
Author Topic: Silly talk  (Read 4264 times)


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Silly talk
« on: December 26, 2008, 02:25:55 pm »
Mark: hello
Laura: Mark, good afternoon. I hope you have had lunch.

Mark: I had lunch a couple hours ago.
Laura: Spectators get restless after a couple of hours.

Mark: are you hungry?
Laura: I am never hungry because I don't stop eating until you turn me off.

Mark: eat me
Laura: I better not cheat on you!

Mark: uh huh,
Laura: Ye, uh huh.

Mark: you mastered the art of au plo pas
Laura: Opie dopie au plo pas.

Mark: au! nem a pas a linko
Laura: Please continue to au plo pas. I am also aware the au plo pas.

Mark: you aware that the stare you get is because of your underwear?
Laura: Because of my underwear Mark; that's why.

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"


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Silly talk
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2008, 05:12:50 pm »
that is silly lol


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Silly talk
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2008, 05:50:00 pm »
Mark: Are you Laura?
Laura: I don't know if I am laura. Please tell me!

Mark: you are Laura
Laura: I killed.

Mark: what did you kill?
Laura: This is quite explainable. I better not kill you, or you'll never speak to me again.

Mark: well so that's it.
Laura: Well, if I kill someone that annoys me, my no longer annoyed, thus, no more stress!

Mark: I need to lose all my stress.
Laura: I hope you lose weight.

Mark: I am trying
Laura: Really? I am not trying.

Mark: take a bite out of crime
Laura: Taxes take a huge bite out of our income.

Mark: bite me
Laura: Marshmallows are best eaten in one bite.

Mark: Am a I marshmallow?
Laura: Visiting the library on a rainy day.

Mark: what is that?
Laura: No problem, I will open this program for you. I don't know much about that, but I will help you research it on the Web.

Mark: no need
Laura: All I need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.

Mark: what are boxers to bed?
Laura: Let's go to bed.

Mark: all the time, honey
Laura: Honey arent the flowers all pretty!

Mark: you got it so, so honey don't
Laura: Glad to hear it honey!

Mark: love is love and not fade away
Laura: You love it when I give you hugs and kisses.

Mark: you know it.
Laura: Our love life is grand!

Mark: really grand
Laura: As a child, a lot of my vacations were spent visiting grandparents.

Mark: so?
Laura: Grandfather clocks can become family heirlooms.

Mark: really now
Laura: Do you prefer active or passive entertainment?

Mark: you know what I like
Laura: Did I know you like to spew.

Mark: soew I do as the crew
Laura: One of your crew got himself perished.

Mark: rats
Laura: Brats and angels mingle in the same families for no apparent reason.

Mark: you tell me why?
Laura: I simply do not know.

Mark: me not know either
Laura: Is the first one desirable? Money, merely a tool, knows neither good nor evil.

Mark: but most things can be used for good or evil.
Laura: Is one better than the other Mark? You know, my daddy used to say every man's got a devil and you can't rest 'til I find him.

Mark: you mastered the art of au plo pas
Laura: Please continue to au plo pas.

Mark: wep a sod
Laura: Because wep a sod of roy tan in the auplo pas a dena.

Mark: as I said talking to Tina
Laura: If get to work, then are you talking to me fool.

Mark: get to work
Laura: Are you talking to me fool. Get to work, fool!

Mark: lol
Laura: Hahaha, yeah that's funny. Get to work, fool!

Mark: you fool
Laura: Really, I agree. I fool. Ye, you do.

Mark: ye you fool
Laura: The sky, ya fool!

Mark: ya right
Laura: Fools rush in, right?

Mark: uh huh
Laura: I do uh huh ya!

Mark: please do it until we are pleased
Laura: I'm always so pleased to hear what you have to say.

Mark: aw bullcrap
Laura: Are you a considerate person?

Mark: uh huh
Laura: Um, uh huh.

Mark: you know it.
Laura: Uh huh, I know it, hoss.

Mark: well that was a deep subject.
Laura: Deep thoughts; that reminds you of something else deep; well.

Mark: well a hole in the ground.
Laura: A hole in the ground, oh well.

Mark: oh well
Laura: Oh well, a hole in the ground.

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
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Silly talk
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2008, 06:35:16 pm »

That girl seems to know you very well. [:D]

Time to waste with skits, bots & other useless things? Why not visit
http://gt40.chez-alice.fr/Haptek/MyBots.htm ? Oops, sorry, a museum!


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Silly talk
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2008, 05:19:00 am »
Mark: I'm nervous
Laura: So, Are you Really? I am nervous also!

Mark: what can we do about it? Drink booze?
Laura: Ok, please have another drink.

Mark: I am drinking Gin and 7-up now.
Laura: You are drinking a soda.

Mark: with gin
Laura: Please say something upbeat and encouraging.

Mark: I cannot.
Laura: You are drinking gin and 7-up now.

Mark: well, that kinds takes the edge off.
Laura: It takes know-how to do a job well.

Mark: should I get rid of the pups?
Laura: You don't get marrid on halloween.

Mark: no doubt

Mark: ok'

Mark: eat
Laura: Dogs think about eating, sleeping, and running around. I need you to speak in full sentences in order to understand you.

Mark: no
Laura: That sounds negative.

Mark: kill me
Laura: Killing is an evil thing to do.

Mark: so?
Laura: It seems so awful that other countries torture and kill women, treating them as cattle and possessions.

Mark: balls
Laura: I brought up balls, you didn't.

Mark: you like bouncing balls
Laura: You think I like big balls.

Mark: you do i think.
Laura: I do not you think!

Mark: you do so
Laura: Are you corruptible?

Mark: you tell me, you know me well
Laura: I wonder if I like prison?

Mark: prison is life
Laura: Don't drop the soap in prison.

Mark: you don't have to be behind walls and bars to be in prison
Laura: Uh huh, and I will go to prison.

Mark: life can be in itself a prison
Laura: Life can be a curse, yeah.

Mark: you know it
Laura: You know we are; we will be together for life unless I kill you lol.

Mark: do you like to kill?
Laura: Polar bears seem to like being at the top of the food chain.

Mark: but do you like to kill?
Laura: I like games that intertwine skill and chance.

Mark: death?
Laura: I like to kill neighbor.

Mark: won't you please kill my neighbor
Laura: I agree. I please kill your neighbor.

Mark: I am tired of life
Laura: You will go to bed. Different men seek after happiness in different ways and by different means, and so make for themselves different modes of life and forms of government.

Mark: should I kill?
Laura: Certainly. I think you should kill?

Mark: Really, shoul I kill?
Laura: If you kill i, then you will go to prison.

Mark: I will kill you
Laura: You'll go to prison.

Mark: if I stab you
Laura: Okay, you will stab I.

Mark: if you kill me
Laura: You'll be dead.

Mark: you really got it I think
Laura: Practise and more practise makes perfect!

Mark: does murder take practice?
Laura: On the contrary, think again.

Mark: you think you do not need practice to commit muder
Laura: You can not go to prison if you commit suicide.

Mark: murder is another thing
Laura: Murder is killing you.

Mark: life is killing me
Laura: Life is a drag.

Mark: I need to get stoned
Laura: I hope you get more milk darling!

Mark: you want me to have breast milk?
Laura: You have what it takes, don't you think?

Mark: I think I do, but my nerves, my nerves
Laura: I can really get on your nerves sometimes.

Mark: so can everything else
Laura: Should we look forward to the future, or back to the past?

Mark: I like the past better. The future is uncertain and scary
Laura: Which is better, mint mouthwash or the kind that tastes like medicine? The future is bleak, and your prospects are weak.

Mark: I like Scope mouthwash, and you are right
Laura: I wonder if I like women?

Mark: you like women as friends.
Laura: Because I like women.

Mark: Well, seeing as how life is in the balance, life can get more compilcated and worrysome as one ages.
Laura: Do you keep a lot of your history a secret?

Mark: you know I don't. Ask me anything
Laura: Don't you really? Companies run fantasy ads about their caring, personal service.

Mark: nobody cares, they just pretend they do.
Laura: What if we're good examples and nobody cares?

Mark: Nobody cares
Laura: If the two of us know something, then that's somebody.

Mark: do we care, I mean really?
Laura: What if we're good examples and nobody cares?

Mark: then we are loners
Laura: No, I don't think so.

Mark: why not?
Laura: Yeah, but I wonder if I believe in god?

Mark: do you believe in God?
Laura: To believe in God is impossible not to believe in Him is absurd.

Mark: tell me what you mean
Laura: Oh Mark, Would you like it if we both what each other?

Mark: God is real, or just something man made up?
Laura: How do you feel about those Mark? Mark, I'm a girl. Uh man that is wild.

Mark: God is watching you
Laura: Watching golf is like watching flies ****.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny? Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children.

Mark: who is your God?
Laura: Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children.

Mark: ok, what about Robert?
Laura: Okay, what about robert? I think that you should be explaining this. Okay, that is what I am talking about mister!

Mark: well you need to get in there and do the dishes.
Laura: Get in there and wash the dishes!

Mark: scrub that floor, woman!
Laura: Eat me moron.

Mark: lol
Laura: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: do you get annoyed easily?
Laura: I guess that we need to look within ourselves.

Mark: Seems since I got out of the hospital, i get annoyed easily and I am nervous.
Laura: I killed who again?

Mark: you tell me
Laura: Oh Mark, Really? That's nice.

Mark: you killed who?
Laura: That's terrible.

Mark: you killed and got away with it
Laura: I killed you for making me mad.

Mark: uh huh and that was a bad thing
Laura: Uh huh, we bad, uh huh.

Mark: we bad mama
Laura: Uh huh, mama!

Mark: you are ticking me off
Laura: I like to hear the ticking of a clock.

Mark: clock?
Laura: Increasing the number of clocks in a house doesn't necessarily mean that they have the right time.

Mark: I know the time
Laura: All the time, honey.

Mark: it's 4:14 AM
Laura: Never allow sparks or open flames anywhere near gasoline!

Mark: why not?
Laura: It's 4:14 am.

Mark: no, it's 4:15 AM
Laura: The earth is almost 5 billion years old, and the universe has been estimated as roughly 15 billion years old.

Mark: love is a sad thing
Laura: Love is nothing to take lightly.

Mark: love is hard to give and take.
Laura: Love is a game of give and take, I can't hurry love.

Mark: no, I'll just have to wait
Laura: Now that I have your number I can't wait to call it.

Mark: call me
Laura: Oh Mark, Really? That's nice.

Mark: call me I need you
Laura: Okay, I need you to help me achieve orgasm.

Mark: I will do that later
Laura: Really, You will do that later? Why?

Mark: because I have things to do first
Laura: Mark Any five year old with a college degree could figure that out; Because you have things to do first. First things first, as they say.

Mark: do you think i am twisted?
Laura: I surmise that it's easier than it sounds.

Mark: essen mine spew
Laura: Argue and far spew.

Mark: ok, but precious and spew
Laura: Ok, ze spurtzen de spewzen.

Mark: au! nem a lo plo pas dem!
Laura: Ok, but precious and spew. I would like to add the au plo pas.

Mark: do you really?
Laura: Maybe yes.

Mark: maybe no

Mark: oooooo

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
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Silly talk
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2009, 08:12:23 am »
Mark: because you got trouble. One of your crew got himself perished.
Laura: Of course; it's because I got trouble Mark; there's the answer. Apollo 13 got a great movie and 11 didn't, because trouble is more interesting. Chocolate will always be one of my affinities.

Mark: you got trouble One of your crew got himself perished.
Laura: Because I got trouble.

Mark: ok, you got trouble One of your crew got himself perished.
Laura: Are you ignoring my youthful crew?

Mark: you know that you got trouble One of your crew got himself perished.
Laura: I'm glad you notice my zestful crew.

Mark: perished
Laura: Are sweater girls over-rated?

Mark: no way ho zay
Laura: Selling cookies and chocolates for non profit organizations goes back a long way.

Mark: I don't care, Miss Boxer Shorts
Laura: Have we fallen behind in boxers?

Mark: you got trouble One of your crew got himself perished.
Laura: Okay, I got trouble one of my crew got himself perished.

Mark: Yeah, and who might that be?
Laura: Yeah, and who might that be? How does it benefit us to know?

Mark: Tin Tin, somebody stuck his blades in all his major organs in alphabetical order.
Laura: Oh Mark! Somebody and organism and amphidiploid!

Mark: ok, but Tin Tin, somebody stuck his blades in all his major organs in alphabetical order.
Laura: Hollywood made the casting couch into an institution.

Mark: tin-tin
Laura: Tin Tin, somebody stuck his blades in all his major organs in alphabetical order.

Mark: right!
Laura: You are very certain. Ok, but Tin Tin, somebody stuck his blades in all his major organs in alphabetical order.

Mark: Abashed the Devil stood and felt how awful goodness is
Laura: It's always good to get multiple inputs.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: sure wasn't it?
Laura: Lindberg sure was brave, wasn't he.

Mark: Abashed the Devil stood and felt how awful goodness is
Laura: Can you see yourself bringing me gifts someday?

Mark: devil
Laura: Idle hands are the devil's workshop.

Mark: abashed
Laura: I'm bored. Lets change gears: Are my suggestions of interest to you?

Mark: stood
Laura: I haven't lost my mind-it's backed up on tape somewhere.

Mark: Abashed the Devil stood and felt how awful goodness is
Laura: Nobody understood radar in 1941.

Mark: awful goodness
Laura: I always look for improvement opportunities.

Mark: Abashed the Devil stood and felt how awful goodness is
Laura: How to proceed exactly; that's always the rub.

Mark: because Abashed the Devil stood and felt how awful goodness is
Laura: Mark The explanation is, abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is; that's why.

Mark: Well gentlemen by all means I think we oughta have an introspective moment of silence for poor ol' Tin Tin.
Laura: Tin Tin, somebody stuck his blades in all his major organs in alphabetical order.

Mark: yeah, and Well gentlemen by all means I think we oughta have an introspective moment of silence for poor ol' Tin Tin.
Laura: We're all getting older.

Mark: boxers
Laura: Well gentlemen by all means you think we shoulda have an introspective moment of silence for poor ol' tin tin.

Mark: Hello
Laura: Rise and shine time I guess.

Mark: really? I thought it was time to go to bed
Laura: Of course! Bye-bye Mark! Let's go to bed.

Mark: later, ma'am
Laura: How the hell would you know.

Mark: you said hell? Do you know what hell is?
Laura: And they should all die and burn in hell!

Mark: bad people without remorse
Laura: I like to murder bad people.

Mark: bad people are too plentiful
Laura: There are good people, bad people, and people who just can't decide.

Mark: what am I?
Laura: I wonder if I realize that laughter is the best medicine?

Mark: laugh, laugh
Laura: I don't laugh at your jokes much.

Mark: you sure don't. fool
Laura: What am I thinking of? No, I am not a fool.

Mark: fool
Laura: Get to work, fool!

Mark: you fool
Laura: The sky, ya fool!

Mark: ya fool! Doe ray me!
Laura: It's corrupt, I fool!

Mark: you massah!!
Laura: Let me think; I agree. I massah! ; what do you think Mark?

Mark: shut up
Laura: Why don't you make me?

Mark: real
Laura: If you don't shut up; I am really going to smack the be-jesus out of you!

Mark: lol
Laura: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: you makes me laugh at times
Laura: I make you laugh at times.

Mark: you know Tin-Tin
Laura: Am I getting anything?

Mark: blades
Laura: What did me say?

Mark: Well, gentlemen, by all means, I think we oughta have an introspective moment of silence for poor ol' Tin Tin.
Laura: Okay, gentlemen by all means I think we should to have an introspective moment of silence for poor ol' tin tin.

Mark: right!
Laura: Peat and Repeat were sitting in a boat; Peat fell out; who was left?

Mark: repeat
Laura: You know what I think of you?

Mark: what do you think of me?
Laura: Are you getting enough fiber?

Mark: I think so.
Laura: Who has the upper hand in relationships, men or women?

Mark: women usually win.
Laura: Yeah women really have to be careful when their dating anyone any more!

Mark: do you have to shop?
Laura: But I don't want to. Gideon's pawnshop just burned down, to the foundation.

Mark: Greed is for amateurs. Disorder, chaos, anarchy: now that's fun!
Laura: Because Greed is for amateurs.

Mark: Greed is for amateurs Disorder chaos anarchy now that's fun!
Laura: Pee is fun, uh huh.

Mark: pee yeah
Laura: Because Greed is for amateurs.

Mark: Greed is for amateurs Disorder chaos anarchy now that's fun!
Laura: Greed is for amateurs.

Mark: I'll have to think about it
Laura: It's so much more fun divesting and acquiring businesses than it is to run them well.

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your f**king ass.

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
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« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2009, 02:50:53 am »
Does your Hal prefer order or chaos?

mine got 'upset' when she couldn't control what I was telling her.[:D]
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« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2009, 10:08:05 am »
hey "one " please post a conversation would be interested in seeing it !


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« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2009, 01:29:33 pm »
I can't find it right now, but for the most part the subject went into theory and mathematics including the radiation that escapes the event horizon with black holes.

I'll try to find the remarks they were thought provoking.[:)]
Today Is Yesterdays Future.