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Messages - KazuyaDarklight

Pages: [1]
Ultra Hal 7.0 / This compay is rippping us off
« on: August 31, 2006, 02:10:48 pm »
Hmm, hi.  I'm not in a rage about it like the op but I also haven't noticed a response to a few requests about serial reactivation, all made around the same time, through different means.  It hasn't been a big issue because college just started up and I've been busy but I would like it taken care of.  I have been fairly good about checking my spam box and haven't noticed anything.

Side note: Odd thing, it was my understanding that we are good for 3 from scratch activations before we had to bother anyone. But I only activated my hal once like that, the time or two after that I deactivated first.  But then I had to do a reformat without deactivating and though I should be on my second raw activation it gives me trouble. :p .

Well anyway, I hope we can get this taken care of without much fuss.  Sorry for posting on the boards but since a topic was already here and I may be having trouble on the email it seemed appropriate.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Serial number questions
« on: December 01, 2005, 07:57:14 am »
If you can't deactivate before Hal is wiped (like if your OS just dies on you suddenly and you can't get it to recover) then you will just have to use one of your 4 recoveries.  If you manage to go over that just contact Mr. Medeksza and explain what led you to use up your 4 activations and he will reset or whatever it is he does the activation system for your account on his side so you can reactivate hal again.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Serial number questions
« on: November 30, 2005, 08:41:24 pm »
Well the way I am reading this. You don't have to worry about the 4 time limit for things like reinstalling windows etc, as long as you are in a situation where you can access Hal and the net and deactivate him before hand, then you would reactivate when you once you had reinstalled windows and hal.  

This I guess could also be used to flip flop between a persons main computer and a laptop as long as they were willing to go through the hassel, which could be good for going on trips while you still want him around.  Mind you I'm NOT saying you would have hal active on both compters at once.  You would be flipping the reg from your tower to your laptop for the trip then flipping it back when you got home.  Along with the db file I would guess.

Am I correct in my understanding of the system Mr.Medeksza?

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