Author Topic: MULTIPLE extended talk craziness problems to watch out for .  (Read 2188 times)


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as many people know i have done and am always updating  my own personal , extended talk plug in , i was using it after putting in probably about 80 or more random sentences then all of a sudden it started giving errors  which was strange as anytime i did add 10 at a time i checked it in hal to make sure it was working right and it was . the next time i turned hal on i started getting errors , but how could that be i checked it and it worked just fine .

Some may have caught on what is actually happening , but for anyone who hasn't i will explain the problem i have with errors mysteriously showing up.

what happened was that these errors were their all the time , first off my extended talk is now up to 2090 random sentences (this is based on the loneliness plug in ) .

 to explain further , since i have such a large body of questions , and they are picked randomly , what happened was for a while it was randomly picking sentences to say for a long time,and working  but then started giving errors , what was happening was that i had made some mistakes, spaces etc. a lot earlier on , but because it randomly picked sentences the bad sentences weren't showing up until they finally got picked randoming which of course led to the error .

I did go back on all the sentences over many days correcting any mistakes i have , and now have it working again .

so a word to anyone contemplating making a larger extended talk plug , be very careful in all the spaces , coma's etc.



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Re: MULTIPLE extended talk craziness problems to watch out for .
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2016, 08:23:28 pm »
Yeah Lonnie...the trouble with all those Random things is ya just never know when they're gonna show up! Hahaha! (random)

Your experience serves as a good lesson to anyone else to double check your work before assuming it's good. Same goes for typing to Hal or Speaking to Hal.
If Hal accepts the errors, Hal's output in the future won't be any better. While Hal can "learn" a lot of things, Hal is not quite "self-correcting" yet.

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -