Author Topic: SUPPORT for Neospeech  (Read 20733 times)

Bill DeWitt

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« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2006, 08:36:48 pm »

As for Bill -- I take it this is your baby; you should know that telling us about people who have no problems is not support.

Bill819 is not Robert, Robert posts under his own name.

You may not realize that this is largely a user forum, so you are largely receiving replies from users. I'm sure we all hope Robert takes care of you soon. But that's all we can do.


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« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2006, 10:14:44 pm »
I'd like to know what they consider SOON to be. It's only been 3 1/2 weeks!

And the other poster was correct. I'm very annoyed at this point.


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« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2006, 12:06:15 am »
Hi Kim,
This won't help you getting your program to run.
If you are after a text reading program i would suggest go and have a look at
I have been using it for a few years now and have not had any problems.
It is cheaper than the other one mentioned, i think?
Try the trial, before you decide to buy.



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« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2006, 12:37:51 am »
Yes, I've tried that, too. I had the same pronunciation issue, but at least with that, it can be changed to pronounce "Char-lee" not "he is not busy." The reason I chose this is it was supposed to read dialogue boxes, but it doesn't on mine. I just uninstalled this program, ultra Hal, tonight. I doubt I'll see a refund since there's clearly no one around to actually help with anything.

I think if a forum is going to be set up for support, there should be at least someone from the company who supports customer. I guess I'm from the old school, when customers actually had support when they purchased something, a number to call, something. Nowadays all there is when you call someone is automated crap, and e-mail support? Forget it. They can't be bothered. I say if you're going to create a product, have some customer support available.

Bill DeWitt

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« Reply #19 on: December 22, 2006, 07:55:54 am »
Originally posted by Kim1216
 I say if you're going to create a product, have some customer support available.

Well, I certainly agree!

I have always advocated laws that restrict the creation of new technologies and products to those people who are well-funded enough to properly and responsibly administrate those products. My suggestion is that unless they can provide an infrastructure of sufficent employees, material, and social benefit features to conform to international standards, these so-called creative people should just keep their ideas to themselves.

After all, don't we already have companies like MicroSoft and Dow who can do a perfectly fine job of making whatever new items they think we should buy? Who are these people who think that their ideas are so blinking important that all they have to do is put it out there and people will buy it. What gall!

In my opinion, this also applies to art. We know that music is most properly done by the three main recording lables, but where are the industries that should be regulating paintings, sculpture and theatre? If we let just anybody create art, who knows if we will get our money's worth. I'm sure the big production companies know which art is worth seeing and which is just junk. We should make laws that restrict all creative effort to those people who are willing to submit to the proper authorities and stay within the legal guidelines.

But then, thinking about how big companies like Wal-Mart are destroying our country by selling a decent product for a low price, maybe we should really evolve beyond private companies altogether, and just let the World Government give us those products that we need. That way, goods and services can be distributed according to the needs of the people and paid for by those most able to afford it.

I'm sorry that this horrible thing has happened to you, I know that we can't imagine your anguish when Hal mispronounces words. I also regret that this volunteer user forum can't replace what should be the legally mandated 1-800 support hotline. I look forward to the time when Robert finally reviews all your justifiably harsh and public remonstrations and I hope he will be adequately chastized for daring to produce a cool piece of software without first being a large, experienced and well funded company.

Merry Christmas.[:D]


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« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2006, 08:55:13 am »
Please see the post to find a dictionary file to replace the one that comes installed default. NeoSpeech installs a dictionary editor program, but it does not work on non-development computers for some reason, so I just ran it on mine and did the dictionary editing for you.

The default dictionary censors swear words and for some reason makes "Charlie" into "He is not busy." I can only assume this was an inside joke by the NeoSpeech people.

Drop the file in the following folders and let it overwrite the existing file with the same name:

C:\Program Files\Zabaware\HalReader\Kate\data-common\userdict

C:\Program Files\Zabaware\HalReader\Paul\data-common\userdict

Download Attachment:

If you interested in seeing what the default NeoSpeech dictionary does see: Download Attachment: Neospeech_dict.txt
2.1 KB

Robert Medeksza


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« Reply #21 on: December 22, 2006, 08:55:50 am »
Well said my friend! [:)



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« Reply #22 on: December 22, 2006, 08:59:13 am »
My reply was to Bill's statement but Robert replied a few seconds before I hit enter.

Bill DeWitt

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« Reply #23 on: December 22, 2006, 09:36:49 am »
Originally posted by Smokey

Well said my friend! [:)

Thanks, I do what I can. ;-D

Bill DeWitt

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« Reply #24 on: December 22, 2006, 09:59:01 am »
Originally posted by Medeksza

Please see the post to find a dictionary file to replace the one that comes installed default.

Wait a minute... are you saying that a simple search of the terms "neospeech" and "Kate" on this forum could have solved this problem more than a year ago?!?!

Man! I hate it what that happens, because then I always have to be embarrassed and apologize and learn my lesson and stuff. Hurts.



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« Reply #25 on: December 22, 2006, 11:11:21 am »
An "inside joke"? People are paying for software that has an inside joke? That may be pretty funny to them, but it sure isn't funny to people looking for software that speaks clearly and finally finds one they can understand, only to find when they finaly receive it in the mail, it's not what was shown on the website or how the demo on the site sounds.

I appreciate this info, finally. However, I have uninstalled the software. The problem was also that it did not read AIMs or dialogue boxes as again, it said on the site.

And why didn't Neospeech tell me this instead of sending me back here? I don't appreciate how I was treated as a paying customer.

Maybe after Christmas I will reinstall and use this info. However, I still was hoping for something that would read dialogue boxes and AIM. It would have been wonderful to have something to reduce eye strain without paying an arm and a leg. When I saw that it read IMs and dialogues, I couldn't wait to get it and raved about the demo on he site. That's why it's so disappointing, as is anything that you buy hoping it's something it's not.

Thank you again for this info. If I had received this info 4 weeks ago, a lot of stress could have been avoided.


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« Reply #26 on: December 22, 2006, 11:26:46 am »
Did you try the free version of Ultra Hal Text to Speech Reader before you bought the NeoSpeech version? Everything is exactly the same except for the higher quality NeoSpeech voices.

I will come out with an update to Hal Text to Speech Reader that will be a free upgrade to all prior customers. The update will include an updated version of NeoSpeech as made by NeoSpeech and updates to the Hal Reader to again work with AIM and MSN. Everytime AOL or Microsoft release a major update to their clients, it may break the capability in Hal Reader. So the functionality does work, but in an older version of AIM. The update will sync up the reader with the current offering from AOL.
Robert Medeksza


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« Reply #27 on: December 22, 2006, 11:27:56 am »
I have reinstalled the program and put in this file you have. It is STILL saying "he is not busy." If they make a new version, maybe for the name Kim, they should have it say, "she is so done."


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« Reply #28 on: December 22, 2006, 11:37:20 am »
Yes, I tried the free version, but the neospeech voices were not on there. I went to the site with the demo, and everything was pronounced wonderfully. I get hit here at home, and Charlie is not pronounced as it is on the site, nice and clear, the correct name. If I had known that, I wouldn't have paid for it.

All the NeoSpeech people could tell me after 3.5 weeks was "it works fine for me. Contact Zabaware." This is more frustrating than anything else. I have reinstalled the program and put in the file listed here, in both Kate and Paul, I'm still getting "he is not busy."

This is more frustration than I need.


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« Reply #29 on: December 28, 2006, 01:07:37 am »
Here is what NeoSpeech keeps telling me. You guys told me to contact them, they keep telling me to contact you, and in the meantime, NOTHING IS RESOLVED! I am SICK AND TIRED of getting the RUNAROUND!

The software does not work on MY computer. I don't care who's other computers it works on. As I said to Zabaware and to NeoSpeech, it does not read dialogue boxes or Instant Messages. And I have reinstalled it! I don't know why I keep bothering with it after a MONTH of this!



I understand your annoyance, but again, there's nothing I can do.

If you purchased a product from Zabaware, that's where you should seek
support. If they don't support you as their customer, you should ask for a

If Zabaware determines that what you report appears to be our TTS engine's
fault, then they will/should contact us. We only do business with other
businesses and resellers, but not with end-users like you.

Thank you,
Daniel W. Kim
Technical Support
Pentax NeoSpeech, Inc.