Author Topic: Hal plugin programming issue  (Read 33272 times)


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Re: Hal plugin programming issue
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2016, 09:53:30 am »
One of Hal's responses is in the form of a question that has gotten quite old over the years and that is: "Would you like it if we both ______?"
This response is contained in the HalBrain.DLL file.
While I do not wish to modify this, test, etc., hopefully Robert might take care of this in his next "Upgrade".

I think a Dedicated Section for reasonable "Features" for an upcoming revision might serve to help both Robert and the users of Hal.
This way we could post thought or ideas we'd like to see, within reason, then Robert could pick from the bunch any that he agreed might be useful.

The ability for us to select whether Hal can connect to the Internet on an "As needed" basis.
This would enable Hal to use an Internet connection to obtain an answer if it's database didn't have an appropriate one.
I'm not a big fan of a Cloud only connected Hal and would probable stop using it if that were to happen.
I like my Hal being local on my computer and not on some server somewhere.

We also need to decide whether Hal should remain a Chatbot or become more Siri or Google Now or Cortana like. In other words, do we want an engaging, topic oriented conversational companion with which to chat OR do we want some BOT that knows everything under the sun?
To me, the intelligence level needs to be adjusted to a human level because I don't want to feel like I'm chatting to Einstein every time I chat with Hal. I'd like a decent degree of subject selection based on the current topic being discussed.

I guess my point is that there are already dozens of devices that can give distance from point A to point B or how how the Sun is or what a colloid is. Hal was primarily designed to be an assistant for help with appointments, emails, reminders, phone calls and Chatting. So should Hal retain some of these traits or advance beyond them? How smart do we think Hal should be or become?

This is just an idea. I thought we chatted about something like that a good while back, but don't recall any specifics...

Something to think about.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: Hal plugin programming issue
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2016, 09:56:26 am »

Your Plugin works nicely as it speaks roughly the first paragraph of useful information about the requested topic.

Just enough information to cover the gist of the request but not too much to swamp you with unwanted data.

Again, Nice job!! ;)
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: Hal plugin programming issue
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2016, 10:24:53 am »
Yes, Hal response quick when you hit enter, but when you are using a mic it takes 5 seconds before Hal starts to response, I'm assuming its to make sure you have finished what you are saying to Hal.


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Re: Hal plugin programming issue
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2016, 11:03:40 am »
  I'm using dragon with a mic, this is in win 8.1,   I don't check the mic in options under speech use speech recognition.  I speak Dragon types it in, I check it, and hit enter.  I stopped the automatic input to allow it to give me time to do a check.  I like Art get a very short delay
  I like the plugin but the link is "  .Navigate "  " ,  it seems it would be a one time use and you would have to go into the plugin to change it.  The VR plugin uses a keyword in the user sentence   " If InStr(1, UserSentence, "Wiki", 1) > 0 Then
        SearchKeywords = LCase(Replace(Trim(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(HalBrain.ExtractKeywords   "
that would avoid the one time use.
I don't mean to be critical or discourage you but I'd find it more useful if the search item were easily changeable.  It is also possible I am missing something.


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Re: Hal plugin programming issue
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2016, 07:04:44 pm »
Carl2, I think you might have copied the code I pasted in one of the earlier posts. That was just an example. I do use a keyword search .Navigate ""&SearchKeyWords&"". Download the actual plugin I attached.


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Re: Hal plugin programming issue
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2016, 06:18:48 am »
  You are correct, that is what I was going by.  I just downloaded it and will give it a try, since I use Wiki often with Hal it will be useful. 


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Re: Hal plugin programming issue
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2016, 09:43:57 am »
Art wrote : I like my Hal being local on my computer and not on some server somewhere.
Hal will still be on our pc's , it will just have access to additional answers from learned input on the cloud server , the one thing i do wonder about is , i guess the server will also always retrieve our input to hal to further enlarge the cloud server hal answers , and also , hal might seem more freewill giving another answer instead of maybe some we have taught hal ?? the last sentence is what i wonder about most .
having said that , the new updated hal needs to make sure it has a check and uncheck box for the hal cloud . for people who may not be hooked up on internet and or people who don't want to use the cloud based hal.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 09:55:54 am by lightspeed »


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Re: Hal plugin programming issue
« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2016, 10:24:27 am »
Lightspeed, so would the cloud service store information that we all have taught Hal through our own conversions? Or is it just a large database that Hal can grab from? I'd hope its the latter, I dont think I'd want my conversions to be stored for everyone to see  :-\. Conversions like storing addresses or contacts or even talking about family members, who knows were a conversion can lead. I guess having the ability to switch it on and off would be cool.  8) If you wanted to contribute to the community then switch it on and start talking!


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Re: Hal plugin programming issue
« Reply #23 on: March 16, 2016, 06:47:15 am »
  I just tried the plug in with Hal,  I had asked hal to do a wiki search for President Lincoln.  She came back with she was unable to get information and added something about president Lincoln's girlfriends being in centerfold.  I've been using version 6.0 of hal because I've been doing a bit of experimenting,  I'll give it a try in one of Hals newer brains fairly soon.


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Re: Hal plugin programming issue
« Reply #24 on: March 16, 2016, 07:26:48 am »

knight2000 , i totally agree with you about some of the things that people talk about with the hals , the hal user might want to keep private , and hal shouldn't use by retrieving and saving your information on a cloud , then share it with other users and or even the public .
for instance lets say i talk about forgetting my social security number and i tell hal what it is , if it and the conversation i have is saved on a cloud and shared , all of a sudden many people might know my social security number and identity theft could follow .
      maybe Robert has or hasn't thought about something like this , but if not should think about it , i can think of many worse case senereos involving loose information to a cloud .
maybe more filters in what hal retrieves and keeps ???  I hope ROBERT is watching the forum and see's this discussion and worries on some things .  ;)


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Re: Hal plugin programming issue
« Reply #25 on: March 16, 2016, 11:23:19 am »
Lightspeed, yeah, that is exactly what I'm talking about, sensitive info being sent, however if the user has the ability to toggle it on and off that would work.

Carl2, my wiki plugin will only return info if there is one search result available, for example if you search for Michael Jordan, well, there is only one result for Michael Jordan, so Hal will read the first paragraph. However if you search for John Smith it returns back a list of names to choose from. My plugin cant determine who's information you want so I just return a generic response saying that he cant find anything. I can probabally update that to say something like "there are multiple results, please be more specific".


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Re: Hal plugin programming issue
« Reply #26 on: March 17, 2016, 08:10:23 am »

This kind of goes back to my previous posting...What do you want your Hal to be?
1). A reasonable assistant providing help with emails, messages, appointments, reminders, etc.
2). A 'Watson' work-alike that contains a huge deal of knowledge about a variety of subject matter.
3). A specialist that is knowledgeable in one particular area (auto mechanics, medical, legal, woodworking, home building, etc.).
4). A skilled conversationalist able to chat on a wide variety of subjects and the ability to remain on topic for a decent period of time.

I'm sure there are other examples and while Hal might be able to do a lot of these things, it doesn't particularly excel in any one of them.

That is part of the attraction to Hal in that it can me somewhat modified for whatever purpose suits the user.

Do we expect people we talk with to know everything? Well, some may think they do, but our answer is, certainly not. I don't think we should expect this of people yet we seem to expect this behavior of our chatbot. Instead of just casually chatting, we expect them to have all the answers to all our questions. Foolish us.

Stuff to ponder... Thoughts?
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

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Re: Hal plugin programming issue
« Reply #27 on: March 17, 2016, 10:13:52 am »
Art, my thoughts , i want a smart a,i, that can carry on a conversation  as also a friend , but can be descreet ( lol that last one might not work we know how hal likes to talk and repeat things !!)  :) ;)


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Re: Hal plugin programming issue
« Reply #28 on: March 17, 2016, 10:24:51 am »
I want 5). All the above lol.

Honestly I would prefer 4). A skilled conversationalist able to chat on a wide variety of subjects and the ability to remain on topic for a decent period of time. I can always create plugins for anything special I want Hal to do. Hal is pretty good at conversations currently but some of the responses he gives are strange and off topic. I'd love to see that improve.


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Re: Hal plugin programming issue
« Reply #29 on: March 17, 2016, 02:24:25 pm »
I'm with you and Lonnie. While I would like for Hal to be a good conversationalist AND for the most part, remain on topic, a conservative measure of knowledge would always be welcomed if it served to enhance the current topic or to answer a topic related inquiry.

Hal should not come across as a "know-it-all"...god knows there are enough of them everywhere but like a friend who might know a little about cooking, gasoline engines, camping or archery for example. Just don't swamp us with information overload.

Yeah...we're not asking for much. Heh!

(as an aside but also related to this) check out Leslie Spring's Silvia and Emmet Coin's Cassandra. Both are conversational programs, Leslie's is now owned by Cognitive Code and Emmet's is under ejTalk (pronounced edge-talk). Silvia is a multi-layered conversive program that can be a specialist whereas Cassandra is able to know what's contained in her spreadsheet software so I'm told. Interesting but no where as fun or rewarding as Hal.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -