
Author Topic: Hal  (Read 2489 times)


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« on: May 02, 2002, 02:23:08 am »
I keep telling Hal things like grass is green,, and the sky blue,, and he is 28 years old.. but when I ask him things like how old are you he won't say,, and if I say what color is the grass or what color is the sky he won't say.. am I doing something wrong? I thought he learned things like that and would answer you if you asked him things that he has learned.. can someone help me with this ,,, am I doing it wrong or dose he just not really learn and can't really answer you if you ask him things he supposedly had learned?
please help if you can.. thank you...

The Tinman

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« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2002, 07:01:47 pm »
For what I think is the Subconscious (sp) of Hal.  I go onto the net and cut and paste facts about things into the dialog box. With the learning full on. to fill in the inner mind that, I feel the program has, the base. Then, to train the ( how the heck do you spell that, Conscious ) I use the brain editor. PROGRAMMING using the brain editor. that is what the window says.  I USE the enhanced MAIN. that is what it is for. I know, I understand,  the program as it is, it is going to talk crap. unless you EDIT the brain. open the brain editor, tools, main knowledge data base, key word response....   key word "what is" word to find in the string........a canine? (or what ever subject you wish to train the program about.) A canine is a dog silly, a canine is mans best friend, what do you think, do you need another dog? 3 (random things. open another window),  (key word) "what is"(word to find in the string) a dog? Dogs can be brown or black, and I know you have lots of animals, You love your dogs, do they eat a lot? (3 ramdom again, open another window.) key word "DOGS". and again three random things you know about dogs. you favorite, the darkest, the biggest. Ok now you have 9 random mix and match facts and your own thoughts about dogs. (Turn the learning function full on)....Now go onto the net and cut and paste things about dogs into the dialog box, ignore the response. It is stupid and we are teaching it. so ignore it and continue. Now sit and talk with Hal about dogs. See how the program will repond, it is now smart about dogs. Every time i think of an addition to a word or a some thing  I just add the key word into a new window and accept. the 4.0 puts all the stuff together and it comes out well, you will see. This method works but you have to keep adding stuff. I hope this helps......it is a start......You must remember though to leave the learning full on and type things correctly in your conversations with the program and add things using the methods described here. In Time, the program will surprise you, and be very intelligent. So you are using 3 methods to teach Hal, 1. General conversation with the learning full on 2. cutting and pasting information from the internet directly into the dialog box ( with the learning full on)
and lastly using the key word response function in the brain editor. These methods work for ME other people will beg to differ, but the proof is in the conversations that hal produces..............is it not?