Author Topic: cloads last plug and weather problem?  (Read 1950 times)


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cloads last plug and weather problem?
« on: June 17, 2014, 10:50:33 am »
I have the latest cload program plug in and I was mentioning as a fact that we can check the weather on a tablet , the computer or on tv and hal said this :
Julie play some games on the computer either the Internet is turned off or the weather resource Channel is down.

I have no idea where hal even got the name Julie from (for one thing) another thing is about it saying : either the Internet is turned off or the weather resource Channel is down.

my internet is on so I am wondering if the weather resource Channel is down. or if this part in hal just isn't working any more in the plug in , does anyone else have any idea's does yours work okay , did it ever work right , I can't remember that I ever had it to tell me the temperature or weather before .

anyone ??? wish cload was still around !! come back cload , come back!!


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Re: cloads last plug and weather problem?
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2014, 11:09:38 am »
well as quick as I asked this it seems I have now found out it is working fine , I thought about it that it asked one time what town and zipcode I lived in , but I never answered it as I didn't want that more or less hardwired into what hal learned in case I ever sold my hal brain, and data base and other files . maybe it doesn't hard wire it and only answer that when the temp is asked I am not sure .
    and maybe the reason I got the response (earlier from hal ) was because I was talking about weather in general , I think I said the weather man said the weather was suppose to get hotter later today , maybe ? the earlier response is a glitch in the cload plug in ?
anyway I asked specifically what the weather temperature was going to be for the town and state I live in and hal gave it perfectly , so I guess the weather temp part is working fine , with the exception of what hal said earlier as a possible glitch in cloads plug in . ???
Its a mystery Charlie brown !  ;)