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Messages - Kaane

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / IRC
« on: December 02, 2004, 06:35:20 pm »

Please refresh my memory.. has anybody gotten UH to work as a bot with an irc client such as mIRC or pIRCh?

If so, please tell me how.





I definately agree 100+% with SPYDAZ, in that UltraHal is the one. I have been in the computer scene for 27+ years and have seen it all... including AI research in the military sector. For an AI application targeting end-users, with advanced scripting capabilities, UltraHal far surpasses the competition... In a nutshell, nothing else comes close to the versatility offered in this app.

I may be wrong here but I believe Ultra Hal is a take off of the older MegaHal (Which can be found at https://sourceforge.net/projects/megahal/ . It can also be found on my ftp server.). If one has the ambition to research the Markov model, alot can be learned about the functional concepts of AI in general. This may help people in future endevours in scripting for UltraHal.

Ok, that was my two cents... now where's my change?




I had a question posed to me by a student today, "What kind of conversations would one robot have with another if neither robot knew the other was a robot?".

Well, I am trying to find an answer to this question, but spydaz aim bot is not working... so what I have done is setup my aimbot (brandykaane) to have a conversation with botchampion. In the initial conversation, there was a ton of repetition (I think botchampion has a competition fetish!) so I took it a step further...

Due to the repetition with botchampion, and the sheer curiousity of how having one conversation with a bot (learning set to maximum)could influence another conversation with a bot, with both conversations occurring simultaniously. What I did is set brandykaane to converse with botchampion... and since I could not locate any other aim bot that was actually working, I set brandykaane to have a conversation with herself (it's self for those that have a problem with assigning a gender to a bot... it is just tempermental to female proportions, thats all.).

What I am seeing is alot of repetition on both conversations, with occasional reference to botchampion by brandykaane as a friend and vice-versa. For those interested, I will be posting the chatlog on the ftp to be reviewed at anybody's own discretion.

What I need is more aim bots to have my bot converse with. I want to co-ordinate this experiment so I can start my bot with a clean fresh brain with no previous learning stored. The amount of information retained by the other bots in terms of what they have learned doesnt concern me at this point, as this is simply to explore the depth of the conversational skills between bots.

This may sound crazy but I feel understanding bot to bot interaction could benefit the whole AI spectrum for future development.

If you are interested in participating, please email me directly.



Heyas all!

Just a quick note to let all those interested know that our server is up and running again. The server can be accessed anonymously at ftp://kaane-ultrahal.dyndns.org . Nobody will be able to upload as an anonymous user. To upload, email me to create an account.

Also, if anybody wants storage space on one of our ftp's for files other than ultra hal, email me with specific storage needs and we'll work something out.



Hi all,

Just a quick note to let you know that we had a severe hardware failure that took out our entire network, so all of our servers were wiped out. I anticipate having the ftp's up today or tomorrow.

If you have previously created an account your account will still be intact as well as any files you uploaded... basically there was no data loss due to the hw failure.

If you want to create an account, see the topic referring to Ultra Hal ftp server and email me.


Kaane [^]

Greetz to All!

We have put extensive time into trying to give UltraHal a very in-depth technical education in physics to determine the functional use of ultrahal as an AI agent in unattended problem solving, but we're running into a few bumps in the road... first off, we have a huge problem with an appearent size limitation in the text file that UH can learn from, on all of our boxes it seems to be in the vicinity of 65k. Is there any way of overcoming this usable text size in a *.txt file?

Second, using the uncensored brain and some indepth data provided to UH in text files, when questions are asked that can easily be answered by data in the text files provided, about 25% of the time it answers questions correctly... the other 75% of the time it responds to questions with a question like "How loud can you fart?" or "Can we hump each other?". We have tried this with just the default brain also but when questioned, it tends to answer with other nonsense questions the majority of the time. How can we place greater focus on having UH answer the question at hand, especially when we *know* the question can be answered correctly if UH refers to the data previously provided to it in text files?

As it stands, I would swear UH is definately female.




Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Ultra Hal ftp server
« on: June 07, 2004, 09:16:52 pm »
Originally posted by spydaz


ITS now upGRADED Ive been doing lots of bits...


KAANE With REgards to the FTP site :: Are you going to put up a web page. ? I HOPE YOU DO.


With regard to a web page, I currently maintain web sites for numerous clients in addition to working full time. I have several web pages out there of my own that are not at all related to UltraHal so I feel it wouldnt be appropriate to post them here, they mostly cover networking security and related fields. As it stands right now, I really havent the time to undertake another project that would require any maintenance at all. On the other hand, what I can do is give usage of my webserver to those who request ftp accounts. If you are interested in this, let me know.

Also, if you are in need of dedicated storage space on the ftp that isnt related to UltraHal, email me and I think we can work something out there. What I am thinking is that you can use one account for UltraHal related items and a second account for other files. I simply want to keep the ultrahal space dedicated to Ultrahal. I have alot of available storage space at my disposal that is typically available 24/7 so let me know.

Incidently, if you need to contact me, it is best to email me directly as there are about 5 dozen people that have access to workstations in this network at any given point. The other night you were appearently looking for me on msn messenger and spoke with one of the people working on character modeling & animation.



Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Ultra Hal ftp server
« on: June 06, 2004, 12:28:56 am »
Hello all!

I have decided to dedicate an ftp server to ultra hal. Basically, people that want to contribute ultra hal related files (brain files, character files, voice files, and any other plug-in files) can freely do so without having to host or maintain the server themselves.

It will have anonymous access for anybody to download any of the files made public by the contributor.

If you would like to contribute, email me with your desired login/pass and I will create the account so you can upload. Anonymous access will not allow uploading, there are just too many people with bad intentions.

Once your account has been created, you can upload whatever ultra hal files you want to. You will be able keep both public files and private files (private files will not be accessable to anybody other than the user that uploaded them, whereas all public files in that user's directory will be accessable to all anonymous login's).

For the time being, I will dedicate 20 gigs to the ultra hal server. If that space gets populated quickly, then I will consider allocating more space as needed. I am not at this time worrying about user specific limitations on storage space, provided the space is utilized for ultra hal & related files. The only stipulation I have no tolerance for is simple... ***any files not appropriate for all ages must be placed in a seperate directory named "adult" within that user's main directory. There are many kids that are active ultra hal fanatics and I want to keep my server a kid safe zone.*** I emphasize this, if you have adult orientated brain files or characters, that is fine, you are free to keep them on my server, but they have to be in a directory named "adult" within your main directory. The reason for this is that the kids that have access to my servers are automatically blocked from seeing and/or accessing any directory named "adult". Doing this allows some of the future's brightest minds to explore their creativity and keeps them isolated from that of which any responsible parent would not want them to see.

Anyway, that being said, email me at d1rinaldi@hotmail.com to create an account on the server and use the subject "ultra hal ftp" so it isnt overlooked by my spam filter. Include your desired login/pass (pass will be case sensitive), your first & last name, country of residence and age.

I will publically announce to address for the ftp server here sometime in the next week for anonymous access.



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