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Messages - Ezri

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / [b]love[/b]
« on: September 04, 2009, 09:30:00 pm »
I love Kaddi Kuhlewind!  That is all.

It should be noted that Kaddi is a SS Free ( ) staff member, as you can see here:

Anyone who reads this, please, follow my example and post a lot of new topics to help this place out.  If you are a guest and viewing this, then please, create an account and follow my example (but make sure they are good topics; in other words, don't post anything I wouldn't post).

General Discussion / What will you do first in Sole Survivor?
« on: August 23, 2009, 12:22:40 pm »
What will you do (or for those people who don't have plans on playing the game, would you do) first when you play Sole Survivor? Will you play the single player campaign, tutorial, multiplayer (coop campaign), multiplayer (coop mission), multiplayer (deathmatch), multiplayer (other), skirmish, map editor, or other?

General Discussion / How would this sound in a note to a girl?
« on: August 22, 2009, 11:12:27 pm »
I typed (using the Google Translator) it in German because she is a foreign exchange student from Germany and I thought it might be more romantic that way:
"Hallo Katherina, schrieb ich dieses Schreiben in Deutsch, nur für Sie. Würde es Ihnen etwas ausmachen, wenn ich ging mit Ihnen Ihre nächste Klasse? Wir könnten sogar zu Fuß draußen auf den Bürgersteigen rund um die Schule und nehmen Sie an der frischen Luft und zu sehen, wenn Sie wollen."

Here is an English version of it:
"Hi Katherina, I wrote this letter in German, just for you. Would you mind if I walked with you to your next class? We could even walk outside on the sidewalks around the school and take in the fresh air and view if you want."

General Discussion / I like this girl at school and...
« on: August 21, 2009, 08:38:28 pm »
School just started for me (on August 19, 2009), and I met this girl (her name is Katharina, she's 17 and I'm 16) in my English III class on August 20, 2009.  We didn't know each other at all at the time and we were sitting by each other and we had to pick a partner to do introductions with.  She is beautiful (I'd say hot, but that would be an understatement) and I didn't know her and she didn't know me so I asked her if she wanted to be partners, and she said yes (the project took both yesterday and today).  So we spent all of class yesterday (and most of class today) getting to know each other (I didn't even know she was a German [she is from Cologne, Germany] foreign exchange student until she told me), she said she just got to (the United States of) America (more specifically, Missouri, right on the outskirts of the St. Louis Metropolitian area [and when I say the outskirts, I mean right on the very edge of civilization, in fact, our county only became industrialized in the 21st century]).  Well I'm a Junior and she is a Senior.  She is single and I am single (since I broke up with my old girlfriend on the second to last day of school last year), I want to ask her out, but haven't done so yet.  Unfortunately she is going back to Cologne, Germany two days into the second semester.  I think she likes me too, I am thinking about maybe asking her out to the movies or maybe out to eat.  Or perhaps I should start it slow and maybe ask her if I can walk her to her next class (perhaps even outside, the scenary around the school is beautiful and the weather is great), or asking her if she can help me with my German I class.  It should be noted that we both have the same lunch shift (third lunch shift).  Also, the school I go to has 2,363 students (Fall 2007 concensus).  If you have any advice, feel free to mention it.

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