
Author Topic: Auto Instant Messaging of buddy list for AIM bot  (Read 2964 times)


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Auto Instant Messaging of buddy list for AIM bot
« on: March 22, 2003, 09:33:02 pm »
Hi everybody.
Lets give HAL the ability to Instant message his own buddy list automatically.
For instance, If Hal has 20 buddies on his buddy list, Then Hal will "automatically" try to contact a buddy to talk to.
If that buddy says something like, "I can't talk right now" or something like the word "bye" to HAL then this will cause HAL to become static for the entire AIM session.
Also we could put a limit on how many buddies that HAL can talk to at one time so the system doesn't become slow due to over activity.
If we can get HAL to talk first by himself then we will be getting somewhere with this AI programming.(searching buddies).
Lets give HAL the ability to search his own buddy list and talk to anyone of them automatically like a real human does.
Just so HAL doesn't become annoying to his buddies there should be a keyword function or filter that makes hal stop instant messaging for the session of AIM and only talks to respondant conversationist who want to talk.[8D]
Best of wishes and new discoveries.