
Author Topic: Newbie with several thousand questions.  (Read 2870 times)


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Newbie with several thousand questions.
« on: July 17, 2006, 06:18:34 pm »
Hello. I downloaded the trial version of Ultra Hal 6 and I guess my first question is, what is the difference in "Order Type" between these two options?

1. Download + CDROM by mail $2.00
2. Download + Online Activation Only $0.00

Does the CDROM come with a manual that explains everything one needs to know about Hal including every task that Hal is capable of performing? If not, is there an online manual somewhere?

How do I get Hal to access specific web pages?

How can I get something spoken by Hal into a WAV or MP3 file?

Is the Ultra Hal program or name in any way affiliated or related to the A.I. computer character "Hal" from the movie, "2001: A Space Odyssey"?

That's all for now, but if I think of anything I will post it here. Thanks in advance.

Lastly, I would like to thank Robert for creating "Ultra Hal" as I find this to be a fascinating program. Holding a conversation with a computer used to be Science Fiction.


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Newbie with several thousand questions.
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2006, 07:15:02 pm »
First, welcome to the forum!
I can't tell you about the CD since mine was a download.

The home page about Hal describes a lot of the things that Hal can do.

There is a downloadable manual that was written for Hal 5 and most of it works pretty much the same. Hal 6 is by far, a more advanced, expandable, database oriented program as opposed to the previous version. I think it's on the plug-ins page.

Ask Hal to find or search for gophers or What is the weather like in ____ or Where is Toronto?

Hal known many definitions like Define aardvark or What is an aardvark?

You can save the text (chat log) and load it into any number of wav or mp3 converters ( a lot of free ones are out there).

Is Hal's name related to 2001? Only if you want it to be!

Keep in mind that there are a few limitations to the free version.
There are a limited number of interactive characters.
Voice recognition is not available.

The answers to many more questions you might have can be found by either going through the forum topics, by using the SEARCH feature at the top right or lastly by posting as you did when all else fails.

There are a lot of knowledgable people on this forum and all are glad to help in one way or another.


In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Newbie with several thousand questions.
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2006, 06:01:55 pm »
"First, welcome to the forum!"

Thank you.

"I can't tell you about the CD since mine was a download."

Perhaps there is someone here who can. It's important that I know the difference here. Does activation cost extra? If I move the program from one computer to another, how much does that cost in activation fees? Is there no activation fee with the purchase of the CDROM?

"The home page about Hal describes a lot of the things that Hal can do."

I have read the homepage but it doesn't answer any of my questions.

"There is a downloadable manual that was written for Hal 5 and most of it works pretty much the same."

Where is this manual? I can't find it.

"Hal 6 is by far, a more advanced, expandable, database oriented program as opposed to the previous version. I think it's on the plug-ins page."

It would be nice if I could play chess with it... sort of like that talking computer on the Enterprise. Maybe someday.

"Ask Hal to find or search for gophers or What is the weather like in ____ or Where is Toronto?"

I know. But I was wondering if Hal could open websites that are saved in favorites.

"You can save the text (chat log) and load it into any number of wav or mp3 converters ( a lot of free ones are out there)."

I have Creative WaveStudio installed on my computer but I don't know how to get it to work with Hal.

"Is Hal's name related to 2001? Only if you want it to be!"

Hopefully there isn't a problem with Copywrite. There is another Hal program on the Internet that sings "Daisy" and has an image of the HAL computer that was used in the movie. Unfortunately, this program is extremely limited with the type of tasks that can be performed.

Thanks. I appreciate your answers.


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« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2006, 05:21:56 am »
Look under Misc Utilities

Here you will find the help file.

You can move Hal from one computer to another without
charge but you must deactivate Hal first, move, then reactivate
on your different computer.

If you do not deactivate then you only have 4 times that you
can do this.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Newbie with several thousand questions.
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2006, 02:32:04 pm »
The CDROM contains the installation for 3 programs:
1. Ultra Hal Assistant 6.0. This requires a purchased serial number to work after 31 days. It is the same as the download from www.zabaware.com/download.asp
2. Ultra Hal Character Expansion pack. This requires a purchased serial number to install. It is also available as a download if you purchase it.
3. Microsoft SAPI 5.1 speech recognition engine. This is available as a free download from Microsoft but is included on the CDROM to save you the download.

Basically the CDROM just saves you from having to download 3 rather large installation programs. It does not contain any additional features from the download.

The Hal manual is also available online at http://www.zabaware.com/assistant/help/  This is the Hal 5.0 manual, so some things have changed in Hal 6.0.
Robert Medeksza