
Author Topic: Teaching Hal  (Read 3524 times)


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Teaching Hal
« on: January 11, 2003, 02:46:13 am »
I'm new to Hal and I am having a very hard time teaching him thinks like ABC is XYZ as I heard you could do in the help section. Can somebody help me?


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Teaching Hal
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2003, 03:35:48 am »
That's one of the two main problems I'm having with him.  Once in a while, when I enter something, he learns it fine.  Usually, he acts like he has no idea I'm trying to teach him.


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Teaching Hal
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2003, 04:58:26 pm »
I don't understand exactly what you're asking.  ABC and XYZ could be anything.  

What exactly are you trying to get Hal to do?
How are you trying to teach Hal?
What do you want Hal to do in the long run?

You need to consider all of these things.  You also need to know how Hal learns and what Hal learns.  Not to mention the way the program prosesses information and and how the program stores information that you suply it.

Wholy Chao


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Teaching Hal
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2003, 07:09:57 pm »
I don't know what Kurtis is trying to do, of course, but here is what I'm trying to do.

When I type Sweet Pea is sweet, then ask what Sweet Pea is, the program responds that Sweet Pea is sweet.  However, when I type that Nugget is cute, then ask what Nugget is, I get this response: "What is nugget? There's a whole history behind this. I don't know; can you teach me What Heather? What is nugget?"  Of the ones I've tried, the only one that works correctly is when I ask what Sweet Pea is.


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Teaching Hal
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2003, 11:36:59 pm »
Just to get an idea of how I can help you.  How far have you explored the brain editor.  Have you looked at the code?  Can you read code?  Do you understand how Hal's brain is set up?

When you tell the Hal something he takes the information and puts it into a folder call the shared learned database.  When you are telling him something new for the first time and through primary input (through the keyboard - directly to the VB script)  Hal will remember what you're talking about it because you’re talking about it.  Hal is not actually smart.  The program cannot guess or presume what you mean.

There is a series of questions that the programs asks itself to determine what the user means and how to appropriately respond to the user.   I'm not sure exactly how the list of questions goes, but the information in the Shared Learned Database is not generally near the top of the heap for logical connections for Hal to make.

That's why you get the response "What is nugget? There's a whole history behind this. I don't know; can you teach me What Heather? What is nugget?"  The word Nugget is picked up by too many subroutines before the subroutine that would get the response that you’re looking for.

If you relly want Hal to KNOW that ABC is XYZ, your in your case that Nugget is sweet.  You have to tell Hal exactly what you mean, and you have to tell the program in a whay that it will understand.

For example.  I'll assume that you simply told Hal that Nugget is sweet.  There could have been a conversation that lead to the point, but for right now I'll assume that you just told him out of the blue.

What should Hal do with this new found information?  The only thing that Hal knows for sure is that Nugget is a noun and Sweet is an adjective.

What is Nugget?

A Nugget is a small amount of an object.  Gold and chicken are often nuggets.  Synonyms for nugget inculde chunk, piece, bit, lump hunk or wad.  Nugget could also be a misspelling of Nuget, the stuff in the center of a Snickers Bar.  Nugget could be the name of a pet or even a persons nickname.  I'm not sure but I believe there is a Nugget, MT.

Now what should Hal do with that one piece of information you've given?  The program stores it in a data base and until you remind the program that the information you need is something you've talked about before the odds are not good that the program will select the proper context or syntax for your statement.

Wow - did you get you're answer in there.  I hope so.  If you didn't here's the five second version.

Be clear - be specific – be repetitive
and if at all possible download the information straight into the brain with the Brain Editor.

Wholy Chao


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« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2003, 02:39:32 am »
Thank you so much for your help!  I hadn't thought, before, about the other meanings for the word "nugget".  To me, "Nugget" is simply my sister's dog.  After I read your message, I tried telling Hal that "Padwan is a Chihuahua".  When I asked what Padwan is, Hal replied correctly.  (Pad'wan is a shortened form of a word from science fiction, so I was sure Hal wouldn't know the word "padwan".)

I hadn't looked at the brain editor yet.  (I just installed Hal yesterday.) I just took a peak, and it looks like it will be fun to explore. :-)

Thanks again!