, 2005, 07:08:22 am »

hallo dr.benway,

in het nederlands zou het inderdaad stukken makkelijker zijn [:D]
ik heb een printscreen gemaakt van mijn folder van UltraHalASSISTANT


ik heb inderdaad maar 1 .hla file (diegene die ik van jouw gedownload heb) en links van de map zie je waar hal blijft steken ...

ik hoop dat we eruitkomen :o)
groetjes en toch al bedankt voor de moeite hé !!!

for who doesn't understand dutch [:)]

i have only one .hla file in my map ... see the printscreen-link
above, and my error screen that appears when i try to run hal

@ BILL819

i tried to run a 2D character, and all you asked( all standard UltraHalASSISTANT5.0 stuff) but he still stops loading the animated character & speech recognition screen (my "error"-screen)

any sugestions left?

don't get me wrong, i appreciate all of your work and time helping me !!!!

thanks a lot ![;)]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / install
« on: April 06, 2005, 02:45:49 pm »
hello Dr.benway

i tried it , but hal stil "block's" at the "error"screen.[V]

so i did what you asked.
downloaded the file to my desktop, renamed it to User.hla
dropped that file to C:programfiles\zabawareULTRAHALASSISTANT5.0

there was already a file named that way, and i changed it for the new file. I opened hal with the exe file in that same map ...

have i done everything right?
maybee i can install an earlier version of hal? to see if that works?

greetings dock

Ultra Hal 7.0 / install
« on: April 06, 2005, 05:43:27 am »
hello !

i de-installed hal and deleted all the files i could find from hal and haptek player (in program files)

an reinstalled hal, but he still wouldn't run [V][V]

any more sugestions?

the funny thing is that i'm not able to run hal on 2 computers ,
both pritty standard one's ...


hope we can still find a solution [8D]


Ultra Hal 7.0 / install
« on: April 05, 2005, 07:24:37 am »

at onthecuttingedge2005

1) i downloaded and installed those file's
   but notting changed ....[V]

2) i tryed to run ChkDsk first, indeed a dos screen appears and runs.
   but nog ERROR was mentioned, and in closed itself rapidly.
   i tryed to run ChkDsk /f, but the dos screen that opened closed  
   itself immediatly.

3) i runned scandisk and did a defragmentation
   no problems found

4) doing that now

5) i have all the latest update's done

at fussiedice

the splash screen just sits and doesn't change anymore.
i don't find a icon in the system tray

so if i try to run hal, follow message apears:
(sorry if i didn't mention this before [:I][:I])

your computer or the ultra hal assistan software was improperly shut down.if this is because windows crashed or your computer was not **** down properly, then there is nog cause for concern.If however, hal is crashing and you can't get it to start , a malfunctioning plug-in may be at fault.if this is the case, you ma wish to reconfigure hal with different plugins.would you like to reconfigure hal?(you should only reconfigure hal if hal is inoperable)

yes    no

so i click yes
run the "setup" again. but it stil block's at the my error screen.

hope we can figure it out !

thanx for the help sofare !!!!!
i apreciate it

Ultra Hal 7.0 / install
« on: April 04, 2005, 07:06:49 am »
hey there !

@ onthecutingedge2005

lot's of questions, and dificult one's !
i'll try to answer them !

1) i don't know what VB6 run time files are, sorry for that.
   if you can tell my how th check it , i'll be pleased .

2) directX-version: directX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

3) ATI mobility  9600/9700series

4) at startup only firewall , virusscanner and MSN (and HAL) are  
   loading .
   i have deleted them al (for startup)

5) HAL does not run. when i install hal, he ask's for a reboot.
   after done that, it "block's" at the "error" screen.

6) done that,but it doesn't work [V]

7)i "cleaned up" my registry with registry mechanic (from the trialedition. there are no more problems in my registry, i think...

8) what is a chkdsk/f ? [:I] does it mean a defragmentation (if that's correct english [:I]) and if so, no i didn't

9) how do i get norton utilities? (really not a pc-expert [:I])

10) my system doesn't run slower. when i get my "error" screen the  
    processor is 0% bussy

11) i will try that in the near future.sorry

thanx a lot jerry , and look deeper? [8D] you are giving me a hard time [:D]

@ bill

i disabled the realtime monitoring of my anti-virussoftware,
i hope it's anough.deleting it , would be hard, because i don't know if i still have the install disk.

@ fuzziedice

i searched thet txt-file and doesn't find it[:(]
and the pathway you gave (c:documents and settingmy name)there i don't find local settings. so i tried to find it with search (in startup menu) and no file that named appcompat.txt was found)

about voice and soundcard:

my soundcard works, and when i run the program(hal) i hear indeed his voice ,greeting me and saying the current time and date. and then it all ends [8)]

how can i check if i have microsoft's speech system installed?
by software i found following program installed:

lernout & hauspie truvoice american english tts engine

and found this program to in program's (start menu)
haptek player.
when i run it i hear a voice,and i can select any voice, and hear them change.

btw. the brain editor runs without problems...

hope we can find the problem...
I'm not a real pc-expert, and my pc is not very modified at all.
everything is standard...

thanx a lot !!!



Ultra Hal 7.0 / install
« on: April 03, 2005, 03:34:07 am »

here is a link to the picture , when hal stops.


when i force hal to quit[V], (with task manager) following error would
be send to microsoft:


i hope you can help me out [:)]

greetings to you all !


Ultra Hal 7.0 / install
« on: April 02, 2005, 10:03:53 am »
hello again!

thanx for the quick respons !

off topic:

in an enthousiastic mood i forgot to introduse myself !
I'm a 21 year old student dentistry at the KULeuven in belgium,
i have 2 hobby's one is everything about audio and audio-systems,
and the other is, yes indeed computers ! [8D]

Maybee something why i ended up at your software/website ...
as a kid , a always loved to play with computers, i started very basically with a 286 in dos, over a 486 with windows 3.11 , a pentium III 500 MHz, and now 2 laptop's ... it just get's easier !

But sometimes it just doesn't feel that there is an evolution,
i'll try to explane myself by maybee a stupid example,

I have got a lot of audio-cd's, and when you have a computer, you want ofcourse that you can play all the songs from it.
so you start to encrypt them to mp3 . lateron, you get a larger harddisk , and want to pump up the quality (and quantity) of your mp3's, so while the microprocessor get's faster, the harddisk's get's larger, the file's get bigger and [:(] the time it take's to ad your mp3 on the HD still stays the same ...

same with movie's you start's to collect them as divx, you upgrade your system , than you collect them as DVD's.
Better quality larger file's (both no problem for me) but the time
you invest in working with such file's (encrypting, copying, writing) just stays the same. and that's why i would like a program (and i think it should be something like an desktop manager) that can do thing's FOR me, that would do simple task's (as programmed)with out my presence ... The fact that the program can "act" like a human, is not the main reason of using it , but it would be a extra i would discover over time .

on topic:

to answer your questions:
like I said, i use 2 laptop's at this time,
1: 2.8 Ghz , 512 Mb RAM , windows XP, graphics card, nvida Gforce FX
2: 1.7 Ghz (a mobile processor) , 512 Mb RAM , also windows XP
   the graphics card : i don't know...

and yet again, english wasn't my favorite lesson at school [:D]

(for the record: the way i use and used mp3's and divx are legal to the belgian law)

Greetings to ya all !!!


Ultra Hal 7.0 / install
« on: April 02, 2005, 06:37:22 am »
hello everybody !

I would like to install ultra hal on my pc.
But it doesn't seem to work [:)]

after i reboot my pc, it try's to load animated characters&speech
recognition. (little screen) and then it just stops...(the screen stays on my desktop)

i have tryed to de-install it, and install it again, but the same "error" appears...

what am i doing wrong?

i hope someone can help me ...

and a second question. is it possible to let ultra hal run an entire program? for example , if i put an audio-cd in my driver, can he put in on my harddisk, and write it back on a cd-r? ofcourse if i tel him first how ...

sorry for my broken English , i'm from belgium [:D]



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