
Author Topic: Delete Stubborn Applications  (Read 3125 times)


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Delete Stubborn Applications
« on: February 10, 2007, 10:18:54 pm »
Here is a short code I wrote that does not look for 'permissions' when deleting any file or applications, this is a good thing because some applications that are spyware, Malware, Viruses, corrupted files and such will try to stay on your system by preventing itself from being deleted.

Always!! research to see if the file in question is a critical system file before any attempt to delete it!!! other wise you may end up with an expensive paper weight other than a functioning computer!

If you believe you have downloaded spyware, Malware, Virus, corrupted file setup programs that you have 'not installed yet' but can't get rid of the file because it denies any permissions to delete it then this script is for you.

This may only work 'if you have not installed it yet'!! but have only downloaded it at this point!

This code will also delete corrupted text type files as well.

Sample code:

Code: [Select]

Set FileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Write the file or application name with extension to be deleted here between the quotes
'with the exact root directory

DelFile = "C:\Downloads\Some_Unwanted_File.exe"

If FileSys.FileExists(DelFile) = True Then FS.DeleteFile DelFile

I have gotten rid of many unwanted files from my computer with this code, some setup programs just don't want to be deleted, well now they have no choice but to be deleted.

You can copy and paste this code into a text file and name it Delete_Any_File.vbs then write in the files directory and file name and save the Delete_Any_File.vbs then click on the Delete_Any_File.vbs
to delete the file in question.

Use this code at your own risk, I will not be held responsible for mis-use of this code and or your actions, use this code only if you are familure with Vbscript and are confident of its use not harming your system.


This code 'does not ask for permissions to delete a file or program', it will just delete it without question!!!!

I actually had to use this code today to delete gr_arial.exe that didn't want to be deleted, it's gone now!

some anti-virus programs with script filtering may attempt to prevent this script from running, it is best to turn off any anti-virus programs before running this script because of the DELETE code would be detected as malicious, If you do have an anti-virus program running and don't want to turn it off and still want to run this code then you can give this script permission to run when the anti-virus program asks if you would like to run it, just give it permission.

the only reason why this code would be detected as a malicious script is this code here: FS.DeleteFile. which is banned by anti-script programs like those especially in Norton Anti-Virus.

To edit the .vbs file once made you will have to right click on the file and choose 'edit', this will open the file without running it in an editor.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2007, 12:56:54 am by onthecuttingedge2005 »