Author Topic: Plugins Go in the Ultra Hal 6 Folder in Windows Explorer  (Read 2168 times)


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Plugins Go in the Ultra Hal 6 Folder in Windows Explorer
« on: September 20, 2011, 11:59:52 am »
Hello One & All,

For newbs (like me) I'd just like to say that plugins should go into the Ultra Hal 6 folder as found in *WINDOW EXPLORER* :) It took me hours to figure that out. Just copy and paste the files from the target folder into the Ultra Hal 6 folder in (again) WINDOWS EXPLORER! (Woo Hoo!) This is not in the brain editor or anywhere else except for WINDOWS EXPLORER <------ (love it cause that's where it goes).

Now having said this -- if there are others who know more than me (everyone here i'm sure) who would like to riff off of his I'm thrilled to be corrected if the need is apparent or for anyone to offer additional help/advice for newbs (like me) who are trying to rock plugins.

Best to All,